多核架构中的 CPU 和内存访问


我想知道如果,例如,CPU 的 2 个核心尝试同时访问内存(通过内存控制器),“一般”如何处理内存访问?实际上,当内核和启用 DMA 的 IO 设备尝试以相同方式访问时,同样适用。

I think,内存控制器足够智能,可以利用地址总线并同时处理这些请求,但是我不确定当它们尝试访问同一位置或 IO 操作独占地址总线并且 CPU 没有移动空间时会发生什么在。






正如 Matthias 提到的,您首先必须考虑缓存。缓存意味着任何受缓存影响的读或写操作(包括几乎所有 CPU 请求和许多其他类型的请求)可能根本不接触内存,因此从这个意义上说,许多内核可以“访问”内存(至少是缓存)它的图像)同时进行。

If you then consider requests that miss in all cache levels, you need to know about the configuration of the memory subsystem. In general a RAM chips can only do "one thing" at a time (i.e., commands1 such a read and write apply to the entire module) and that usually extends to DRAM modules comprised of several chips and also to a series of DRAMs connected via a bus to a single memory controller.

So you can say that electrically speaking, the combination of one memory controller and its attached RAM is likely to be doing only on thing at once. Now that thing is usually something like reading bytes out of a physically contiguous span of bytes, but that operation could actually help handle several requests from different devices at once: even though each devices sends separate requests to the controller, good implementations will coalesce requests to the same or nearby2 area of memory.

此外,甚至 CPU 也可能具有这样的能力:当出现新请求时,它可以/必须注意到现有请求正在针对重叠区域进行,并将新请求与旧请求联系起来。

Still, you can say that for a single memory controller you'll usually be serving the request of one device at a time, absent unusual opportunities to combine requests. Now the requests themselves are typically on the order of nanoseconds, so many separate requests can be served in a small unit of time, so this "exclusiveness" fine-grained and not generally noticeable3.

Now above I was careful to limit the discussion to a single memory-controller - when you have multiple memory controllers4 you can definitely have multiple devices accessing memory simultaneously even at the RAM level. Here each controller is essentially independent, so if the requests from two devices map to different controllers (different NUMA regions) they can proceed in parallel.


1 In fact, the command stream is lower level and more complex than things like "read" or "write" and involves concepts such as opening a memory page, streaming bytes from it, etc. What every programmer should know about memory serves as an excellent intro to the topic.

2 For example, imagine two requests for adjacent bytes in memory: it is possible the controller can combine them into a single request if they fit within the bus width.

3 Of course if you are competing for memory across several devices, the overall impact may be very noticeable: a reduction in per-device bandwidth and an increase in latency, but what I mean is that the sharing is fine-grained enough that you can't generally tell the difference between finely-sliced exclusive access and some hypothetical device which makes simultaneous progress on each request in each period.

4 The most common configuration on modern hardware is one memory controller per socket, so on a 2P system you'd usually have two controllers, also other rations (both higher and lower) are certainly possible.


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