F# -> 为 HashSet<'a> 实现 IComparable


是否有可能以某种方式实施IComparable for a HashSet<'a>?原因是我声明了以下记录:

type Category = { 
    mutable Id: string; 
    Name: string; 
    SavePath: string;
    Tags: HashSet<Tag> }

and Tag = { Tag:string; }

如您所见,然后标签中Category记录的类型HashSet<Tag>- 为了将一系列类别映射到地图,我需要实现IComparable不知怎的......否则它只会导致:

结构体、记录或联合类型 “类别”有 'StructuralComparison' 属性但是 组件类型“HashSet”的作用 不满足“比较”

请注意,除了 a 之外我不能使用任何其他东西HashSet<'a>因为我正在使用的数据库根本不理解任何尖锐的列表。

我假设你想要比较并等同Categorys 通过仅采取Id, Name, and SavePath考虑到(按顺序),使记录的行为就像Tags不在场:

open System
open System.Collections.Generic

[<CustomComparison; CustomEquality>]
type Category =
    { mutable Id : string;
      Name       : string;
      SavePath   : string;
      Tags       : HashSet<Tag> }
    member private this.Ident = this.Id, this.Name, this.SavePath
    interface IComparable<Category> with
        member this.CompareTo other =
            compare this.Ident other.Ident
    interface IComparable with
        member this.CompareTo obj =
            match obj with
              | null                 -> 1
              | :? Category as other -> (this :> IComparable<_>).CompareTo other
              | _                    -> invalidArg "obj" "not a Category"
    interface IEquatable<Category> with
        member this.Equals other =
            this.Ident = other.Ident
    override this.Equals obj =
        match obj with
          | :? Category as other -> (this :> IEquatable<_>).Equals other
          | _                    -> false
    override this.GetHashCode () =
        hash this.Ident

and Tag = { Tag : string; }


open System
open System.Collections.Generic

[<CustomComparison; CustomEquality>]
type Category =
    { mutable Id : string;
      Name       : string;
      SavePath   : string;
      Tags       : HashSet<Tag> }
    interface IComparable<Category> with
        member this.CompareTo { Name = name } =
            this.Name.CompareTo name
    interface IComparable with
        member this.CompareTo obj =
            match obj with
              | null                 -> 1
              | :? Category as other -> (this :> IComparable<_>).CompareTo other
              | _                    -> invalidArg "obj" "not a Category"
    interface IEquatable<Category> with
        member this.Equals { Id = id } =
            this.Id = id
    override this.Equals obj =
        match obj with
          | :? Category as other -> (this :> IEquatable<_>).Equals other
          | _                    -> false
    override this.GetHashCode () =
        this.Id.GetHashCode ()

and Tag = { Tag : string; }

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