

你好,我刚刚开始编写 Java 和 HTML 等代码,所以有时我会遇到困难。因此,我加入 StackOverflow 寻求您的帮助(请对我好一点:))


这是到目前为止我所做的事情,我的 HTML 代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
  <title>Canvas Example</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src='myanim.js' defer></script>
  <style type=text/css>
    #mycanvas {border:1px solid #000000}
  <canvas id=mycanvas width=600 height=400>Canvas Not Supported

我的 JavaScript:

var canvas=document.getElementById('mycanvas');
var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
var timer;
var fillColour = '#FF0000';
var strokeColour = '#FFFFFF';
var x=0; var y=0;
function frameRate(fps) {
 timer = window.setInterval(updateCanvas,1000/fps);
function noLoop() {
function updateCanvas(){
if (Math.random()>0.5)x+=2; else x-=2;
if (Math.random()>0.5)y+=2; else y-=2;
function draw(){


我得到了帮助math.random因为我不明白。有人可以帮助我如何做到这一点吗? 提前致谢。




要制作动画,您需要有一个主循环。每次您需要更新并将所需的所有内容绘制到画布上时,都会调用该函数。这种更新通常称为帧。那么每秒调用主循环的次数称为帧速率。 HTML 的典型帧速率为每秒 60 帧或更低。 HTML5 提供了一个特殊的事件调用 requestAnimationFrame,它专为动画而设计,并在运行主循环的最佳时间触发。

function mainLoop(){
    // clear the canvas
    // update the position of all the stuff in the animation

    // then request the next animation frame
    window.requestAnimationFrame( mainLoop ); // pase it the name of your main loop
    // the main loop is done. Exiting lets the browser know yo are done and 
    // it presents the redrawn canvas to the screen.


// starting the animation
mainLoop(); // call main loop




它演示了如何通过切换来更改帧速率requestAnimationFrame and setTimeout调用主循环函数。

它有一个绘制图像并添加运动模糊的示例(注意运动模糊是 GPU(图形处理单元)密集型的,并且不适用于大量对象。)




var dx = 10; // delta x velocity of object in pixels
var wx = 10; // width of object in pixels
var px = 90;  // position of object in pixels
var wallX = 105; // position of wall

px += dx;  // move the ball. Its position is now  100.
           // its right side is at px + wx = 110.
// test if it has it the wall
if(px+wx > wallX){
    dx = -dx; // reflect delta x
    // The object is 5 pixel into the wall.
    // The object has hit the wall some time during the last frame
    // We need to adjust the position as the ball may have been
    // traveling away from the wall for some time during the last frame.
    var dist = (px+wx)-wallX; // get the distance into the wall
    px -= dist*2; // the object hit the wall at position 95 and has been 
                  // traveling away since then so it is easy to just 
                  // subtract 2 times the distance the ball entered the wall
    // the above two lines can be done in one
    // px -= ((px+wx)-wallX)*2;








// helper functions. NOT part of the answer
var canvas = document.getElementById("canV"); 
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var mouseButton = 0;
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown',function(event){mouseButton = event.which;});
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup'  ,function(){mouseButton = 0;});
canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){ e.preventDefault();}, false);
var currentSurface = ctx;
var createImage = function (w, h) {// create an canvas image of size w,h and attach context 2d
    var image = document.createElement("canvas");  
    image.width = w;
    image.height = h !== undefined?h:w; 
    currentSurface = image.ctx = image.getContext("2d"); 
    return image;
var setColour = function (fillC, strokeC, lineW) { 
    currentSurface.fillStyle = fillC !== undefined ? fillC : currentSurface.fillStyle;
    currentSurface.strokeStyle = strokeC !== undefined ? strokeC : currentSurface.strokeStyle;
    currentSurface.lineWidth = lineW !== undefined ? lineW : currentSurface.lineWidth;
var circle = function(x,y,r,how){
    how = how.toLowerCase().replace(/[os]/g,"l"); // how to draw
        case "f":  // fill
        case "l":
        case "lf":
        case "fl":
function createGradImage(size,col1,col2){
    var image = createImage(size);
    var g = currentSurface.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,currentSurface.canvas.height);
    currentSurface.fillStyle = g;
    return image;
function createColouredBall (ballR,col) {
    var ball = createImage(ballR*2);
    var unit = ballR/100;
    return ball;
//    _                          
//   /_\  _ _  ____ __ _____ _ _ 
//  / _ \| ' \(_-< V  V / -_) '_|
// /_/ \_\_||_/__/\_/\_/\___|_|  
// ==================================
// Answer code

// lazy coder variables
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;

// ball is simulated 5cm 
var pixSize = 0.24; // in millimeters for simulation

// Gravity is 9.8 ms^2 so convert to pixels per frame squared
// Assuming constant 60 frames per second. ()
var gravity = 9800*pixSize/60; 
gravity *= 0.101; // because Earth's gravity is stupidly large let's move to Pluto

// ball 5cm 
var ballR = (25/pixSize)/2;          // radius is 2.5cm for 5cm diamiter ball
var ballX = w/2;                     // get center of canvas
var ballY = ballR+3;                 // start at the top
var ballDX = (Math.random()-0.5)*15; // start with random x speed
ballDX += ballDX < 0 ? -5 : 5;       // make sure it's not too slow
var ballDY = 0;                      // star with no downward speed;
var ballLastX = ballX;
var ballLastY = ballY;

//create an image of the Ball
var ball = createColouredBall(ballR,Math.floor(Math.random()*360)); // create an image of ball

// create a background. Image is small as it does not have much detail in it
var background = createGradImage(16,"#5af","#08C");
// time to run for

// Function to draw ball without motion blur
// draws the ball with out motion blurred. 
// image is the image to draw
// px and py are the x and y position to draw the ball
var drawImage = function(image , px, py){
    ctx.drawImage(image, px, py);

// draws the ball motion blurred. This introduces extra complexity
var drawMotionBlur = function(image, px, py, dx, dy, steps){
    var i, sx, sy;
    sx = dx / steps;
    sy = dy / steps;
    px -= dx; // move back to start position
    py -= dy; 
    ctx.globalAlpha = 1 / (steps * 0.8); // set alpha to slightly higher for each step
    for(i = 0; i < steps; i+= 1){
        ctx.drawImage(image, px + i * sx, py + i * sy);
    ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
// style for text
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.lineJoin = "round"; // stop some letters getting ears.
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
var textCenterX = w/2;
var maxHeight = Infinity;
var lastMaxHeight = ballY;
var slowMotion = false;  // slow motion flag
var frameTravel = true;  // use frame travel in collision test 
const bSteps = 10;  // the fixed motion blur steps
var update = function(){
    var str, blurSteps;
    blurSteps = 10;  // motion blur ball render steps. This varies depending on the the collision inter frame time. 
    if(mouseButton === 1){
        slowMotion = ! slowMotion;
        mouseButton = 0;
    if(mouseButton === 3){
        frameTravel = ! frameTravel;
        ballX = w / 2;                     // get center of canvas
        ballY = ballR + 3;                 // start at the top
        ballDY = 0;                      // start at 0 y speed
        mouseButton = 0;
    // clear the canvas with background canvas image
    ctx.drawImage(background, 0, 0, w, h);
    ballDY += gravity; // acceleration due to grav
    // add deltas to ball position
    ballX += ballDX; 
    ballY += ballDY;
    // test for collision on left and right walls. Need to 
    // adjust for motion blur
    if (ballX < ballR) {
        ballDX = -ballDX; // refect delta x
        if (frameTravel) { // if using frame travel time
            // blur the outward traveling ball only for the time it has been traveling away
            blurSteps = Math.ceil(10 * ((ballX - ballR) / -ballDX));
            // get position it should have traveled since
            ballX -= (ballX - ballR) * 2;
            ballX = ballR; // move ball to touching wall
            blurSteps = 1; // there is no outward motion
    } else
    if (ballX > w - ballR) {
        ballDX = -ballDX;
        if (frameTravel) { // if using frame travel time
            // blur the outward traveling ball only for the time it has been traveling away
            blurSteps = Math.ceil(10 * ((ballX - (w - ballR)) / -ballDX));
            ballX -= (ballX - (w - ballR)) * 2;
            ballX = w - ballR; // move ball to touching wall
            blurSteps = 1; // there is no outward motion

    // Test ball hit ground
    if (ballY > h - ballR) {
        ballDY = -ballDY;
        // to show max height
        lastMaxHeight = maxHeight;
        maxHeight = Infinity;
        if (frameTravel) { // if using frame travel time
            // blur the outward traveling ball only for the time it has been traveling away
            blurSteps = Math.ceil(10 * ((ballY - (h - ballR)) / -ballDY));
            ballY -= (ballY - (h - ballR)) * 2;
            ballY = h - ballR; // move ball to touching wall
            blurSteps = 1; // there is no outward motion
    // draw the ball motion blured
        ball,                    // image to draw
        ballX - ballR,             // offset radius
        ballY - ballR,
        ballDX * (blurSteps / bSteps),  // speed and adjust for bounced
        ballDY * (blurSteps / bSteps),
        blurSteps                // number of blurs

    // show max height. Yes it is min but everything is upside down.
    maxHeight = Math.min(maxHeight,ballY);
    lastMaxHeight = Math.min(ballY,lastMaxHeight);

    // show max height
    ctx.font = "12px arial black";
    ctx.moveTo(0, lastMaxHeight - ballR);
    ctx.lineTo(w, lastMaxHeight - ballR);
    ctx.fillText("Max height.", 40, lastMaxHeight - ballR + 6);

    str = ""; // display status string
    if(slowMotion){   // show left click help
        str += "10fps."
        ctx.fillText("click for 60fps.", textCenterX, 43);
        str += "60fps."
        ctx.fillText("click for 10fps.", textCenterX, 43);

    if(frameTravel){ // show mode and right click help
        str += " Mid frame collision.";
        ctx.fillText("Right click for Simple collision", textCenterX,55);
        str += " Simple collision.";
        ctx.fillText("Right click for mid frame collision", textCenterX,55);

    // display help text
    ctx.font = "18px arial black";  
    ctx.strokeText(str, textCenterX, 30);
    ctx.fillText(str, textCenterX, 28);

        setTimeout(update, 100); // show in slow motion
        requestAnimationFrame(update); // request next frame (1/60) seconds from now

    // all done
update(); // to start the ball rolling
.canC { width:500px;  height:500px;}
<canvas class="canC" id="canV" width=500 height=500></canvas>

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