


Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay In your essay you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWERSHEET(15points)

Studies in the US and the UK consistently show that children have lost the right to wander. This is why many of our youth turn to technology They are not addicted to the computer:they're addicted to interaction and being around their friends. Children and especially teenagers, don’t want to only socialize with parents and siblings they want to play with their peers That's how they make sense of the world.And we've robbed them of that opportunity We're raising our children in captivity and they turn to technology to socialize learn and relax. Why are we blaming the screens?



1. 绿色是高分版蓝色是简化版黑色是"实在没办法”版(摆烂版)。尤其要说明的是,摆烂版可能会存在逻辑缺乏衔接,以及字数不够的情况——但是根据我曾经的一对一辅导经验:很多学生的底限似乎不是凑字数,而是牺牲字数的代价下能够写得完一篇作文就不错了。 (大多数人可以先试试蓝色的简化版)

2. 每个版本都有地道的词组,即使是最简单的版本。比如criticize..for...sth. ; keep...away from...


One of the most widespread concerns these days is that children and teenagers spend too much time faces glued to the screens of phones and laptops. Older generations see this behaviour as anti-social where youngsters are not interacting face to face in the real world with real people. Instead of blaming societal problems though, they blame the technology itself.


A big problem these days is that children and teenagers spend too much time looking at the screens of phone sand laptops. Older people think that this is not social.They think children should spend more time playing and studying face to face. The older people do not think that society is the problem they blame the technology


摆烂版: Young people are increasingly/more and more reliant/dependent on smart phones.Older people think it is wrong. They think youngsters should communicate with others in person They assume/think the problem is caused by the technology.

For young people now, these kind of on line interactions might be their only chance to socialize. learn and relax with others. As urbanization has rapidly increased, citizens now must live in apartment blocks in cities surrounded by tens of thousands of people, but feeling lonelier than ever before.


For young people now the only way they can communicate with other youngsters for playing learning and relaxing is through the internet.Many of these children live in apartment blocks in the city with thousands of other people who are all strangers. This makes them feel very lonely


摆烂版: On the one hand children prefer/like to communicate with friends in the virtual/digital world.On the other hand they live in cities with strangers. They feel very lonely

In the countryside. people knew and trusted each other, which meant children could wander and play freely.In the city, it is rare that people talk with their neighbors, and most parents are afraid to let their children roam the city freely. With this in mind, it is not surprising that young people turn to the online world for a sense of community

在农村,人们互相了解和信任,这意味着孩子们可以自由地闲逛和玩耍。在城市里,人们很少与他们的邻居交谈,大多数父母都不敢让他 们的孩子在城市里自由漫步。考虑到这一点,年轻人转向网络世界寻求团体感就不足为奇了。

In the countryside, people knew and trusted each other. Mothers and fathers were not afraid to let their children go out to play and have fun. Parents in the city are scared to let their children go out to play because they think it is too dangerous. That is why children look on the internet for places to play and chat. 


摆烂版: In the past people lived in villages and knew each other. They are allowed to go outside to have fun Nowadays, parents are afraid to let them play outdoors. As a result, children go to the internet to make friends.

Why we blame the technology though is a more difficult point to answer. Most parents who are forced to work nine to five as well as overtime. probably have a sense of guilt that they have no time to spend with their families, but rather than search for answers inside themselves, they choose the obvious scapegoat - technology  


But why do people blame the technology, not society. In dual-earner families, both the mother and father work every day and feel bad that they can not spend time with their family Instead of recognizing that there is a problem, they get angry and blame their children for always staring at their phone. 


摆烂版: People criticize the technology instead of society. Parents are busy working everyday. They spend little time with their children. However they do not realize that and they criticize their children for obsession with/ addiction to using phones. 

Rather than parents trying to reverse this trend though, they reinforce it by always having a phone in their hand and putting an iPad in the hands of infants. Frankly, this is probably a problem that is not going to disappear as the world depends more and more on the internet. 


Parents are often too tired or lazy to stop this trend, and anyway they often have a smart phone in their hand, and then pass their child the iPad just to make them be quiet. Of course, the internet is becoming more and more important in our lives, so this problem is not going to disappear.

父母往往太累或太懒,无法阻止这种趋势,反正他们经常手里拿着一部智能手机,然后把 iPad递给孩子,只是为了让他们安静下来。当然,互联网在我们的生活中越来越重要,所以这个问题不会消失。

摆烂版: Parents should spend more time with their children. By doing sotheycan help children focus their attention on face to face communication.

(或者最后一句写:By doing sothey can keep children away from smartphones).

注意词组:focus sb's attention on….把某人的注意力放在……上






父母往往太累或太懒,无法阻止这种趋势,反正他们经常手里拿着一部智能手机,然后把 iPad递给孩子,只是为了让他们安静下来。当然,互联网在我们的生活中越来越重要,所以这个问题不会消失


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