



def text_objects(text, font):
    textSurface = font.render(text, True, black)
    return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect()

def button(msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac, action=None):
    mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

    if x + w > mouse[0] > x and y + h > mouse[1] > y:
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, ac, (x, y, w, h))
        if click[0] == 1 and action != None:
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, ic, (x, y, w, h))
    smallText = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 20)
    textSurf, textRect = text_objects(msg, smallText)
    textRect.center = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2)))
    screen.blit(textSurf, textRect)

def quitgame():

def dead():
    global dead
    dead = True
    while dead:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

        largeText = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 115)
        TextSurf, TextRect = text_objects("You Died", largeText)
        TextRect.center = ((display_width / 2), (display_height / 2))
        screen.blit(TextSurf, TextRect)

        button("Play Again", 20, 450, 115, 50, green, bright_green, respawn)
        button("Quit", 250, 450, 100, 50, red, bright_red, quitgame)


对于我的重生功能。有人告诉我复制并粘贴 while true 循环中的所有内容,并将其全部放入我的重生函数中,我注意到,当您再次按下“播放”时,音乐和音效正在播放,除了游戏结束屏幕之外的所有内容都在播放。还在玩


def respawn():
    global dead
    global run
    global velotimeser 
    global timeForLevel 
    global font 
    global man 
    global zombie 
    global zombie1 

    global randomside 
    global gunCapacity 
    global points
    global powerMeter 
    global bullets 
    global intro 
    dead = False
    velotimeser = 1
    timeForLevel = 0
    font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 30, True)
    man = Player(300, 508, 64, 64)
    zombie = Enemy(100, 508, 64, 64, 450)
    zombie1 = Enemy1(100, 508, 64, 64, 450)

    randomside = 0
    gunCapacity = 1
    points = 0
    powerMeter = 0
    bullets = []
    intro = False


    run = True
    while run and dead == False:

        #this is the hitbox for when the zombie collides with the player and the player hasnt shot a bullet or has launched a punch that it should deduct a peice of health and 5 points and move the player back depending on where the zombie is facing

        timeForLevel += 0.05

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie.visible == True and zombie.velo > 0 and man.x > zombie.x:
                man.x += 15
                points -= 5

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie.visible == True and zombie.velo > 0 and man.x < zombie.x:
                man.x -= 15
                points -= 5

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie.visible == True and zombie.velo < 0 and man.x <= zombie.x:
                man.x -= 15
                points -= 5

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie.visible == True and zombie.velo < 0 and man.x > zombie.x:
                man.x += 15
                points -= 5


        #this hitbox detects if the player is touching the zombie whilst punching it
        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == True and zombie.visible == True:
                if zombie.velo < 0 and zombie.x < man.x:
                    zombie.x = zombie.x - 15
                    points += 5
                if zombie.velo < 0 and zombie.x > man.x:
                    zombie.x = zombie.x + 15
                    points += 5
                if zombie.velo > 0 and zombie.x > man.x:
                    zombie.x = zombie.x + 15
                    points += 5
                if zombie.velo > 0 and zombie.x < man.x:
                    zombie.x = zombie.x - 15
                    points += 5

        #this is the hitbox for when the zombie collides with the player and the player hasnt shot a bullet or has launched a punch that it should deduct a peice of health and 5 points and move the player back depending on where the zombie is facing
        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie1.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie1.visible == True and zombie.velo > 0 and man.x > zombie1.x:
                man.x += 15
                points -= 5

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie1.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie1.visible == True and zombie.velo > 0 and man.x < zombie1.x:
                man.x += 15
                points -= 5
        #same thing here expet its for when the zombie is facing left       
        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie1.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie1.visible == True and zombie1.velo < 0 and man.x < zombie1.x:
                man.x -= 15
                points -= 5

        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie1.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == False and zombie1.visible == True and zombie1.velo < 0 and man.x > zombie1.x:
                man.x -= 15
                points -= 5

        #this hitbox detects if the player is touching the zombie whilst punching it
        if man.hitbox[1] < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and man.hitbox[1] + man.hitbox[3] > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
            if man.hitbox[0] + man.hitbox[2] > zombie1.hitbox[0] and man.hitbox[0] < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and man.punchislaunched == True and zombie1.visible == True:
                    if zombie1.velo < 0 and zombie1.x < man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x - 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo < 0 and zombie1.x > man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo > 0 and zombie1.x > man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo > 0 and zombie1.x < man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x - 15
                        points += 1

        #this tels it to shoot one bullet at a time instead of sending a group of bullets to the zombie
        if gunCapacity > 0:
            gunCapacity += 1
        if gunCapacity> 10:
            gunCapacity = 0

        #this tels it to close the programe if you press the big red cross at the top right
        for event in pygame.event.get():

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False
        #this sets the collision for when the zombie  touches the bullet
        for bullet in bullets:
            if bullet.y - bullet.radius < zombie.hitbox[1] + zombie.hitbox[3] and bullet.y + bullet.radius > zombie.hitbox[1]:
                if bullet.x + bullet.radius > zombie.hitbox[0] and bullet.x - bullet.radius < zombie.hitbox[0] + zombie.hitbox[2] and zombie.visible == True:
                    if zombie.velo < 0 and zombie.x < man.x:
                        zombie.x = zombie.x - 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie.velo < 0 and zombie.x > man.x:
                        zombie.x = zombie.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie.velo > 0 and zombie.x > man.x:
                        zombie.x = zombie.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie.velo > 0 and zombie.x < man.x:
                        zombie.x = zombie.x - 15
                        points += 1


            #this tells the bullet to delete itself if it touches the the end of the screen
            if bullet.x < 600 and bullet.x > 0:
                bullet.x += bullet.velo

        #this sets the collision for when the zombie  touches the bullet
        for bullet in bullets:
            if bullet.y - bullet.radius < zombie1.hitbox[1] + zombie1.hitbox[3] and bullet.y + bullet.radius > zombie1.hitbox[1]:
                if bullet.x + bullet.radius > zombie1.hitbox[0] and bullet.x - bullet.radius < zombie1.hitbox[0] + zombie1.hitbox[2] and zombie1.visible == True:
                    if zombie1.velo < 0 and zombie1.x < man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x - 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo < 0 and zombie1.x > man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo > 0 and zombie1.x > man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x + 15
                        points += 1
                    if zombie1.velo > 0 and zombie1.x < man.x:
                        zombie1.x = zombie1.x - 15
                        points += 1
            #this tells the bullet to delete itself if it touches the the end of the screen
            if bullet.x < 600 and bullet.x > 0:
                bullet.x += bullet.velo

        if timeForLevel > 20:
            velotimeser = 1.0002
            zombie.velo = zombie.velo * velotimeser
            zombie1.velo = zombie1.velo * velotimeser


        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

        #these are the keaboard bings for all the functions
        if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and man.x > man.velo:
            man.x -= man.velo
            man.right = False
            man.left = True
            man.Idlecount = 0
            man.guncount = 0
            man.gunisfired = False
            man.standing = False
        elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and man.x < 600 - man.width - man.velo:
            man.x += man.velo
            man.right = True
            man.left = False
            man.Idlecount = 0
            man.guncount = 0
            man.gunisfired = False
            man.standing = False
        elif keys[pygame.K_SPACE]:
            man.gunisfired = True
            man.isIdle = False
            man.standing = True
            man.Idlecount = 0
            man.punchislaunched = False
            man.walkcount = 0
        elif keys[pygame.K_x]:
            man.gunisfired = False
            man.isIdle = False
            man.standing = True
            man.Idlecount = 0
            man.guncount = 0
            man.punchislaunched = True
            man.walkcount = 0
            man.isIdle = True
            man.guncount = 0
            man.gunisfired = False
            man.standing = True
            man.punchislaunched = False
            man.punchcount = 0
        if keys[pygame.K_SPACE] and gunCapacity == 0:
            if man.left:
                facing = -1
                facing = 1
            if len(bullets) < 5:
                bullets.append(Projectile(round(man.x + man.width //2), round(man.y + man.height//2), 6, (0,0,0), facing))
            gunCapacity = 1

        #this tells the zombie to respawn when it is dead
        if zombie.visible == False:
            randomside = random.randint(1,4)
            if randomside == 1:
                zombie.x = 20
            if randomside ==2:
                zombie.x = 580
            if randomside ==3:
                zombie.x = 580
                zombie1.x = 520
                zombie1.visible = True
                zombie1.health = 10
            if randomside == 4:
                zombie.x = 20
                zombie1.x = 80
                zombie1.visible = True
                zombie1.health = 10

            zombie.visible = True
            zombie.health = 10


    Timetext = font.render('Time elapsed:' + str(round(timeForLevel,1)), 1, (255,251,0))
    screen.blit(Timetext, (20, 10))


如果这是足够的代码来显示检查我的Git hub



def respawn():
    global dead
    global run
    global velotimeser 
    global timeForLevel 
    global font 
    global man 
    global zombie 
    global zombie1 

    global randomside 
    global gunCapacity 
    global points
    global powerMeter 
    global bullets 
    global intro 
    dead = False
    velotimeser = 1
    timeForLevel = 0
    font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 30, True)
    man = Player(300, 508, 64, 64)
    zombie = Enemy(100, 508, 64, 64, 450)
    zombie1 = Enemy1(100, 508, 64, 64, 450)

    randomside = 0
    gunCapacity = 1
    points = 0
    powerMeter = 0
    bullets = []
    intro = False


    run = True

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    我正在将 Chrome 扩展程序移植到 Firefox 它具有粘贴到剪贴板的功能 但是 我还没有在 Firefox 中做到这一点 这是我在后台脚本中尝试执行的操作 const input document createElement tex
  • 为什么我的序言规则陷入无限递归

    我的代码可以达到其预期目的 但最后总是陷入循环 给出错误消息 超出堆栈限制 我的代码如下 byCar auckland hamilton byCar hamilton raglan byCar valmont saarbruecken by
  • Javascript 脚本在表单输入中查找乱码

    我需要一个脚本或正则表达式 我将使用 Javascript jQuery 来检查网站上的表单输入 来检查是否有人输入了大部分是乱码的单词 正常的单词或句子应该通过测试 This is a normal sentence pass Peter
  • 非详尽的模式匹配只是因为我省略了“否则=”? [复制]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 我用 Haskell 写了一个简单的程序来播放 The Rust 编程语言 一书中描述的猜谜游戏 它的工作原理如下 程序将生成一个 1 到 100 之间的随机整数 然后它会提示玩家输入猜测值 输入猜测后 会显示猜
  • 浏览器窗口之间是否可以进行基于事件的通信? [复制]

    这个问题在这里已经有答案了 是否可以有基于事件的浏览器选项卡 窗口之间的通信 我知道 至少理论上 可以使用本地存储 您能否提供执行此操作的代码的小示例 只需在一个选项卡中发送事件 然后在另一个选项卡中接收事件 有没有库 jquery 插件可
  • ActionController::未知格式

    在我的 Rails 应用程序中 我有一个向服务器发出的 ajax 请求 用于存储一些数据 这曾经工作没有任何问题 但现在我收到一个错误 ActionController UnknownFormat ActionController Unkn
  • Android RemoteViews ListView 滚动

    我正在尝试滚动ListView到某个特定位置AppWidget 然而它没有做任何事情 我也尝试过设置位置方法但不起作用 也没有错误或堆栈跟踪 Code if list size 0 loadLayout R layout rooster w
  • 从类unix系统获取唯一的id

    我想从任何类 Unix 系统 如果可能的话 获得一个唯一的 id 每次我的应用程序在同一台机器上运行时该 id 都会保持不变 如果可能的话 我想从Linux或FreeBSD或Solaris等获得相同的id 我不想为每台机器生成一个新的id
  • 使用 RxSwift 实现简单的可观察结构?

    我试图在 Swift 中提出一个简单的可观察对象并考虑使用RxSwift 我找不到一个简单的例子来做这样的事情 protocol PropertyObservable typealias PropertyType var propertyC
  • 如何在pygame中清除窗口上的文本

    在我正在制作的游戏中 我正在尝试解决游戏屏幕出现的问题 问题是当你死时它会说 你死了 然后我输入 再玩一次 或 退出 如果您按 退出 显然它会退出游戏 但如果您再次按 播放 我想要它做的是重新运行程序 def text objects te