CF 963E Circles of Waiting


          • 传送门
          • 题目大意
          • 思路
          • 参考代码


在平面直角坐标系上,有一个神奇的点,一开始在 (0,0) ( 0 , 0 ) 。每秒钟这个点都会随机移动:如果它在 (x,y) ( x , y ) ,下一秒它在 (x1,y) ( x − 1 , y ) 的概率是 p1 p 1 ,在 (x,y1) ( x , y − 1 ) 的概率是 p2 p 2 ,在 (x+1,y) ( x + 1 , y ) 的概率是 p3 p 3 ,在 (x,y+1) ( x , y + 1 ) 的概率是 p4 p 4 。保证 p1+p2+p3+p4=1 p 1 + p 2 + p 3 + p 4 = 1 ,各次移动互不关联。

求出这个点移动至距离原点距离大于 R(R50) R ( R ≤ 50 ) 的点的期望步数。距离为欧几里得距离。结果对 109+7 10 9 + 7 取模。




fx,y=p1fx1,y+p2fx,y1+p3fx+1,y+p4fx,y+1+1 f x , y = p 1 ⋅ f x − 1 , y + p 2 ⋅ f x , y − 1 + p 3 ⋅ f x + 1 , y + p 4 ⋅ f x , y + 1 + 1

  总共有 R2 R 2 个点,因此我们立即得到一个 O(R6) O ( R 6 ) 的算法(此处 R R 100),然后 T 掉。

  感性地理解, fx,y f x , y 有系数的方程并不会太多,而且有系数的一定与它相邻。假设我们从上往下,从左往右编码,则有系数的项距自己的编码不会超过 2r 2 r ,因此整个方程组对应的增广矩阵大概长这样:


  红框的大小为 2R 2 R ,因此时间复杂度为 O(R4) O ( R 4 )

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <climits>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <bitset>
#include <list>
#include <functional>
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ULL;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
typedef int INT_PUT;
INT_PUT readIn()
    INT_PUT a = 0; bool positive = true;
    char ch = getchar();
    while (!(ch == '-' || std::isdigit(ch))) ch = getchar();
    if (ch == '-') { positive = false; ch = getchar(); }
    while (std::isdigit(ch)) { a = a * 10 - (ch - '0'); ch = getchar(); }
    return positive ? -a : a;
void printOut(INT_PUT x)
    char buffer[20]; int length = 0;
    if (x < 0) putchar('-'); else x = -x;
    do buffer[length++] = -(x % 10) + '0'; while (x /= 10);
    do putchar(buffer[--length]); while (length);

const int mod = int(1e9) + 7;
const int maxn = 55;
int r;
int p1, p2, p3, p4;
int sum;

inline int code(int x) { return x + 50; }
inline double dis(int x, int y) { return std::sqrt(std::pow(x, 2) + std::pow(y, 2)); }
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > pt;
int idx[maxn * 2][maxn * 2];
#define IDX(x, y) idx[code(x)][code(y)]

LL power(LL x, int y)
    LL ret = 1;
    while (y)
        if (y & 1) ret = ret * x % mod;
        x = x * x % mod;
        y >>= 1;
    return ret;

int rect[8000][8000];

void Gauss()
    int d = r * 2;
    for (int i = 1; i <= pt.size(); i++)
        LL inv = power(rect[i][i], mod - 2);
        for (int j = i + 1, to1 = 0; j <= pt.size() && to1 <= d; j++, to1++)
            LL ratio = inv * rect[j][i] % mod;
            if (ratio)
                for (int k = i, to2 = 0; k <= pt.size() && to2 <= d; k++, to2++)
                    rect[j][k] = ((LL)rect[j][k] - rect[i][k] * ratio) % mod;
                rect[j][0] = ((LL)rect[j][0] - rect[i][0] * ratio) % mod;

    for (int i = pt.size(), to = IDX(0, 0); i >= to; i--)
        LL inv = power(rect[i][i], mod - 2);
        int& t = rect[i][0];
        t = inv * t % mod;
        for (int j = i - 1; j >= to; j--)
            rect[j][0] = (rect[j][0] - (LL)rect[j][i] * t) % mod;

void solve()
    for (int x = r; x >= -r; x--)
        for (int y = -r; y <= r; y++)
            if (dis(x, y) <= r)
                pt.push_back(std::make_pair(x, y));
                IDX(x, y) = pt.size();

    for (int x = r; x >= -r; x--)
        for (int y = -r; y <= r; y++)
            if (int f = IDX(x, y))
                rect[f][f] = -1;
                if (int t = IDX(x - 1, y))
                    rect[f][t] = p1;
                if (int t = IDX(x, y - 1))
                    rect[f][t] = p2;
                if (int t = IDX(x + 1, y))
                    rect[f][t] = p3;
                if (int t = IDX(x, y + 1))
                    rect[f][t] = p4;
                rect[f][0] = -1;

    printOut((rect[IDX(0, 0)][0] + mod) % mod);

void run()
    r = readIn();
    p1 = readIn();
    p2 = readIn();
    p3 = readIn();
    p4 = readIn();
    sum = ((LL)p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) % mod;
    LL inv = power(sum, mod - 2);
    p1 = (LL)p1 * inv % mod;
    p2 = (LL)p2 * inv % mod;
    p3 = (LL)p3 * inv % mod;
    p4 = (LL)p4 * inv % mod;

int main()
    return 0;

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