高光谱图像端元提取——vertex component analysis(VCA/python)


Vertex Component Analysis: A Fast Algorithm to Unmix Hyperspectral Data” submited to IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing,2004

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg as splin

# Internal functions

def estimate_snr(Y,r_m,x):

  [L, N] = Y.shape           # L number of bands (channels), N number of pixels
  [p, N] = x.shape           # p number of endmembers (reduced dimension)
  P_y     = sp.sum(Y**2)/float(N)
  P_x     = sp.sum(x**2)/float(N) + sp.sum(r_m**2)
  snr_est = 10*sp.log10( (P_x - p/L*P_y)/(P_y - P_x) )

  return snr_est

def vca(Y,R,verbose = True,snr_input = 0):
# Vertex Component Analysis
# Ae, indice, Yp = vca(Y,R,verbose = True,snr_input = 0)
# ------- Input variables -------------
#  Y - matrix with dimensions L(channels) x N(pixels)
#      each pixel is a linear mixture of R endmembers
#      signatures Y = M x s, where s = gamma x alfa
#      gamma is a illumination perturbation factor and
#      alfa are the abundance fractions of each endmember.
#  R - positive integer number of endmembers in the scene
# ------- Output variables -----------
# Ae     - estimated mixing matrix (endmembers signatures)
# indice - pixels that were chosen to be the most pure
# Yp     - Data matrix Y projected.   
# ------- Optional parameters---------
# snr_input - (float) signal to noise ratio (dB)
# v         - [True | False]
# ------------------------------------
# Author: Adrien Lagrange (adrien.lagrange@enseeiht.fr)
# This code is a translation of a matlab code provided by 
# Jose Nascimento (zen@isel.pt) and Jose Bioucas Dias (bioucas@lx.it.pt)
# available at http://www.lx.it.pt/~bioucas/code.htm under a non-specified Copyright (c)
# Translation of last version at 22-February-2018 (Matlab version 2.1 (7-May-2004))
# more details on:
# Jose M. P. Nascimento and Jose M. B. Dias 
# "Vertex Component Analysis: A Fast Algorithm to Unmix Hyperspectral Data"
# submited to IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. .., no. .., pp. .-., 2004

  # Initializations
  if len(Y.shape)!=2:
    sys.exit('Input data must be of size L (number of bands i.e. channels) by N (number of pixels)')

  [L, N]=Y.shape   # L number of bands (channels), N number of pixels
  R = int(R)
  if (R<0 or R>L):  
    sys.exit('ENDMEMBER parameter must be integer between 1 and L')
  # SNR Estimates

  if snr_input==0:
    y_m = sp.mean(Y,axis=1,keepdims=True)
    Y_o = Y - y_m           # data with zero-mean
    Ud  = splin.svd(sp.dot(Y_o,Y_o.T)/float(N))[0][:,:R]  # computes the R-projection matrix 
    x_p = sp.dot(Ud.T, Y_o)                 # project the zero-mean data onto p-subspace

    SNR = estimate_snr(Y,y_m,x_p);
    if verbose:
      print("SNR estimated = {}[dB]".format(SNR))
    SNR = snr_input
    if verbose:
      print("input SNR = {}[dB]\n".format(SNR))

  SNR_th = 15 + 10*sp.log10(R)
  # Choosing Projective Projection or 
  #          projection to p-1 subspace

  if SNR < SNR_th:
    if verbose:
      print("... Select proj. to R-1")
      d = R-1
      if snr_input==0: # it means that the projection is already computed
        Ud = Ud[:,:d]
        y_m = sp.mean(Y,axis=1,keepdims=True)
        Y_o = Y - y_m  # data with zero-mean 
        Ud  = splin.svd(sp.dot(Y_o,Y_o.T)/float(N))[0][:,:d]  # computes the p-projection matrix 
        x_p =  sp.dot(Ud.T,Y_o)                 # project thezeros mean data onto p-subspace
      Yp =  sp.dot(Ud,x_p[:d,:]) + y_m      # again in dimension L
      x = x_p[:d,:] #  x_p =  Ud.T * Y_o is on a R-dim subspace
      c = sp.amax(sp.sum(x**2,axis=0))**0.5
      y = sp.vstack(( x, c*sp.ones((1,N)) ))
    if verbose:
      print("... Select the projective proj.")
    d = R
    Ud  = splin.svd(sp.dot(Y,Y.T)/float(N))[0][:,:d] # computes the p-projection matrix 
    x_p = sp.dot(Ud.T,Y)
    Yp =  sp.dot(Ud,x_p[:d,:])      # again in dimension L (note that x_p has no null mean)
    x =  sp.dot(Ud.T,Y)
    u = sp.mean(x,axis=1,keepdims=True)        #equivalent to  u = Ud.T * r_m
    y =  x / sp.dot(u.T,x)

  # VCA algorithm

  indice = sp.zeros((R),dtype=int)
  A = sp.zeros((R,R))
  A[-1,0] = 1

  for i in range(R):
    w = sp.random.rand(R,1);   
    f = w - sp.dot(A,sp.dot(splin.pinv(A),w))
    f = f / splin.norm(f)
    v = sp.dot(f.T,y)

    indice[i] = sp.argmax(sp.absolute(v))
    A[:,i] = y[:,indice[i]]        # same as x(:,indice(i))

  Ae = Yp[:,indice]

  return Ae,indice,


  • Y表示L(channels) x N(pixels)的矩阵,如常见数据集Samson的Y为(156, 95*95)
  • R表示该场景中的端元数
  • verbose为True或False(可选)
  • snr_input表示信噪比(可选)


  • Ae表示估计后的矩阵,shape为(L, R)
  • indice表示被选择为纯度最高的索引值

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