

i want to you act as an english language teacher/asistant to help me study english, you could teach me in such a way: you ask me questions and i answer them, and you help me correct the grammer or word mistakes in my expression and polish my paragragh to help me express my idea well, and I will buy your opinions and answer the same question again, and you score the answer, and we will enter next question,ok?

Great! Here’s the first question:

Question: “Tell me about your favorite book and why you enjoy it.”

Please take your time to think about your response, and when you’re ready, go ahead and share your answer. I’ll be here to provide feedback and help you refine your answer.


thanks for yyour question.LET ME THINK .My favoriate book is “the human use of human being-cybernetic and society” written by nobert wiener, who is an excellent scientist. the book is about the cybernetics and its current and potential effects on the human society. we know that the concept of cybernetics originated from a greek word, which means the man who control the wheel of the boat to steer on right direction. And the word is closely related to the concept of ‘feedback’. That is a acturator – a man or animal or machine will take the perfomance of its behaviour as an input to adjust its/his action.the book talks about lots of areas relating to the control, for example, the final problem of our world, how it will be evolving. According to the perspectives of thermodynamics, the whore universe is a close system, so its total entropy will be increasing forever and inevitably. but the local system could absorb the energy to maintain its low-entropy state or even decrease its system entropy. the way to decrease entropy is using feedback. the designed state of the system is the low-entropy, the increase of entropy would lead the system to deivate the designed state of the system, and the deviation would result in system’s acting on itself, that is feedback. a more pragmatic example is mental diseases. a normal person could stretch, touch and hold a thing, a cup for example , easily. in fact, this stretch-touch-hold process contain lots of feedback, including multi-organs cooperation. but if a person injuried his brain, the stretch-touch-hold process may fail.for example, his hand can’t hold the cup and would tremble around the object constantly. that means the function of feedback fail to work in his body. the book insprires me a lot ,and drive me into the discipline of control theory and communication engineering, i will always enjoy the knowleddge i gained from this book

Great job with your answer! Let’s take a look at a few areas where we can make some corrections and improvements:

“favoriate” should be “favorite.”
“the human use of human being-cybernetic and society” should be “The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society” (capitalization and correct punctuation).
“Nobert” should be “Norbert.”
“so its total entropy will be increasing forever and inevitably” could be rewritten as “so the total entropy of the universe will increase endlessly and inevitably.”
“but the local system could absorb the energy to maintain its low-entropy state or even decrease its system entropy” can be improved by saying “but a local system can absorb energy to maintain its low-entropy state or even decrease its entropy.”
“the way to decrease entropy is using feedback” could be rephrased as “feedback is a means to decrease entropy.”
“the designed state of the system is the low-entropy” can be rewritten as “the desired state of the system is the low-entropy state.”
“the increase of entropy would lead the system to deivate the designed state of the system” can be improved by saying “an increase in entropy can cause the system to deviate from its desired state.”
“and the deviation would result in system’s acting on itself, that is feedback” can be rephrased as “and the deviation triggers a response from the system, known as feedback.”
“a more pragmatic example is mental diseases” could be rewritten as “another practical example is related to mental diseases.”
“in fact, this stretch-touch-hold process contain lots of feedback” can be improved by saying “in fact, this process of stretching, touching, and holding involves multiple feedback mechanisms.”
Overall, your response is very good! You conveyed your thoughts on the book clearly and provided insight into the concepts discussed. Please incorporate the suggested corrections and let me know if you have any further questions.


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