



File 1:

import file2

def funcA():
    a, b = 1, 2
    file2.main(a, b)


def main(a, b):
    asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(_main(a, b))

async def _main(a, b):
     out1 = await funcA(a, b)
     out2 = await funcB(a, b)
     out3 = await funcC(a, b)

async def funcA(a, b):
    result = 1 # some processing done here
    return result

async def funcB(a, b):
    result = 1 # some processing done here
    return result

async def funcC(a, b):
    result = 1 # some processing done here
    return result


做你想做的事情的一种方法是使用asyncio.run() in main进而gather在 main 的异步版本中。要模拟长时间处理,请使用asyncio.sleep()请看下面的代码:

import asyncio

def main(a, b):
    res = asyncio.run(async_main(a, b))
    print(f"in main, result is {res}")

async def funcA(a, b):
    print('funcA - start')
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    result = (a+b) # some processing done here
    print('funcA - end')

    return result

async def funcB(a, b):
    print('funcB - start')
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    result = (a+b)*2 # some processing done here
    print('funcB - end')
    return result

async def funcC(a, b):
    print('funcC - start')
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    result = (a+b)*3 # some processing done here
    print('funcC - end')

    return result

async def async_main(a, b):
    print("in async_main")
    res = await asyncio.gather(funcA(a, b), funcB(a, b), funcC(a, b))
    print(f"in async_main, result is {res}")
    return res

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main(1, 2)


in async_main
funcA - start
funcB - start
funcC - start
funcA - end
funcB - end
funcC - end
in async_main, result is [3, 6, 9]
in main, result is [3, 6, 9]

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