表格输出 JavaScript 打印不正确


我正在开发一个项目,该项目将根据当前余额、利率和每月还款确定还清信用卡的时间和支付的利息。我已经能够让我的代码为我提供正确的余额、利息和最低还款额,一直到显示的最后几行。我在让我的表执行正确的输出时遇到了一些麻烦。我尝试过改变一些东西,但它似乎仍然显示不正确。我对 JavaScript 很陌生,所以我仍在努力学习基础知识,任何意见都将不胜感激。我将添加一个代码片段和一张我的表格应该是什么样子的图片。谢谢!

function displayWelcome() {
  console.log("Welcome! \nThis program will determine the time to pay off a credit card and the interest paid based on the current balance, the interest rate, and the monthly payments made.")

function calculateminimumPaymentment(balance, minimumPaymentRate) {
  return Math.max(20, balance * minimumPaymentRate);

function displayPayments(balance, interest, minimumPayment) {

  console.log("Balance on your credit card: $" + balance.toFixed(2))
  console.log("Interest Rate: " + (interest * 100) + "%")
  console.log("Assuming a minimum payment of 2% of the balance ($20 min)")
  console.log("Your minimum payment would be: $" + minimumPayment)
  console.log("\nYear    Balance     Payment #     Interest Paid      Minimum Payment")

  var year = 1;
  var payments = 1;
  var interestPaid = 0;
  var yearChange;

  while (balance > 0) {
    yearChange = false;

    if (payments % 12 == 0) {
      yearChange = true;
    interestPaid += balance * interest / 12;
    balance = Math.max(0, balance - (minimumPayment - balance * interest / 12));
    minimumPayment = Math.max(20, balance * minimumPaymentRate);
    console.log(yearChange ? year : "" + "        " + balance.toFixed(2) + "      " + payments + "              " + interestPaid.toFixed(2) + "             " + minimumPayment.toFixed(2));

var balance = 1500;
var minimumPaymentRate = 0.02;
var interest = 0.18;

var minimumPayment = calculateminimumPaymentment(balance, minimumPaymentRate);

displayPayments(balance, interest, minimumPayment);


This is the output I am receiving

This is how the table is supposed to look

问题在于运算符优先级。这?:条件运算符的优先级低于+, 所以:部分包含所有连接的字符串,而不仅仅是""应替换年份的字符串。所以你显示年份yearChange是真的,只有当你显示其他所有内容时yearChange是假的。


function displayWelcome() {
  console.log("Welcome! \nThis program will determine the time to pay off a credit card and the interest paid based on the current balance, the interest rate, and the monthly payments made.")

function calculateminimumPaymentment(balance, minimumPaymentRate) {
  return Math.max(20, balance * minimumPaymentRate);

function displayPayments(balance, interest, minimumPayment) {

  console.log("Balance on your credit card: $" + balance.toFixed(2))
  console.log("Interest Rate: " + (interest * 100) + "%")
  console.log("Assuming a minimum payment of 2% of the balance ($20 min)")
  console.log("Your minimum payment would be: $" + minimumPayment)
  console.log("\nYear    Balance     Payment #     Interest Paid      Minimum Payment")

  var year = 1;
  var payments = 1;
  var interestPaid = 0;
  var yearChange;

  while (balance > 0) {
    yearChange = false;

    if (payments % 12 == 0) {
      yearChange = true;
    interestPaid += balance * interest / 12;
    balance = Math.max(0, balance - (minimumPayment - balance * interest / 12));
    minimumPayment = Math.max(20, balance * minimumPaymentRate);
    console.log((yearChange ? year : "") + "        " + balance.toFixed(2) + "      " + payments + "              " + interestPaid.toFixed(2) + "             " + minimumPayment.toFixed(2));

var balance = 1500;
var minimumPaymentRate = 0.02;
var interest = 0.18;

var minimumPayment = calculateminimumPaymentment(balance, minimumPaymentRate);

displayPayments(balance, interest, minimumPayment);

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