是什么导致 Winforms 默默地丢弃未处理的异常(没有 try/Catches)?


我正在向我的 winforms 控件添加新功能,其中一部分要求曾经始终使用的变量现在是可选的(如果它为空,则从第二个源获取数据)。我做了一些更改并运行了我的表单,却发现什么也没有发生,甚至以前有效的功能也没有发生。我很困惑地浏览了代码,发现我的 Winforms 用户控件抛出了一个NullReferenceException当它遇到我的变量时,但在用户界面中没有抛出错误。



    private void cmbActionType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (_loading)

        // ActionType was changed, update the action.ActionType value
        if (cmbActionType.SelectedItem != null)
            if (cmbActionType.SelectedItem.ToString() == SETVALUE_OPTION)
                _action.ActionType = ActionTypes.SetValue;
            else if (cmbActionType.SelectedItem.ToString() == CHECKVALUE_OPTION)
                _action.ActionType = ActionTypes.CheckValue;
                _action.ActionType = ActionTypes.CustomAction;


    private void RefreshActionPanel()
        // Control defaults
        AnchorStyles styles = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;
        UserControl subControl = null;

        // Clear the currently active control

        // Determine what type of control to load in the panel
        if (cmbActionType.SelectedItem != null && cmbCaseType.SelectedItem != null)
            // SetValue or CheckValue actions
            if (cmbActionType.SelectedItem.ToString() == CHECKVALUE_OPTION || cmbActionType.SelectedItem.ToString() == SETVALUE_OPTION)
                if (_caseTypeMap.ContainsKey(cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()))
                    subControl = new SetCheckActionControl(_action, _editor, _caseTypeMap[cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()]);

            // CustomAction action type
                // Check if the requested case is a type or defined in a script
                if (_caseTypeMap.ContainsKey(cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()))
                    subControl = new CustomActionControl(_action, _editor, _caseTypeMap[cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()]);

                else if (_editor.ScriptDefinitions.Any(x => x.CaseName == cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()))
                    var definitions = _editor.ScriptDefinitions.Where(x => x.CaseName == cmbCaseType.SelectedItem.ToString()).ToList();
                    subControl = new CustomActionControl(_action, _editor, definitions);

        if (subControl != null)
            subControl.Anchor = styles;
            subControl.Height = pnlActionDetails.Height;
            subControl.Width = pnlActionDetails.Width;

    public CustomActionControl(TestAction action, fmEditor editor, IList<TcScriptDefinition> scriptDefinitions) : base(action, editor)
        _loading = true;

        _scriptDefinitions = scriptDefinitions;


        _loading = false;

    private void SetupDataGrid()
        // Clear the current contents of the datagrid

        if (cmbAction.SelectedItem == null)

        // Retrieve the action code from the drop down
        string actionCode = cmbAction.SelectedValue.ToString();

        // Check if any paramters are available for this action
        if (!_availableActionParameters.ContainsKey(actionCode))

        // Add a new row for each parameter available for this action
        foreach (string param in _availableActionParameters[actionCode])
            string display = param;

            // Determine if the parameter has a display string
            if (_formInstance.CodeDisplayMap.ContainsCode(param))
                display = _formInstance.CodeDisplayMap.GetDisplayStringFromCode(param);

            // Create the array for the row, with an empty string as the current value
            string[] row = { display, string.Empty };

            // Check if the current action uses this action code.  
            //   If so, retrieve the value for this parameter and use it in the row
            //   Note: Case-INsensitive comparison must be performed here
            if (_action.Attributes["action"].Equals(actionCode, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (_action.Attributes.ContainsKey(param))
                    row[1] = _action.Attributes[param];


The NullReferenceException是来自SetupDataGrid()方法其中_formInstance正在被呼叫。然而,通常当应用程序遇到未处理的异常时,JIT 系统会抛出一条错误消息(如您​​所见,没有try/catch除非我是盲人,否则使用陈述)。

为什么我的 winforms 应用程序没有显示发生异常的迹象。我宁愿出现未处理的异常消息,也不愿什么都没有发生,因为这使得用户更难知道出现了关键问题(而不是不响应他们的命令)

Edit: To clarify since there seems to be some confusion, I do NOT care about breaking on this exception in visual studio when debugging. The fact of the matter is that the application should not be hiding unhandled exceptions, and my application should crash (or rather show the JIT message that an unhandled exception occurred), even when not in debug mode outside of visual studio.


Go to Debug->Exceptions... (Ctrl-D, E如果您使用的是默认快捷方式),请从 Visual Studio 的菜单栏中选中该框Thrown under Common Language Runtime Exceptions。这将导致您的程序在出现异常时中断,即使它们位于 try/catch 块中。然后,您可以向前迈出一步,查看代码跳转到下一条指令的位置。这应该会将您带到隐藏异常的 catch 块。

它可能会跳到 .NET 代码中进行捕获,您可以转到Debug->Options and Settings..并打开Enable .NET framework Source Stepping看看它正在跳到什么地方。


static class Program
    /// <summary>
    /// The main entry point for the application.
    /// </summary>
    static void Main()
        Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
        Application.Run(new Form1());

    static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        throw new ArgumentNullException();

单击按钮,出现 1,之后程序仍应运行。



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