


enter image description here



enter image description here

The explanation boils it down to: enter image description here which uses the Center of Pressure and a value p, of which I don't know what it is.

我可以访问计算人脚轴的 Matlab 代码,并尽力将其翻译为 Python:

x = 0.508 # sensor size in the x-direction
y = 0.762 # sensor size in the y-direction
Ptot = 0 # total pressure 
Px   = 0 # first order moment(x)
Py   = 0 # first order moment(y)
Pxx  = 0 # second order moment (y)
Pyy  = 0 # second order moment (x)
Pxy  = 0 # second order moment (xy)

for row in range(rows): # y-direction
    for col in range(cols): # x-direction
        if data[row,col] > 0.0: # If not zero
            temp = 1
            temp = 0
        Ptot = Ptot + temp # Add 1 for every sensor that is nonzero
        Px = Px   + (x * col + x / 2) * temp
        Py = Py   + (y * row + y / 2) * temp
        Pxx = Pxx + (x * y * y * y / 12 + x * y * (row * y + y / 2) * (row * y + y / 2) ) * temp
        Pyy = Pyy + (y * x * x * x / 12 + x * y * (col * x + x / 2) * (col * x + x / 2) ) * temp        
        Pxy = Pxy + (x * y * (row * y + y / 2) * (row * x + x / 2)) * temp

CoPY = Py / Ptot
CoPX = Px / Ptot
CoP = [CoPX, CoPY]

Ixx = Pxx - Ptot * self.x * self.y * CoPY * CoPY
Iyy = Pyy - Ptot * self.x * self.y * CoPX * CoPX
Ixy = Pxy - Ptot * self.x * self.y * CoPY * CoPX
angle = (math.atan(2 * Ixy / (Iyy - Ixx))) / 2

Ixp = Ixx * math.cos(angle) * math.cos(angle) + Iyy * math.sin(angle) * math.sin(angle) - 2 * Ixy * math.sin(angle) * math.cos(angle)
Iyp = Iyy * math.cos(angle) * math.cos(angle) + Ixx * math.sin(angle) * math.sin(angle) + 2 * Ixy * math.sin(angle) * math.cos(angle)
RotationMatrix = [[math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)], [-math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]]

据我了解,RotationMatrix 中的 sin(angle) 和 cos(angle) 用于确定轴。但我真的不明白如何使用这些值来绘制穿过爪子的轴围绕它旋转.


If someone feels the need to experiment, here's a file with all the sliced arrays that contain the pressure data of each paw. To clarfiy: walk_sliced_data is a dictionary that contains ['ser_3', 'ser_2', 'sel_1', 'sel_2', 'ser_1', 'sel_3'], which are the names of the measurements. Each measurement contains another dictionary, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] (example from 'sel_1') which represent the impacts that were extracted.



首先,对于狗的爪子,以这种方式定义的“长”轴是沿着爪子的宽度而不是爪子的长度。只要保持一致,这并不重要,因为我们可以简单地旋转计算出的角度,而不是 90 度(计算出的角度)。



换句话说,狗的爪子接近圆形,并且它们的大部分重量似乎都集中在脚趾上,因此在此计算中“后”脚趾的权重小于字体的权重。因此,我们得到的轴不会始终与“后”脚趾与前脚趾的位置有关系。 (希望这是有道理的......我是一个糟糕的作家......这就是为什么我回答这个问题而不是写我应该写的论文......)


import cPickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy import ndimage

def main():
    measurements = cPickle.load(open('walk_sliced_data', 'r'))

def raw_moment(data, iord, jord):
    nrows, ncols = data.shape
    y, x = np.mgrid[:nrows, :ncols]
    data = data * x**iord * y**jord
    return data.sum()

def intertial_axis(data):
    data_sum = data.sum()
    m10 = raw_moment(data, 1, 0)
    m01 = raw_moment(data, 0, 1)
    x_bar = m10 / data_sum
    y_bar = m01 / data_sum
    u11 = (raw_moment(data, 1, 1) - x_bar * m01) / data_sum
    u20 = (raw_moment(data, 2, 0) - x_bar * m10) / data_sum
    u02 = (raw_moment(data, 0, 2) - y_bar * m01) / data_sum
    angle = 0.5 * np.arctan(2 * u11 / (u20 - u02))
    return x_bar, y_bar, angle

def plot(impacts):
    def plot_subplot(pawprint, ax):
        x_bar, y_bar, angle = intertial_axis(pawprint)
        plot_bars(x_bar, y_bar, angle, ax)
        return angle

    fig1 = plt.figure()
    fig2 = plt.figure()
    for i, impact in enumerate(impacts[:9]):
        ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(3,3,i+1)
        ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(3,3,i+1)

        pawprint = impact.sum(axis=2)
        angle = plot_subplot(pawprint, ax1)

        pawprint = ndimage.rotate(pawprint, np.degrees(angle))
        plot_subplot(pawprint, ax2)


def plot_bars(x_bar, y_bar, angle, ax):
    def plot_bar(r, x_bar, y_bar, angle, ax, pattern):
        dx = r * np.cos(angle)
        dy = r * np.sin(angle)
        ax.plot([x_bar - dx, x_bar, x_bar + dx], 
                [y_bar - dy, y_bar, y_bar + dy], pattern)
    plot_bar(1, x_bar, y_bar, angle + np.radians(90), ax, 'wo-')
    plot_bar(3, x_bar, y_bar, angle, ax, 'ro-')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Original (Unrotated) Paws: enter image description here

Rotated Paws: enter image description here

这里需要注意的一件事......我只是围绕其中心旋转图像。 (还,scipy.ndimage.rotate对于 N 维数组和 2D 数组都适用。您可以轻松旋转原始 3D“随时间变化的爪印”阵列。)

如果您确实想围绕一个点(例如质心)旋转它,并将该点移动到新图像上的新位置,您可以在 scipy 中相当轻松地完成ndimage通过一些技巧来模块。如果你愿意的话我可以举个例子。不过这个例子有点长......


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