在 HTML 表格中每页显示 N 行


你好,我有一个包含很多行的 html 表,我使用 JavaScript 代码添加分页选项,工作正常,但是当我加载文档时显示所有行,我只想显示 5、10 或其他行,但不是全部行。这是我的 JavaScript 代码和工作中的 Fiddle:

 $(document).ready(function () {

function getPagination(table) {

  $('#maxRows').on('change', function() {
    $('.pagination').html(''); // reset pagination 
    var trnum = 0; // reset tr counter 
    var maxRows = parseInt($(this).val()); // get Max Rows from select option
    var totalRows = $(table + ' tbody tr').length; // numbers of rows 
    $(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() { // each TR in  table and not the header
      trnum++; // Start Counter 
      if (trnum > maxRows) { // if tr number gt maxRows

        $(this).hide(); // fade it out 
      if (trnum <= maxRows) {
      } // else fade in Important in case if it ..
    }); //  was fade out to fade it in 
    if (totalRows > maxRows) { // if tr total rows gt max rows option
      var pagenum = Math.ceil(totalRows / maxRows); // ceil total(rows/maxrows) to get ..  
      //    numbers of pages 
      for (var i = 1; i <= pagenum;) { // for each page append pagination li 
        $('.pagination').append('<li class"wp" data-page="' + i + '">\
                                      <span>' + i++ + '<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></span>\
      } // end for i 
    } // end if row count > max rows
    $('.pagination li:first-child').addClass('active'); // add active class to the first li 
    $('.pagination li').on('click', function() { // on click each page
      var pageNum = $(this).attr('data-page'); // get it's number
      var trIndex = 0; // reset tr counter
      $('.pagination li').removeClass('active'); // remove active class from all li 
      $(this).addClass('active'); // add active class to the clicked 
      $(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() { // each tr in table not the header
        trIndex++; // tr index counter 
        // if tr index gt maxRows*pageNum or lt maxRows*pageNum-maxRows fade if out
        if (trIndex > (maxRows * pageNum) || trIndex <= ((maxRows * pageNum) - maxRows)) {
        } else {
        } //else fade in 
      }); // end of for each tr in table
    }); // end of on click pagination list





 $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#maxRows').on('change', function() {
    getPagination('#Tabla',2); // the no of rows default you want to show

function getPagination(table,noRows) {

 $('.pagination').html(''); // reset pagination 
    var trnum = 0; // reset tr counter 
    var maxRows = noRows; // get Max Rows from select option
    var totalRows = $(table + ' tbody tr').length; // numbers of rows 
    $(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() { // each TR in  table and not the header
      trnum++; // Start Counter 
      if (trnum > maxRows) { // if tr number gt maxRows

        $(this).hide(); // fade it out 
      if (trnum <= maxRows) {
      } // else fade in Important in case if it ..
    }); //  was fade out to fade it in 
    if (totalRows > maxRows) { // if tr total rows gt max rows option
      var pagenum = Math.ceil(totalRows / maxRows); // ceil total(rows/maxrows) to get ..  
      //    numbers of pages 
      for (var i = 1; i <= pagenum;) { // for each page append pagination li 
        $('.pagination').append('<li class"wp" data-page="' + i + '">\
                                      <span>' + i++ + '<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></span>\
      } // end for i 
    } // end if row count > max rows
    $('.pagination li:first-child').addClass('active'); // add active class to the first li 
    $('.pagination li').on('click', function() { // on click each page
      var pageNum = $(this).attr('data-page'); // get it's number
      var trIndex = 0; // reset tr counter
      $('.pagination li').removeClass('active'); // remove active class from all li 
      $(this).addClass('active'); // add active class to the clicked 
      $(table + ' tr:gt(0)').each(function() { // each tr in table not the header
        trIndex++; // tr index counter 
        // if tr index gt maxRows*pageNum or lt maxRows*pageNum-maxRows fade if out
        if (trIndex > (maxRows * pageNum) || trIndex <= ((maxRows * pageNum) - maxRows)) {
        } else {
        } //else fade in 
      }); // end of for each tr in table
    }); // end of on click pagination list



在 HTML 表格中每页显示 N 行 的相关文章
