



安装 Element-ui 和 egrid

    基于 Element-UI Table 组件封装的高阶表格组件,可无缝支持 element 的 table 组件

npm i element-ui -S
npm i egrid -S

引入 Element-ui 和 Egrid

    在 main.js 文件里引入并注册 ( 这里是 Vue3.0 的模板 )

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'

import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
import '../public/css/iconfont.css' // 引入字体图标样式
import '../public/css/reset.css' // 引入初始化样式

import ElementUI from 'element-ui' // 引入element-ui
import Egrid from 'egrid' // 引入egrid


Vue.config.productionTip = false

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


  <div class='wrapper'>
    <div class='tab-wrap'>
          <el-button @click='handleRoleDialog'>选择英雄</el-button>
          <el-table :data='selectedList' max-height='618' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
            <el-table-column label='英雄名称' prop='name'></el-table-column>
            <el-table-column label='英雄定位' prop='location'></el-table-column>
            <el-table-column label='英雄特长' prop='specialty'></el-table-column>
            <el-table-column label='英雄技能' prop='skill'>
              <template slot-scope='scope'>
                <div class='item' v-for='item in scope.row.skill' :key='item.id'>{{item}}</div>
            <el-table-column label='英雄价格' prop='price'></el-table-column>
            <el-table-column label='操作' width='60'>
              <template slot-scope='scope'>
                <a href='javascript:;' @click='handleRoleDel(scope.row)'>删除</a>
      <SetHero :visible.sync='show' :selectedList='selectedList' @on-choosed='choosed'></SetHero>

import SetHero from '../components/setHero'
export default {
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      show: false,
      selectedList: [
          'id': 1,
          'name': '上官婉儿',
          'location': '法师 / 刺客',
          'specialty': '爆发 / 突进',
          'skill': ['笔阵', '篆法·疾势', '飞白·藏锋', '章草·横鳞'],
          'price': 13888
        }, {
          'id': 2,
          'name': '王昭君',
          'location': '法师',
          'specialty': '控制 / 冰冻',
          'skill': ['冰封之心', '凋零冰晶', '禁锢寒霜', '凛冬已至'],
          'price': 8888
        }, {
          'id': 3,
          'name': '老夫子',
          'location': '战士',
          'specialty': '突进',
          'skill': ['师道尊严', '圣人训诫', '举一反三', '圣人之威'],
          'price': 8888
  methods: {
    handleRoleDialog () {
      this.show = true
    // 删除英雄
    handleRoleDel (row) {
      if (row.id) {
        var newArr = this.selectedList.filter(function (item, index) {
          return item.id !== row.id
        this.selectedList = newArr
    // 接收子组件传的值
    choosed (list) {
      this.selectedList = list

<style lang='stylus' scoped>
    width: 100%;
    background: #fff;
    padding: 50px 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;
      width: 600px;
      margin: 0 auto;
        cursor: pointer;

自定义组件 setHero

  <el-dialog title="选择英雄" append-to-body @open="open" @close="close" width="40%" :visible.sync="show">
    <el-button @click="resetAllChecked" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">取消全部选择</el-button>
    <egrid ref="multipleTable"
    <el-pagination layout="prev, pager, next, jumper, sizes, total"
                   :page-sizes="[5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]"
    <div slot="footer">
      <el-button @click="show = false">取 消</el-button>
      <el-button type="primary" @click=seve>确 定</el-button>

import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import tableChecked from '@/mixins/table-checked.js'
const columns = [
  { prop: 'name', label: '英雄名称' },
  { prop: 'location', label: '英雄定位' },
  { prop: 'specialty', label: '英雄特长' },
  { prop: 'skill', label: '英雄技能' },
  { prop: 'price', label: '英雄价格' }
export default {
  mixins: [tableChecked],
  props: {
    visible: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    selectedList: {
      type: Array,
      default () {
        return []
  data () {
    return {
      heroData: [],
      totalCount: 0, // 数据总量
      pageSize: 5, // 每页数据量
      pageNo: 1, // 页数
      unionKey: ['id'], // 统一标识key集合
      // 相当于 Element Table-column 的 type 属性,用于支持功能特殊的功能列(多选、索引、折叠行),不设置则不显示功能列
      colType: 'selection',
      // 用于控制表格列渲染
      columns: columns,
      // Object 可以用来单独定义 columns 的某一列,这里的设置会覆盖 columnsProps 的配置属性 
      // 使用 Element Table-column 中 label 值进行匹配
      columnsSchema: {
        '英雄技能': {
          propsHandler ({ col, row }) {
            return { skill: row[col.prop] }
          component: Vue.extend({
            props: ['skill'],
            render (h) {
              return h('div', this.skill.toString())
      selectedRows: [] // 当前列表页选择的数据项
  computed: {
    show: {
      get () {
        return this.visible
      set (val) {
        this.$emit('update:visible', val)
  methods: {
    getHeroList () {
      this.updateTableSelection(this.heroData, this.selectedRows, this.unionKey)
      // 正在加载时不再重复请求
      axios.get('/api/table.json').then(res => {
        this.totalCount = res.data.totalCount
        this.heroData = res.data.data.slice((this.pageNo - 1) * this.pageSize, this.pageNo * this.pageSize)
        this.buildTableSelection(this.heroData, 'multipleTable', this.unionKey)
    // 取消全部选择
    resetAllChecked () {
      this.selectedRows = [] // 清空当前列表页选择的数据项
      this.totalCheckedList = [] // 清空已选择的数据项
      this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection() // 清除全部的选中状态
    // pageSize 改变时会触发 每页条数
    sizeChange (size) {
      this.pageSize = size
      this.pageNo = 1
    // currentPage 改变时会触发	当前页
    pageChange (page) {
      this.pageNo = page
    // Dialog 打开的回调
    open () {
      this.totalCheckedList = [] // 清空选择的数据项
      this.totalCheckedList.push(...this.selectedList) // 将selectedList放进去回显选中状态
    // Dialog 关闭的回调
    close () {
      this.pageNo = 1
      this.heroData = []
    // 当选择项发生变化时会触发该事件
    selectionChange (val) {
      this.selectedRows = val
    // 确定
    seve () {
      this.updateTableSelection(this.heroData, this.selectedRows, this.unionKey)
      // 调用自定义事件,向父组件传值
      this.$emit('on-choosed', this.totalCheckedList)
      this.show = false

<style scoped>


// 列表/表格item选中帮助类
// 提供全选、单独选择、切换分页时记录之前所有选中的item
// 引用方式:
// import tableChecked from '@/mixins/table-checked.js'
// mixins: [tableChecked]
// 1. table的selection形式
//   1.1 每次请求数据之前,调用该方法,原因是在当前页改变状态时不会触发 totalCheckedList,
//       因此请求数据之前需要主动触发一次计算全部选择的列表:
//       this.updateTotalListBySelection(this.heroData, this.multipleSelection, unionKey)
//   1.2 请求数据成功后,调用该方法:
//       this.buildMultipleTableSelection(this.heroData, 'multipleTable', unionKey)
//   1.3 执行操作时需要再次调用1.1中的方法,原因是当前页操作选中状态时,不会主动触发计算,因此在最终调用时触发一次即可
//   1.4 执行操作时,将 totalCheckedList 作为全部选择的参数即可
//   1.5 清除全部选择时,将totalCheckedList 和 selectedRows 的值置为空

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      totalCheckedList: [] // 被选中的列表数据
  methods: {
    // 根据 unionKey 构建 target 的 unionId
    // @param target 目标 item
    // @param unionKey 数组,唯一id标识,可能有多个 key
    buildUnionId (target, unionKey) {
      if (target && unionKey && unionKey.length) {
        let unionId = ''
        unionKey.forEach(key => {
          unionId += '-' + target[key] + '-'
        return unionId
      } else {
        return '--'

    // 延迟构建 pageData 的选中状态,必须设置延迟状态,否则会多调用一次 selectionChange 的回调,导致选中状态不对
    // 因为 table 的 checkbox 选中状态是由 multipleTable 自己维护的,选中的item会存入 multipleSelection 中,
    // 因此需要重新构建 pageData 的选中状态
    // @param pageData 当前页 item 列表
    // @param tableRefs 多选 table ref name
    // @param unionKey 统一标识key集合
    // @param callback timeout 执行完毕后,回调函数
    buildTableSelection (pageData, tableRefs, unionKey, callback) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (pageData && this.totalCheckedList && this.$refs[tableRefs]) {
          pageData.forEach(pageItem => {
            const specItem = this.totalCheckedList.find(totalItem => {
              return this.buildUnionId(pageItem, unionKey) === this.buildUnionId(totalItem, unionKey)
            if (specItem) {
              this.$refs[tableRefs].toggleRowSelection(pageItem, true)
        if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
      }, 0)

    // 根据 table 多选的状态来计算所有已选的 list
    // @param pageData 当前页 list
    // @param currentSelection 当前页选中的 list
    // @param unionKey 统一标识key集合
    updateTableSelection (pageData, currentSelection, unionKey) {
      // 如果总记忆中还没有选择的数据,那么就直接取当前页选中的数据,不需要后面一系列计算
      if (this.totalCheckedList.length <= 0) {
        this.totalCheckedList = currentSelection

      // 最新选中的列表,全部加入到totalCheckedList中去
      currentSelection.forEach(newSelectedItem => {
        const specPageItem = this.totalCheckedList.find(totalItem => {
          return this.buildUnionId(newSelectedItem, unionKey) === this.buildUnionId(totalItem, unionKey)
        if (!specPageItem) {

      // 不在最新选中列表中的item,如果之前在totalCheckedList,则需要清除
      pageData.forEach(pageItem => {
        const specNewSelectedItem = currentSelection.find(newSelectedItem => {
          return this.buildUnionId(newSelectedItem, unionKey) === this.buildUnionId(pageItem, unionKey)
        if (!specNewSelectedItem) {
          const removeIndex = this.totalCheckedList.findIndex(totalItem => {
            return this.buildUnionId(totalItem, unionKey) === this.buildUnionId(pageItem, unionKey)
          if (removeIndex !== -1) {
            this.totalCheckedList.splice(removeIndex, 1)


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  "status": true,
  "totalCount": 42,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "上官婉儿",
      "location": "法师 / 刺客",
      "specialty": "爆发 / 突进",
      "skill": ["笔阵", "篆法·疾势", "飞白·藏锋", "章草·横鳞"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "王昭君",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "控制 / 冰冻",
      "skill": ["冰封之心", "凋零冰晶", "禁锢寒霜", "凛冬已至"],
      "price": 8888
    }, {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "老夫子",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进",
      "skill": ["师道尊严", "圣人训诫", "举一反三", "圣人之威"],
      "price": 8888
    }, {
      "id": 4,
      "name": "狄仁杰",
      "location": "射手",
      "specialty": "",
      "skill": ["迅捷", "六令追凶", "逃脱", "王朝密令"],
      "price": 8888
    }, {
      "id": 5,
      "name": "墨子",
      "location": "法师 / 战士",
      "specialty": "控制 / 护盾",
      "skill": ["兼爱非攻", "和平漫步", "机关重炮", "墨守成规"],
      "price": 8888
    }, {
      "id": 6,
      "name": "盘古",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["盘古斧", "狂怒突袭", "压制之握", "开天辟地", "聚合为一"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 7,
      "name": "猪八戒",
      "location": "坦克",
      "specialty": "团控 / 回复",
      "skill": ["毫发无伤", "肉弹蹦床", "倒打一耙", "圈养时刻"],
      "price": 13888
      "id": 8,
      "name": "伽罗",
      "location": "射手",
      "specialty": "远程消耗 / 团队",
      "skill": ["破魔之箭", "渡灵之箭", "静默之箭", "纯净之域"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 9,
      "name": "李信",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进 / 团控",
      "skill": ["灰暗利刃", "急速突进", "强力斩击", "力量觉醒·光", "力量觉醒·暗"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 10,
      "name": "云中君",
      "location": "刺客 / 战士",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["云间游", "天隙鸣", "若英·华彩", "风雷引"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 11,
      "name": "瑶",
      "location": "辅助",
      "specialty": "团队增益",
      "skill": ["山鬼·白鹿", "若有人兮", "风飒木萧", "独立兮山之上"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 12,
      "name": "米莱狄",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "持续输出 / 推进",
      "skill": ["机械仆从", "空中力量", "强制入侵", "浩劫磁场"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 13,
      "name": "狂铁",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进 / 团控",
      "skill": ["无畏战车", "碎裂之刃", "强袭风暴", "力场压制"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 14,
      "name": "斐擒虎",
      "location": "刺客 / 战士",
      "specialty": "远程消耗 / 收割",
      "skill": ["寸劲", "冲拳式", "气守式", "虎啸风生"],
      "price": 13888
      "id": 15,
      "name": "明世隐",
      "location": "辅助",
      "specialty": "团队增益",
      "skill": ["大吉大利", "临卦·无忧", "师卦·飞翼", "泰卦·长生"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 16,
      "name": "沈梦溪",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "消耗 / 加速",
      "skill": ["暴躁节奏", "猫咪炸弹", "正常操作", "综合爆款"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 17,
      "name": "梦奇",
      "location": "战士 / 坦克",
      "specialty": "远程消耗 / 团控",
      "skill": ["食梦", "梦境萦绕", "梦境挥洒", "梦境漩涡"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 18,
      "name": "奕星",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "消耗 / 团控",
      "skill": ["气合", "定式·镇神", "定式·倚盖", "天元"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 19,
      "name": "百里守约",
      "location": "刺客 / 射手",
      "specialty": "远程消耗",
      "skill": ["瞄准", "静谧之眼", "狂风之息", "逃脱"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 20,
      "name": "百里玄策",
      "location": "刺客",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["狂热序章", "神乎钩镰", "梦魇钩锁", "瞬镰闪"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 21,
      "name": "鲁班大师",
      "location": "辅助",
      "specialty": "",
      "skill": ["稷下科技", "立即清扫", "助手驰援", "强力收纳"],
      "price": 13888
      "id": 22,
      "name": "大乔",
      "location": "辅助",
      "specialty": "团队增益",
      "skill": ["川流不息", "鲤跃之潮", "宿命之海", "绝断之桥", "漩涡之门"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 23,
      "name": "曜",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "",
      "skill": ["星辰之赐", "裂空斩", "逐星", "归尘"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 24,
      "name": "西施",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "控制 / 距离增伤",
      "skill": ["少女的把戏", "纱缚之印", "幻纱之灵", "心无旁骛"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 25,
      "name": "蒙犽",
      "location": "射手",
      "specialty": "远程消耗",
      "skill": ["炽热浑天", "狂轰火线", "爆裂重炮", "飞弹援袭"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 26,
      "name": "东皇太一",
      "location": "辅助 / 坦克",
      "specialty": "回复 / 持续控制",
      "skill": ["暗冕之噬", "日蚀祭典", "曜龙烛兆", "堕神契约"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 27,
      "name": "太乙真人",
      "location": "辅助 / 坦克",
      "specialty": "复活 / 团队增益",
      "skill": ["黄金闪闪", "意外事故", "第三只手", "大变活人"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 28,
      "name": "蔡文姬",
      "location": "辅助",
      "specialty": "团队增益 / 回复",
      "skill": ["长歌行", "思无邪", "胡笳乐", "忘忧曲"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 29,
      "name": "干将莫邪",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "爆发 / 超远视距",
      "skill": ["比翼同心", "护主邪冢", "雌雄双剑·近", "雌雄双剑·远", "剑来"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 30,
      "name": "杨玉环",
      "location": "法师 / 辅助",
      "specialty": "持续输出 / 治疗",
      "skill": ["惊鸿调", "霓裳曲", "胡旋乐", "长恨歌", "惊鸿·清平"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 31,
      "name": "嫦娥",
      "location": "法师 / 坦克",
      "specialty": "持续输出 / 法力",
      "skill": ["月盈", "月辰", "月璇", "月芒"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 32,
      "name": "刘备",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["强化霰弹", "双重射击", "身先士卒", "以德服人"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 33,
      "name": "兰陵王",
      "location": "刺客",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["秘技·极意", "秘技·分身", "秘技·影蚀", "秘技·暗袭", "秘技·隐匿"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 34,
      "name": "露娜",
      "location": "战士 / 法师",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["月光之舞", "弦月斩", "炙热剑芒", "新月突击"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 35,
      "name": "貂蝉",
      "location": "法师 / 刺客",
      "specialty": "持续输出 / 真伤",
      "skill": ["语·花印", "落·红雨", "缘·心结", "绽·风华"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 36,
      "name": "达摩",
      "location": "战士 / 坦克",
      "specialty": "突进 / 团控",
      "skill": ["真言·心经", "真言·无相", "真言·明王", "真言·普渡"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 37,
      "name": "马可波罗",
      "location": "射手",
      "specialty": "远程消耗",
      "skill": ["连锁反应", "华丽左轮", "漫游之枪", "狂热弹幕"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 38,
      "name": "赵云",
      "location": "战士 / 刺客",
      "specialty": "突进",
      "skill": ["龙鸣", "惊雷之龙", "破云之龙", "天翔之龙"],
      "price": 0
    }, {
      "id": 39,
      "name": "镜",
      "location": "刺客",
      "specialty": "突进 / 收割",
      "skill": ["铸镜", "开锋", "裂空", "见影"],
      "price": 18888
    }, {
      "id": 40,
      "name": "马超",
      "location": "战士 / 刺客",
      "specialty": "突进 / 远程消耗",
      "skill": ["魔影突袭", "萧索之刃", "日落孤枪", "万刃归鞘"],
      "price": 13888
    }, {
      "id": 41,
      "name": "诸葛亮",
      "location": "法师",
      "specialty": "爆发 / 收割",
      "skill": ["策谋之刻", "东风破袭", "时空穿梭", "元气弹"],
      "price": 18888
    }, {
      "id": 42,
      "name": "雅典娜",
      "location": "战士",
      "specialty": "突进",
      "skill": ["真身觉醒", "神圣进军", "贯穿之枪", "敬畏圣盾"],
      "price": 18888

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