任务1%正在运行_最后10%的工作需要90%的时间。 帮助我完成最后10%的任务。...



by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

最后10%的工作需要90%的时间。 帮助我完成最后10%的任务。 (The last 10% of the work takes 90% of the time. Help me finish that last 10%.)

In 2016, we embarked on an ambitious expansion of the freeCodeCamp learning platform. It includes:

2016年,我们着手对freeCodeCamp学习平台进行了宏大的扩展。 这包括:

  • An expanded curriculum that now teaches concepts like accessibility, security, and testing, and new tools like React, Redux, Sass, and D3 — all interactively in a browser-based code editor

  • A lightning-fast single-page web app

  • Significantly expanded camper profiles where you can showcase your code and your past accomplishments

  • A massive new Interview Prep section with hundreds of new algorithm, data structure, and systems design challenges


Well, it took a year. But we’re almost ready to ship this newly expanded platform.

好吧,花了一年。 但是我们几乎已经准备好交付这个新扩展的平台。

Even though we see the light at the end of the tunnel, there’s still a lot of coding to be done. And that’s where we could use your help. ?

即使我们看到隧道尽头的光线,仍然需要进行很多编码。 这就是我们可以使用您的帮助的地方。 ?

您可以提供三种帮助 (Three ways you can help)

选项1:帮助我们完成关键路径平台功能 (Option 1: Help us finish the critical path platform features)

The expanded platform is in open beta. We won’t enable account creation for another week or two, but you can access all of the coding challenges. It’s still rough, but most of the hard work is done — we just need to fix some bugs, import some coding challenges, and polish the UI.

扩展的平台处于公开测试阶段 。 我们将不会再启用帐户一两周,但您可以访问所有编码挑战。 它仍然很粗糙,但是大多数艰苦的工作已经完成-我们只需要修复一些错误,导入一些编码挑战并完善UI。

We have a clear roadmap of issues we need to resolve before launching here.


选项2:帮助我们将React和Redux挑战移植到扩展平台上 (Option 2: Help us port the React and Redux challenges to the expanded platform)

The freeCodeCamp Alpha React and Redux challenges were designed primarily by Sean Smith and peterWeinberg in late 2016. Thousands of campers have worked through these 78 interactive coding challenges.

freeCodeCamp Alpha React和Redux挑战主要是由Sean SmithpeterWeinberg于2016年底设计的。成千上万的露营者已经解决了这78个互动编码挑战。

It took a long time, but we can now run these challenges on the freeCodeCamp platform. We just need to port all of these challenges over and QA them.

花费了很长时间,但是我们现在可以在freeCodeCamp平台上应对这些挑战。 我们只需要移植所有这些挑战并对其进行质量检查。

We’ve written scripts to handle some of this process, but some of it is will require a manual effort. We could use your help porting these, and then finding ways to break them during the QA process.

我们已经编写了脚本来处理此过程中的某些过程,但是其中一些过程将需要手动进行。 我们可以帮助您移植这些内容,然后找到在质量检查过程中破坏它们的方法。

选项3:在新的面试准备部分中帮助我们改善挑战 (Option 3: Help us improve the challenges in our new Interview Prep section)

Our new Interview Prep section includes:


  • Dozens of new coding interview algorithm challenges

  • Dozens of new data structure challenges

  • System design quizzes

  • Coding interview take-home projects

  • Hundreds of Rosetta Code and Project Euler problems, adapted for the browser and with added test suites


We need your help improving and expanding upon these challenges. This is by far the biggest task that needs to be done.

我们需要您的帮助来改进和扩展这些挑战。 到目前为止,这是需要完成的最大任务。

Note that we will still ship the expanded platform first, regardless of how many of these Interview Prep challenges are ready. But the more of these challenges we have ready, the better!

请注意,无论准备好多少面试准备挑战,我们仍将首先交付扩展平台。 但是我们准备好这些挑战的越多,越好!

为什么要向freeCodeCamp平台贡献代码 (Why you should contribute code to the freeCodeCamp platform)

Every year, thousands of campers get their first jobs as developers. Most of them lack a degree in computer science, and some of them don’t have a degree at all.

每年,成千上万的露营者都获得了开发人员的第一份工作。 他们中的大多数人缺乏计算机科学学位,而其中一些人根本没有学位。

The most common reason to which they attribute their job search success is open source contributions.


Not only will contributing to open source help you build your career — you’ll learn a ton in the process.


And if you contribute to freeCodeCamp’s platform, millions of people will use the code that you contribute.


That’s right. Millions.

那就对了。 百万。

如何获得帮助 (How to get set up to help)

Step #1: Get the freeCodeCamp platform running on your computer. Here’s how.

步骤#1 :在计算机上运行freeCodeCamp平台。 就是这样

Step #2: Once you’ve done that, join the freeCodeCamp Contributor chatroom. Introduce yourself, and tell us which of these options you’re interested in helping with.

步骤#2 :完成此操作后,加入freeCodeCamp Contributor聊天室 。 介绍您自己,并告诉我们您有兴趣帮助哪些选项。

Thanks for taking the time to read this and consider contributing code to the freeCodeCamp platform. With your help, we can ship the expanded platform in the next few weeks!

感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读本文,并考虑向freeCodeCamp平台贡献代码。 在您的帮助下,我们可以在接下来的几周内发布扩展平台!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-last-10-of-the-work-takes-90-of-the-time-help-me-finish-that-last-10-901ce86529b/



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