


pub fn get_location(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Get and print file!(), line!() of source
    // Should print line no. 11
fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
    x + y

fn main() {
    add(1, 5); // Line No. 11


这是一个程序宏,它使用syn and quote执行您所描述的操作:

// print_caller_location/src/lib.rs

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;

// Create a procedural attribute macro
// Notably, this must be placed alone in its own crate
pub fn print_caller_location(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Parse the passed item as a function
    let func = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn);

    // Break the function down into its parts
    let syn::ItemFn {
    } = func;

    // Ensure that it isn't an `async fn`
    if let Some(async_token) = sig.asyncness {
        // Error out if so
        let error = syn::Error::new(
            "async functions do not support caller tracking functionality
    help: consider returning `impl Future` instead",

        return TokenStream::from(error.to_compile_error());

    // Wrap body in a closure only if function doesn't already have #[track_caller]
    let block = if attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("track_caller")) {
        quote! { #block }
    } else {
        quote! {
            (move || #block)()

    // Extract function name for prettier output
    let name = format!("{}", sig.ident);

    // Generate the output, adding `#[track_caller]` as well as a `println!`
    let output = quote! {
        #vis #sig {
                "entering `fn {}`: called from `{}`",

    // Convert the output from a `proc_macro2::TokenStream` to a `proc_macro::TokenStream`


# print_caller_location/Cargo.toml

proc-macro = true

syn = {version = "1.0.16", features = ["full"]}
quote = "1.0.3"
proc-macro2 = "1.0.9"



  1. How can I write a function that tracks the location of its caller?
    • See How can I access a function's calling location each time it's called?


  2. 如何编写创建此类函数的过程宏?



  • 接受一个函数,
  • 标记它#[track_caller],
  • 并添加一行打印Location::caller.


fn foo() {
    // body of foo


fn foo() {
    println!("{}", std::panic::Location::caller());
    // body of foo

下面,我展示了一个精确执行该转换的过程宏——尽管,正如您将在以后的版本中看到的那样,您可能想要不同的东西。要尝试此代码,就像之前在 TL;DR 部分中一样,将其放入自己的 crate 中并将其依赖项添加到Cargo.toml.

// print_caller_location/src/lib.rs

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;

// Create a procedural attribute macro
// Notably, this must be placed alone in its own crate
pub fn print_caller_location(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Parse the passed item as a function
    let func = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn);

    // Break the function down into its parts
    let syn::ItemFn {
    } = func;

    // Extract function name for prettier output
    let name = format!("{}", sig.ident);

    // Generate the output, adding `#[track_caller]` as well as a `println!`
    let output = quote! {
        #vis #sig {
                "entering `fn {}`: called from `{}`",

    // Convert the output from a `proc_macro2::TokenStream` to a `proc_macro::TokenStream`


// example1/src/main.rs


fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
    x + y

fn main() {
    add(1, 5); // entering `fn add`: called from `example1/src/main.rs:11:5`
    add(1, 5); // entering `fn add`: called from `example1/src/main.rs:12:5`


  • 它是如何组成的async fns:

    • 它不是打印调用者位置,而是打印我们的宏 (#[print_caller_location]) 被调用。例如:

    // example2/src/main.rs
    async fn foo() {}
    fn main() {
        let future = foo();
        // ^ oops! prints nothing
        // ^ oops! prints "entering `fn foo`: called from `example2/src/main.rs:5:1`"
        let future = foo();
        // ^ oops! prints nothing
        // ^ oops! prints "entering `fn foo`: called from `example2/src/main.rs:5:1`"
  • 它如何与自身的其他调用一起工作,或者一般来说,#[track_caller]:

    • 嵌套函数#[print_caller_location]将打印根调用者的位置,而不是给定函数的直接调用者。例如:

    // example3/src/main.rs
    fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
        x + y
    fn add_outer(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
        add(x, y)
        // ^ we would expect "entering `fn add`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:12:5`"
    fn main() {
        add(1, 5);
        // ^ "entering `fn add`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:17:5`"
        add(1, 5);
        // ^ "entering `fn add`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:19:5`"
        add_outer(1, 5);
        // ^ "entering `fn add_outer`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:21:5`"
        // ^ oops! "entering `fn add`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:21:5`"
        // In reality, `add` was called on line 12, from within the body of `add_outer`
        add_outer(1, 5);
        // ^ "entering `fn add_outer`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:26:5`"
        // oops! ^ entering `fn add`: called from `example3/src/main.rs:26:5`
        // In reality, `add` was called on line 12, from within the body of `add_outer`

寻址async fns

可以通过以下方式解决该问题async fns using -> impl Future,例如,如果我们想要我们的async fn反例要正确工作,我们可以这样写:

// example4/src/main.rs


use std::future::Future;

fn foo() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    async move {
        // body of foo

fn main() {
    let future = foo();
    // ^ prints "entering `fn foo`: called from `example4/src/main.rs:15:18`"
    // ^ prints nothing
    let future = foo();
    // ^ prints "entering `fn foo`: called from `example4/src/main.rs:19:18`"
    // ^ prints nothing

我们可以添加一个特殊情况,将此转换应用于我们的宏。但是,该转换将函数的公共 API 从async fn foo() to fn foo() -> impl Future<Output = ()>除了影响返回的未来可以具有的自动特征之外。

因此,我建议我们允许用户根据需要使用该解决方法,并且如果我们的宏用于async fn。我们可以通过将这些行添加到我们的宏代码中来做到这一点:

// Ensure that it isn't an `async fn`
if let Some(async_token) = sig.asyncness {
    // Error out if so
    let error = syn::Error::new(
        "async functions do not support caller tracking functionality
    help: consider returning `impl Future` instead",

    return TokenStream::from(error.to_compile_error());


有问题的行为可以归结为以下事实:当#[track_caller]功能,foo,直接调用另一个#[track_caller]功能,bar, Location::caller将使他们都可以访问foo的来电者。换句话说,Location::caller在嵌套的情况下可以访问根调用者#[track_caller]功能:


fn main() {
    foo(); // prints `src/main.rs:4:5` instead of the line number in `foo`

fn foo() {

fn bar() {
    println!("{}", std::panic::Location::caller());




fn main() {

fn foo() {
    (move || {
        bar(); // prints `src/main.rs:10:9`

fn bar() {
    println!("{}", std::panic::Location::caller());




// Wrap body in a closure only if function doesn't already have #[track_caller]
let block = if attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("track_caller")) {
    quote! { #block }
} else {
    quote! {
        (move || #block)()



// print_caller_location/src/lib.rs

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;

// Create a procedural attribute macro
// Notably, this must be placed alone in its own crate
pub fn print_caller_location(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Parse the passed item as a function
    let func = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemFn);

    // Break the function down into its parts
    let syn::ItemFn {
    } = func;

    // Ensure that it isn't an `async fn`
    if let Some(async_token) = sig.asyncness {
        // Error out if so
        let error = syn::Error::new(
            "async functions do not support caller tracking functionality
    help: consider returning `impl Future` instead",

        return TokenStream::from(error.to_compile_error());

    // Wrap body in a closure only if function doesn't already have #[track_caller]
    let block = if attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("track_caller")) {
        quote! { #block }
    } else {
        quote! {
            (move || #block)()

    // Extract function name for prettier output
    let name = format!("{}", sig.ident);

    // Generate the output, adding `#[track_caller]` as well as a `println!`
    let output = quote! {
        #vis #sig {
                "entering `fn {}`: called from `{}`",

    // Convert the output from a `proc_macro2::TokenStream` to a `proc_macro::TokenStream`

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