


81.1 引入








81.2 PLY文件的格式












81.3 将经典的PLY文件从Unix/Mac系统下的格式转换到Windows系统下的格式








81.4 程序读取PLY文件


Greg Turk发明PLY文件格式之后,就有提供通用的可拓展的读取PLY文件的程序。相关链接如下:http://www.cc.gatech.edu/projects/large_models/ply.html


但是,本人是直接移植了《Ray Tracing from the Ground Up》的相关代码。在移植过程中遇到两个问题:


《Ray Tracing from the Ground Up》中提供的调用读取PLY文件接口的函数如下:


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- read_ply_file

// Most of this function was written by Greg Turk and is released under the licence agreement
// at the start of the PLY.h and PLY.c files
// The PLY.h file is #included at the start of this file
// It still has some of his printf statements for debugging
// I've made changes to construct mesh triangles and store them in the grid
// mesh_ptr is a data member of Grid
// objects is a data member of Compound
// triangle_type is either flat or smooth
// Using the one function construct to flat and smooth triangles saves a lot of repeated code
// The ply file is the same for flat and smooth triangles

Grid::read_ply_file(char* file_name, const int triangle_type) {
	// Vertex definition

	typedef struct Vertex {
	  float x,y,z;      // space coordinates
	} Vertex;

	// Face definition. This is the same for all files but is placed here to keep all the definitions together

	typedef struct Face {
	  	unsigned char nverts;    // number of vertex indices in list
	  	int* verts;              // vertex index list
	} Face;

	// list of property information for a vertex
	// this varies depending on what you are reading from the file

	PlyProperty vert_props[] = {
	  {"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(Vertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
	  {"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(Vertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
	  {"z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(Vertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0}

	// list of property information for a face.
	// there is a single property, which is a list
	// this is the same for all files

	PlyProperty face_props[] = {
	  	{"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, offsetof(Face,verts),
	   		1, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(Face,nverts)}

	// local variables

	int 			i,j;
  	PlyFile*		ply;
  	int 			nelems;		// number of element types: 2 in our case - vertices and faces
  	char**			elist;
	int 			file_type;
	float 			version;
	int 			nprops;		// number of properties each element has
	int 			num_elems;	// number of each type of element: number of vertices or number of faces
	PlyProperty**	plist;
	Vertex**		vlist;
	Face**			flist;
	char*			elem_name;
	int				num_comments;
	char**			comments;
	int 			num_obj_info;
	char**			obj_info;

  	// open a ply file for reading

	ply = ply_open_for_reading(file_name, &nelems, &elist, &file_type, &version);

  	// print what we found out about the file

  	printf ("version %f\n", version);
  	printf ("type %d\n", file_type);

  	// go through each kind of element that we learned is in the file and read them

  	for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {  // there are only two elements in our files: vertices and faces
	    // get the description of the first element

  	    elem_name = elist[i];
	    plist = ply_get_element_description (ply, elem_name, &num_elems, &nprops);

	    // print the name of the element, for debugging

		cout << "element name  " << elem_name << "  num elements = " << num_elems << "  num properties =  " << nprops << endl;

	    // if we're on vertex elements, read in the properties

    	if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {
	      	// set up for getting vertex elements
	      	// the three properties are the vertex coordinates

			ply_get_property (ply, elem_name, &vert_props[0]);
	      	ply_get_property (ply, elem_name, &vert_props[1]);
		  	ply_get_property (ply, elem_name, &vert_props[2]);

		  	// reserve mesh elements

		  	mesh_ptr->num_vertices = num_elems;

		  	// grab all the vertex elements

		  	for (j = 0; j < num_elems; j++) {
				Vertex* vertex_ptr = new Vertex;

		        // grab an element from the file

				ply_get_element (ply, (void *) vertex_ptr);
		  		mesh_ptr->vertices.push_back(Point3D(vertex_ptr->x, vertex_ptr->y, vertex_ptr->z));
		  		delete vertex_ptr;

	    // if we're on face elements, read them in

	    if (equal_strings ("face", elem_name)) {
		    // set up for getting face elements

			ply_get_property (ply, elem_name, &face_props[0]);   // only one property - a list

		  	mesh_ptr->num_triangles = num_elems;
		  	objects.reserve(num_elems);  // triangles will be stored in Compound::objects

			// the following code stores the face numbers that are shared by each vertex

		  	vector<int> faceList;

		  	for (j = 0; j < mesh_ptr->num_vertices; j++)
		  		mesh_ptr->vertex_faces.push_back(faceList); // store empty lists so that we can use the [] notation below

			// grab all the face elements

			int count = 0; // the number of faces read

			for (j = 0; j < num_elems; j++) {
			    // grab an element from the file

			    Face* face_ptr = new Face;

			    ply_get_element (ply, (void *) face_ptr);

			    // construct a mesh triangle of the specified type

			    if (triangle_type == flat) {
			    	FlatMeshTriangle* triangle_ptr = new FlatMeshTriangle(mesh_ptr, face_ptr->verts[0], face_ptr->verts[1], face_ptr->verts[2]);

			    if (triangle_type == smooth) {
			    	SmoothMeshTriangle* triangle_ptr = new SmoothMeshTriangle(mesh_ptr, face_ptr->verts[0], face_ptr->verts[1], face_ptr->verts[2]);
					triangle_ptr->compute_normal(reverse_normal); 	// the "flat triangle" normal is used to compute the average normal at each mesh vertex
					objects.push_back(triangle_ptr); 				// it's quicker to do it once here, than have to do it on average 6 times in compute_mesh_normals

					// the following code stores a list of all faces that share a vertex
					// it's used for computing the average normal at each vertex in order(num_vertices) time


			if (triangle_type == flat)
				mesh_ptr->vertex_faces.erase(mesh_ptr->vertex_faces.begin(), mesh_ptr->vertex_faces.end());

	    // print out the properties we got, for debugging

	    for (j = 0; j < nprops; j++)
	    	printf ("property %s\n", plist[j]->name);

	}  // end of for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++)

	// grab and print out the comments in the file

	comments = ply_get_comments (ply, &num_comments);

	for (i = 0; i < num_comments; i++)
	    printf ("comment = '%s'\n", comments[i]);

	// grab and print out the object information

	obj_info = ply_get_obj_info (ply, &num_obj_info);

	for (i = 0; i < num_obj_info; i++)
	    printf ("obj_info = '%s'\n", obj_info[i]);

	// close the ply file

	ply_close (ply);










81.5 添加Grid图形阴影



Grid::shadow_hit(const Ray& ray, double& t) const {
	double ox = ray.o.x;
	double oy = ray.o.y;
	double oz = ray.o.z;
	double dx = ray.d.x;
	double dy = ray.d.y;
	double dz = ray.d.z;

	double x0 = bbox.x0;
	double y0 = bbox.y0;
	double z0 = bbox.z0;
	double x1 = bbox.x1;
	double y1 = bbox.y1;
	double z1 = bbox.z1;

	double tx_min, ty_min, tz_min;
	double tx_max, ty_max, tz_max;

	// the following code includes modifications from Shirley and Morley (2003)

	double a = 1.0 / dx;
	if (a >= 0) {
		tx_min = (x0 - ox) * a;
		tx_max = (x1 - ox) * a;
	else {
		tx_min = (x1 - ox) * a;
		tx_max = (x0 - ox) * a;

	double b = 1.0 / dy;
	if (b >= 0) {
		ty_min = (y0 - oy) * b;
		ty_max = (y1 - oy) * b;
	else {
		ty_min = (y1 - oy) * b;
		ty_max = (y0 - oy) * b;

	double c = 1.0 / dz;
	if (c >= 0) {
		tz_min = (z0 - oz) * c;
		tz_max = (z1 - oz) * c;
	else {
		tz_min = (z1 - oz) * c;
		tz_max = (z0 - oz) * c;

	double t0, t1;

	if (tx_min > ty_min)
		t0 = tx_min;
		t0 = ty_min;

	if (tz_min > t0)
		t0 = tz_min;

	if (tx_max < ty_max)
		t1 = tx_max;
		t1 = ty_max;

	if (tz_max < t1)
		t1 = tz_max;

	if (t0 > t1)

	// initial cell coordinates

	int ix, iy, iz;

	if (bbox.inside(ray.o)) {  			// does the ray start inside the grid?
		ix = clamp((ox - x0) * nx / (x1 - x0), 0, nx - 1);
		iy = clamp((oy - y0) * ny / (y1 - y0), 0, ny - 1);
		iz = clamp((oz - z0) * nz / (z1 - z0), 0, nz - 1);
	else {
		Point3D p = ray.o + t0 * ray.d;  // initial hit point with grid's bounding box
		ix = clamp((p.x - x0) * nx / (x1 - x0), 0, nx - 1);
		iy = clamp((p.y - y0) * ny / (y1 - y0), 0, ny - 1);
		iz = clamp((p.z - z0) * nz / (z1 - z0), 0, nz - 1);

	// ray parameter increments per cell in the x, y, and z directions

	double dtx = (tx_max - tx_min) / nx;
	double dty = (ty_max - ty_min) / ny;
	double dtz = (tz_max - tz_min) / nz;

	double 	tx_next, ty_next, tz_next;
	int 	ix_step, iy_step, iz_step;
	int 	ix_stop, iy_stop, iz_stop;

	if (dx > 0) {
		tx_next = tx_min + (ix + 1) * dtx;
		ix_step = +1;
		ix_stop = nx;
	else {
		tx_next = tx_min + (nx - ix) * dtx;
		ix_step = -1;
		ix_stop = -1;

	if (dx == 0.0) {
		tx_next = kHugeValue;
		ix_step = -1;
		ix_stop = -1;

	if (dy > 0) {
		ty_next = ty_min + (iy + 1) * dty;
		iy_step = +1;
		iy_stop = ny;
	else {
		ty_next = ty_min + (ny - iy) * dty;
		iy_step = -1;
		iy_stop = -1;

	if (dy == 0.0) {
		ty_next = kHugeValue;
		iy_step = -1;
		iy_stop = -1;

	if (dz > 0) {
		tz_next = tz_min + (iz + 1) * dtz;
		iz_step = +1;
		iz_stop = nz;
	else {
		tz_next = tz_min + (nz - iz) * dtz;
		iz_step = -1;
		iz_stop = -1;

	if (dz == 0.0) {
		tz_next = kHugeValue;
		iz_step = -1;
		iz_stop = -1;

	// traverse the grid

	while (true) {
		GeometricObject* object_ptr = cells[ix + nx * iy + nx * ny * iz];

		if (tx_next < ty_next && tx_next < tz_next) {
			if (object_ptr && object_ptr->shadow_hit(ray, t) && t < tx_next) {
				return (true);

			tx_next += dtx;
			ix += ix_step;

			if (ix == ix_stop)
				return (false);
		else {
			if (ty_next < tz_next) {
				if (object_ptr && object_ptr->shadow_hit(ray, t) && t < ty_next) {
					return (true);

				ty_next += dty;
				iy += iy_step;

				if (iy == iy_stop)
					return (false);
		 	else {
				if (object_ptr && object_ptr->shadow_hit(ray, t) && t < tz_next) {
					return (true);

				tz_next += dtz;
				iz += iz_step;

				if (iz == iz_stop)
					return (false);
}	// end of hit









Compound::shadow_hit(const Ray& ray, double& tmin) const {
	double		t;
	Normal		normal;
	Point3D		local_hit_point;
	bool		hit 		= false;
				tmin 		= kHugeValue;
	int 		num_objects	= objects.size();

	for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
		if (objects[j]->shadow_hit(ray, t) && (t < tmin)) {
			hit				= true;
			tmin 			= t;

	return (hit);

FlatMeshTriangle::shadow_hit(const Ray& ray, double& tmin) const {
	Point3D v0(mesh_ptr->vertices[index0]);
	Point3D v1(mesh_ptr->vertices[index1]);
	Point3D v2(mesh_ptr->vertices[index2]);

	double a = v0.x - v1.x, b = v0.x - v2.x, c = ray.d.x, d = v0.x - ray.o.x;
	double e = v0.y - v1.y, f = v0.y - v2.y, g = ray.d.y, h = v0.y - ray.o.y;
	double i = v0.z - v1.z, j = v0.z - v2.z, k = ray.d.z, l = v0.z - ray.o.z;

	double m = f * k - g * j, n = h * k - g * l, p = f * l - h * j;
	double q = g * i - e * k, s = e * j - f * i;

	double inv_denom  = 1.0 / (a * m + b * q + c * s);

	double e1 = d * m - b * n - c * p;
	double beta = e1 * inv_denom;

	if (beta < 0.0)
	 	return (false);

	double r = e * l - h * i;
	double e2 = a * n + d * q + c * r;
	double gamma = e2 * inv_denom;

	if (gamma < 0.0)
	 	return (false);

	if (beta + gamma > 1.0)
		return (false);

	double e3 = a * p - b * r + d * s;
	double t = e3 * inv_denom;

	if (t < kEpsilon)
		return (false);

	tmin 				= t;

	return (true);

81.6 测试图形




World::build(void) {
	int num_samples = 100;


	tracer_ptr = new RayCast(this);

	background_color = black;

	Pinhole* pinhole_ptr = new Pinhole;
#if 0 // 300*300: happy, Bunny69K, dragon
	pinhole_ptr->set_eye(0, 0.1, 2.0);
	pinhole_ptr->set_lookat(0, 0.1, 0);

	PointLight* light_ptr1 = new PointLight;
	light_ptr1->set_location(13, 10, 10);
#endif // 0
#if 0 // 300*300: Horse97K
	pinhole_ptr->set_eye(0, 0.1, 6.0);
	pinhole_ptr->set_lookat(0, 0.1, 0);

	PointLight* light_ptr1 = new PointLight;
	light_ptr1->set_location(13, 10, 10);
#endif // 0
#if 1 // 400*400: hand
	pinhole_ptr->set_eye(25, 10, 25);
	pinhole_ptr->set_lookat(1, 1, 0);

	PointLight* light_ptr1 = new PointLight;
	light_ptr1->set_location(13, 10, 10);
#endif // 0
#if 0 // 400*400: goldfish_high_res,
	pinhole_ptr->set_eye(75, 20, 80);
	pinhole_ptr->set_lookat(-0.05, -0.5, 0);

	PointLight* light_ptr1 = new PointLight;
	light_ptr1->set_location(13, 10, 10);
#endif // 1

	Phong* phong_ptr1 = new Phong;
	phong_ptr1->set_cd(1.0, 0.2, 0.0);
//	phong_ptr1->set_cs(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);

//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\goldfish_low_res.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\goldfish_high_res.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\Horse2K.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\Horse97K.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\Bunny16K.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\Bunny69K.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\dragon.ply";
//	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\happy.ply";
	char* file_name = ".\\PLYFiles\\hand.ply";
	Grid* grid_ptr = new Grid(new Mesh);
//	grid_ptr->read_smooth_triangles(file_name);

	Phong* phong_ptr2 = new Phong;
	phong_ptr2->set_cd(0.5, 1.0, 0.5);
//	phong_ptr2->set_cs(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);

    Plane* plane_ptr1 = new Plane(Point3D(0, -2.0, 0), Normal(0, 1, 0));


该函数当前生成的图形是hand skeleton:


如果要生成其他图形:horse、bunny、goldfish、dragon、happy buddha。则需要调节各自对应的:下方绿色平面的位置、点光源的位置、lookfrom的位置、lookat的位置,以便从各自最佳的角度观测到图形及其阴影。





81.7 其他说明









[1]. Kevin Suffern, Ray Tracing from theGround Up, A K Peters Ltd, 2007.

[2]. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/projects/large_models/


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