linux socket 开源库,libsocket


README for libsocket


BUILDING libsocket

If you want to install both libsocket and libsocket++, simply use this command:

$ mkdir build && cd build

$ cmake ..

$ make # or make install

This installs the SOs and to /usr/lib/ and the header files to

/usr/include/libsocket. You may change these paths in the CMakeLists.txt file in the project root.

Note the changed library name on SunOS, where it is called libsocket_hl (for "high level").

CMake is required to support object libraries, which is the case in versions higher than or equal to



libsocket is a library with a C part and a C++ part making sockets usage easy and clean.

Link against

Functions combining more than one operation on sockets (e.g. create and connect TCP socket)

Main principle: "One function to connect a socket, one to close it."

Link against

Classes representing the different socket types, e.g. TCP client sockets, UNIX DGRAM "server"


Complex (almost complicated...) class hierarchy (doc/libsocket++/classes.svg) reducing


C++ish implementation (features include overloaded stream (<>) operators, functions

accepting std::string objects and more-or-less STL use), so -> good integration in other

applications or libraries.

Using C++11 features: The copy constructor of the socket base class is deleted; this enables the

destructor to safely close the socket when it leaves the visible scope. Some functions are

internally using unique_ptrs to enable safe deallocation.


The libsocket library has the following features:

IPv4 (client, server)

IPv6 (client, server; if your machine supports it)

TCP (client, server)

UDP (client, server -- the difference is that client sockets may be connected to an endpoint)

UNIX Domain Sockets (DGRAM/STREAM server/client)

IPv4/IPv6 multicast (only in C)

Abstraction classes for select(2) and epoll(7) (C++)

Easy use (one function call to get a socket up and running, another one to close it)

RAII, no-copy classes -- resource leaks are hard to do.

Proper error processing (using errno, gai_strerror() etc.) and C++ exceptions.

One of the main advantages of libsocket is that you don't have to write the complex and error-prone

procedures for connecting a socket, checking it for errors etc. yourself. Your networked programs

become shorter and better readable.

libsocket supports the important socket types: INET/INET6 with TCP and UDP; and UNIX DGRAM/STREAM.

Almost every function working with sockets is wrapped by libsocket, e.g.:




socket/connect - one function

socket/bind - one function

libsocket is designed to not use a "proprietary" socket format (as libc does with its FILE type)

giving you the possibility to operate on the raw file descriptor with functions other than those

provided by libsocket.


Please let me know if a platform is not supported as well as it should, or if you managed to port

libsocket to a new platform.


Libsocket works best on modern linux systems (sorry!). It needs a C++11 compiler like g++ or

clang++. Override the default compiler using the flag -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER= or



Other than on Linux systems libsocket is known to work as well (although not really thoroughly

tested) on FreeBSD systems with working C++11 stack. The library has been tested on a

FreeBSD 10.0-RC4 amd64 system using the shipped compilers (which is clang 3.3).

SunOS: OpenIndiana, (Solaris?)

The library part written in C works (partly) also on OpenIndiana; this has been verified using

SunOS openindiana 5.11 oi_151a8.

Because a modern C++ compiler was not available at the time of testing, the C++ library part is not

built on SunOS systems.

Another hurdle is that Solaris already ships with a libsocket containing the standard socket

functions. The C library is thus renamed to libsocket_hl on SunOS. You have to link your programs

using the flag -lsocket_hl, not -lsocket.

SunOS limitations

The UDP server example (examples/echo_dgram_server.c) refuses to create a socket. The error is

"Operation not supported on transport endpoint".

The TCP server example (examples/transmission_server.c) also fails when trying to create the

socket. Here, the error displayed is "Invalid argument". I'm quite sure that these issues can be

fixed with a little investigation and knowledge of SunOS.


libsocket does not work on OpenBSD yet because there are some more fundamental source

level incompatibilities than those between Linux and FreeBSD/OpenIndiana-SunOS.

Other OSs

If you're using libsocket successfully on other platforms (or even ported it), please

let me know.

How to use libsocket: static vs. dynamic

Linking statically

It's possible to link libsocket statically into your program (by placing the .c[pp] and .h[pp] files

in your source tree or linking against a .a file). You don't have to mind legal issues

because libsocket is licensed by a slightly modified 2-clause BSD license which permits any use, as

long as you include the license text in your product (so it's clear that libsocket is licensed by

this License) and the notice that we wrote libsocket (as described in the license). It's

ok to mention libsocket in your product's Readme or advertisements anyway.

Linking statically in CMake Projects

It is possible to produce static libraries for linking by setting the cmake configuration option

BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON. This can be done from command line or in your CMakeLists.txt.

SET(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) add_subdirectory(libsocket)

target_link_libraries(MyProject libsocket_int) # C linking target_link_libraries(MyProject

libsocket++_int) # C++ linking

Please note the cmake targets for static libraries are _int, but the produced libraries

will have the expected libsocket(++).a name on disk.

Linking dynamically

The recommended method to use libsocket is to link your program against the libsocket SO (DLL).

Using this method is quite easy; you have to compile the dynamic libraries (libsocket and

libsocket++) using the Makefile (see section "BUILDING")

Linking your programs against the library is also simple: if $OBJECTS are your object files, then

link them together using one of these commands:

$ gcc -o yourprog -lsocket $OBJECTS

# or for C++

$ g++ -o yourprog -lsocket++ $OBJECTS

You only need to link against one library, even when using C++, because libsocket++ is already

linked against libsocket.

If you distribute your program in binary form, it's possible to distribute the library binaries

along with your program and install them along your program.


You may test libsocket and make some experiences by playing with the examples provided in the

standard libsocket distribution in examples/ and examples++. More detailed descriptions can be found

in the source files. The collection of examples contain (among others):


http.c: A simple http client

echo_dgram_server.c, echo_dgram_client.c, echo_dgram_connect_client.c: Shows how to use UDP

sockets, both in connected and unconnected mode.

unix_stream_client.c, unix_stream_server.c: Demonstrating UNIX STREAM sockets as echo


unix_dgram_client.c, unix_dgram_server.c: Demonstrating UNIX DGRAM sockets as simple

server/client transmitting text.

multicast-listen.c: Demonstrating how to use libinetsocket for multicast networking.

Build these with gcc -o -lsocket .


http.cpp, http_2.cpp: Two simple HTTP clients using slightly different approaches

server.cpp, client.cpp: TCP client and server

unix_client_dgram.cpp: Writes a message to the syslog using UNIX DGRAM sockets

echo_server.cpp, echo_client_conn.cpp, echo_client_sndto.cpp: UDP client/server (two clients:

One using sendto(), another using connected datagram sockets)

unix_client_stream.cpp, unix_server_stream.cpp: Client/Server using UNIX STREAM sockets.

Build these with [clan]g++ -std=c++11 -lsocket++ -o .

You should have a look at the length of the code; while http.c is complete with 24 sloc (source

lines of code) - the quite similar client simple-http

( uses almost 70 lines of code.


Currently nothing! libsocket is not actively developed, as it is mostly feature complete, but it

is actively maintained.


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