sigma.js 不读取 JSON



<style type="text/css">
  #container {
    max-width: 800px;
    height: 800px;
    margin: auto;
<div id="container"></div>
<script src="sigma.min.js"></script>
<script src="plugins/sigma.parsers.json.min.js"></script>
  sigma.parsers.json('graph.json', {
    container: 'container',
    settings: {
      defaultNodeColor: '#ec5148'


  "nodes": [
      "id": "n0",
      "label": "A node",
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "size": 3
      "id": "n1",
      "label": "Another node",
      "x": 3,
      "y": 1,
      "size": 2
      "id": "n2",
      "label": "And a last one",
      "x": 1,
      "y": 3,
      "size": 1
  "edges": [
      "id": "e0",
      "source": "n0",
      "target": "n1"
      "id": "e1",
      "source": "n1",
      "target": "n2"
      "id": "e2",
      "source": "n2",
      "target": "n0"

但是当我尝试加载 JSON 时

{"nodes":[ {
 "id": "chr1",
"label": "Bob",
"size":   8.75 
 "id": "chr10",
"label": "Alice",
"size":  14.75 
} ],"edges":[ {
 "id": "1",
"source": "chr1",
"target": "chr10" 
} ]}

我无法将其形象化。 JSON 结构对我来说似乎完全一样......

您的 JSON 不会显示在 Sigma 中,因为默认情况下 Sigma 的解析器需要节点的 X 和 Y 坐标。

您可以做的是将 X 和 Y 坐标添加到 JSON 文件,或者如果您不想这样做(例如,您可能希望对它们应用 ForceAtlas 布局),那么您可以执行以下操作:

    // these are just some preliminary settings 
    var g = {
        nodes: [],
        edges: []

   // Create new Sigma instance in graph-container div (use your div name here) 
   s = new sigma({
   graph: g,
   container: 'graph-container',
   renderer: {
    container: document.getElementById('graph-container'),
    type: 'canvas'
   settings: {
    minNodeSize: 8,
    maxNodeSize: 16

   // first you load a json with (important!) s parameter to refer to the sigma instance   

        function() {
            // this below adds x, y attributes as well as size = degree of the node 
            var i,
                    nodes = s.graph.nodes(),
                    len = nodes.length;

            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                nodes[i].x = Math.random();
                nodes[i].y = Math.random();
                nodes[i].size =[i].id);
                nodes[i].color = nodes[i].center ? '#333' : '#666';

            // Refresh the display:

            // ForceAtlas Layout

您还需要在脚本中包含 ForceAtlas2 插件。

如果您不想使用 ForceAtlas 而只想随机布局,请删除 s.startForceAtlas2();上面的字符串。


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