将承载令牌传递给不同的 APP_INITIALIZER 以从 Angular 应用程序中的服务器加载配置


我经历了几个问题,比如1 , 2但我不知道如何让我的应用程序运行。

Problem:当我第一次登录时,我没有得到Bearer token因此我的SettingConfigService失败了401,如果我刷新页面,我会从以下位置获取令牌this.oauth.getAccessToken()因为现在令牌在localstorage.

我在用oauth 库用于登录。这是我创建的模块和库。


export function AppConfigurationFactory(config: SettingConfigService) {
  return async () => await config.ensureInit(APP_NAME);

export class AppConfig {
  baseUrl: string;
  production: boolean;

export const appConfig: AppConfig = {
  baseUrl: environment.baseUrl,
  production: environment.production,

  exports: [],
  declarations: [

  imports: [
    CustomInfrastructureModule.forRoot({ appConfig }),
  providers: [
    { provide: AppConfig, useValue: appConfig }, 
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: AppConfigurationFactory,
      deps: [ SettingConfigService, HttpClient, TranslateService, OAuthService],
      multi: true,
export class AppModule {}


import { NgModule, APP_INITIALIZER, Optional, SkipSelf, ModuleWithProviders, InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { OAuthModule, AuthConfig } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
import { OAuthModuleConfig,CustomAuthConfigParams } from './auth.config';
import { AuthConfigService } from './auth.service';

export function init_app(authConfigService: AuthConfigService) {
  return () => authConfigService.initAuth();

  imports: [HttpClientModule, OAuthModule.forRoot()]
export classCustomAuthModule {
  constructor(@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule:CustomAuthModule){
        throw new Error('QontrolAuthModule is already loaded.');

  static forRoot(keycloakParams): ModuleWithProviders<QontrolAuthModule> {
    return {
      providers: [ 
          provide: AuthConfig, 
          useValue: keycloakParams
          provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
          useFactory: init_app,
          deps: [AuthConfigService],
          multi: true,
        }, ]


  declarations: [],
  imports: [CommonModule],
  exports: [],
  providers: [],
export class CustomInfrastructureModule {

  static forRoot(conf?: {
    appConfig: SharedInfrastructureAppConfig;
  }): ModuleWithProviders<CustomInfrastructureModule> {
    return {
      ngModule: CustomInfrastructureModule,
      providers: [
        { provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: conf.appConfig },
          provide: LOCALE_ID,
          deps: [SettingConfigService], // some service handling global settings
          useFactory: (config: SettingConfigService) => config.culture


@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class SettingConfigService {
  culture: string;
  config: any;

    private httpClient: HttpClient,
    @Inject(APP_CONFIG) protected appConfig: SharedInfrastructureAppConfig,
    private oauth: OAuthService
  ) { }

  async ensureInit(clientPrefix: string): Promise<void>{
    console.log(this.oauth.getAccessToken());  //<-- comes as null when 1st login    
   // putting a wait time of 1 sec as per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/951021/what-is-the-javascript-version-of-sleep makes it work,
     // because by that time, we have the token in localStorage
    const response = await this.httpClient.get<any>(`${this.appConfig.baseUrl}/configs`).toPromise();
    this.config = response;



  async initAuth(): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolveFn, rejectFn) => {
      // Redirect to path, if there is one
      if (window && window.location && window.location.pathname) {
        this.oauthService.redirectUri = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;

      this.oauthService.tokenValidationHandler = new NullValidationHandler();

          filter((e: any) => {
            return e.type === 'token_received';
        .subscribe(() => 
           this.handleNewToken() // <-- this takes time to get triggered and meanwhile
                       // the call to SettingConfigService is made

      this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndLogin().then((isLoggedIn) => {
        if (isLoggedIn) {
          resolveFn(() => {});
        } else {


我需要同步APP_INITIALIZER of app.module.ts等待令牌APP_INITIALIZER of CustomAuthModule,然后它将有一个不记名令牌(由拦截器添加)。我的理解正确吗?请帮忙



  exports: [],
  declarations: [

  imports: [
    CustomAuthModule.forRoot(environment.keycloak, clientPrefixConstant),
    CustomInfrastructureModule.forRoot({ appConfig }),
  providers: [
    { provide: AppConfig, useValue: appConfig }, 
export class AppModule {}

在 Auth 模块中

export const CLIENT_NAME = new InjectionToken<string>('CLIENT_PARAM');

export function init_app(authConfigService: AuthConfigService,
    settingSvc: SettingConfigService,
    clientPrefix: string 
   ) {
  return () => authConfigService.initAuth().then(async () => {
      await settingSvc.ensureInit(clientName);

  imports: [HttpClientModule, OAuthModule.forRoot()]
export classCustomAuthModule {

  static forRoot(keycloakParams, clientPrefix): ModuleWithProviders<QontrolAuthModule> {
    return {
      providers: [ 
          provide: AuthConfig, 
          useValue: keycloakParams
          provide: CLIENT_NAME,
          useValue: clientPrefix
          provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
          useFactory: init_app,
          deps: [AuthConfigService,SettingConfigService,CLIENT_NAME],
          multi: true,
        }, ]

您的代码中发生的情况是APP_INITIALIZER并行调用,导致token不可用。根据我建议的答案,您首先解析令牌,然后调用ensureInit. With InjectionToken,我接受了string调用该函数所需的值。


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