

我正在实现一个链表,它需要有一个函数,当给定链表的头和 cstring 时,它会查找并删除值为 cstring 的节点。

typedef struct node
  char entry[21];
  struct node* next;
} node;

/*returns true if node with phrase value found, otherwise false*/
bool findAndRemove(node* root, char phrase[21])
    if(root != NULL)
        node* previous = NULL;
        while(root->next != NULL)
            if(strcmp(root->entry, phrase) == 0)//found
                if(previous == NULL)//node to delete is at head
                    node* tmp = root;
                    root = root->next;
                    return true;
                previous->next = root->next;
                return true;
            previous = root;
            root = root->next;
        return false;




bool findAndRemove1(node **ptp, char *phrase)
    node *del;

    for( ;*ptp; ptp = &(*ptp)->next) {
        if( !strcmp((*ptp)->entry, phrase) ) { break; } //found

      /* when we get here, ptp either
      ** 1) points to the pointer that points at the node we want to delete
      ** 2) or it points to the NULL pointer at the end of the list
      **    (in the case nothing was found)
    if ( !*ptp) return false; // not found

    del = *ptp;
    *ptp = (*ptp)->next;
    return true;


bool findAndRemove2(node **ptp, char *phrase)

    for( ;*ptp; ptp = &(*ptp)->next) {
        node *del;
        if( strcmp((*ptp)->entry, phrase) ) continue; // not the one we want

          /* when we get here, ptp MUST
          ** 1) point to the pointer that points at the node we want to delete
        del = *ptp;
        *ptp = (*ptp)->next;
        return true;
    return false; // not found


unsigned searchAndDestroy(node **ptp, char *phrase)
    unsigned cnt;

    for( cnt=0 ;*ptp; ) {
        node *del;
        if( strcmp((*ptp)->entry, phrase) ) { // not the one we want
             ptp = &(*ptp)->next;
          /* when we get here, ptp MUST point to the pointer that points at the node we wish to delete
        del = *ptp;
        *ptp = (*ptp)->next;
    return cnt; // the number of deleted nodes


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct  list {
        struct list *next;
        char entry[20];
        } node;

void node_add( node **ptp, char *str)
node *new;

for (   ; *ptp; ptp = &(*ptp)->next) {
        if (strcmp ((*ptp)->entry, str) < 0) continue;
new = malloc (sizeof *new);
strcpy(new->entry, str);
new->next = *ptp;
*ptp = new;

int main (void)
node *root = NULL;
unsigned cnt;

node_add (& root, "aaa" );
node_add (& root, "aaa" );
node_add (& root, "bbb" );
node_add (& root, "ccc" );
node_add (& root, "aaa" );
cnt = seachAndDestroy( &root, "bbb" );
printf("Cnt(bbb) := %u\n", cnt );
cnt = seachAndDestroy( &root, "ccc" );
printf("Cnt(ccc) := %u\n", cnt );
cnt = seachAndDestroy( &root, "aaa" );
printf("Cnt(aaa) := %u\n", cnt );
printf("Root now = %p\n", (void*) root );

return 0;


plasser@pisbak:~/usenet$ ./a.out
Cnt(bbb) := 1
Cnt(ccc) := 1
Cnt(aaa) := 3
Root now = (nil)

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