Sendmail插入!电子邮件中间 990 个字符后的符号


我使用 sendmail -v 从 sendmail 发送邮件[电子邮件受保护]https://infoeu.!。我不明白为什么sendmail会插入额外的字符! ?

<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/></head><body><p>Dear Mr/Ms scure dhf</p><p>Thank you for choosing XXXXXXX.</p><p> In order to live a fulfilling experience with your newly purchased XXXXXXX system, please read carefully the following guidance.</p><p> <strong>1. Domonial owners</strong></p><p>To remotely operate your system, please access the following Internet address: <u><a href=></a></u></p><p> Your login is: sucre567</p><p> Your password is: sucre567</p><p><strong>2. Sucre Box and Sucre Box + owners</strong></p><p> Sucre Box and Sucre Box + owners can live a fulfilling experience by installing our latest Total Connect Comfort International smartphone application available for both Android phones and IPhones.</p><p> <strong><em>2.1  If you want to use the application</em></strong></p><p> Connect to <u><a href=>https://infoeu.!</a></u></p><p>Create an account or login if you already have one</p><p> Access the security section and follow the instructions</p><p>The security login and password will be requested:</p><p>Security login: sucre567</p><p>Security password: sucre567</p><p> And don&#146;t forget to download the app on your smartphone!</p><p><strong><em>2.2  If you don&#146;t want to use the application</em></strong></p><p>To set up and remotely operate your system, please access the following Internet address: <u><a href=></a></u></p><p>Your login is: sucre567</p><p>Your password is: sucre567</p><p><strong>3.  Sucre GPRS owners</strong></p><p>To set up and remotely operate your system, please access the following Internet address: <u><a href=></a></u></p><p>Your login is: sucre567</p><p> Your password is: sucre567</p></body></html>

SMTP RFC5321指定消息行最大长度的限制。
Sendmail 会中断长线以避免超出限制。

你似乎发送了 html 上下文。您可以使用tidy重新格式化 html 的程序。它还应该打破长 html 行。


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