飞碟没有应用内部 CSS


我在 struts2 操作中使用以下代码,使用飞碟将 HTML 转换为 PDF: 它只是按原样打印样式代码,并不应用它。

static String readFile(String path, Charset encoding) 
          throws IOException 
          byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
          return new String(encoded, encoding);

public String execute() throws Exception
    String result="success";        
    try {
        String url = "C:\\Users\\Anoop\\Desktop\\files\\form1.html";
        System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8");
        String content = PDFGeneratorFromHTML.readFile(url,Charset.forName("UTF-8") );
        String k = "<html><body> This is my Project </body></html>";
        OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:\\Test2.pdf"));
        ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("D:\\Test2.pdf"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result;

我的 HTML 和 css 文件是:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
	margin: 10px 0px;
	clear: both;
	border-top: none;
	border-bottom: none;
	text-align: left;
.border-left{border-left: solid 1px #e6e4df;}
/*table tr:nth-child(2n+1){background-color:#09C; color:#fff;}*/
table tr th{border:solid 1px #bfbfba; border-left:none; border-right:none; padding:15px 0 !important; background-color:#f5f5f2; color:#333;}
table tr td, table tr th{border-bottom:solid 1px #e6e4df; padding:5px; border-right:solid 1px #e6e4df;}
table tr td.total{background-color:#CCC;}
.header-uni-form{width:960px; height:auto; float:left; padding:20px 0;}
.header-uni-form .uni-form-logo{
	width:307px; height:auto; float:left; padding:20px 0;
.border-none{border:none !important;}
.customer-info{width:940px; height:auto; float:left; margin:10px 0;}
.customer-info .customer-left{position: relative; width:620px; height:170px; float:left; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -ms-border-radius:10px; -o-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; border:1px solid #333;}
.customer-info .customer-left .bottom-border, .customer-info .customer-right .bottom-border{
	border-bottom: solid 1px #333 !important;
	text-align: left;
.customer-info .customer-left table, .customer-info .customer-right table, .customer-info .customer-right table tr td, .customer-info .customer-left table tr td, .customer-info .customer-right table tr td th, .customer-info .customer-left table tr td th{border:1px solid #fff; margin:10px;}
.customer-info .customer-left .name, .customer-info .customer-right .name{position:absolute; top:-17px; left:20px; color:#000; padding:5px 10px; background:#fff;}
.customer-info .customer-right{width:300px; height:170px; float:left; margin-left:15px; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -ms-border-radius:10px; -o-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; position: relative; border:1px solid #333;}
.header-uni-form .uni-form-heading{width:307px; height:auto; float:left; margin-left:15px;}
.header-uni-form .invoice-form-uni{width:307px; height:auto; float:left; margin-left:15px; padding:20px 0;}
<div style="width:960px; height:auto; margin:0 auto; clear:both;">
<div class="header-uni-form">
<div class="uni-form-logo text-center">Logo</div>
<div class="uni-form-heading"><strong>UNITELLER FINANCIAL SERVICES</strong>
218 Route 17 North<br />`enter code here`
Rochelle Park, N.J. 07662
<div class="invoice-form-uni text-center">Invoice No.:  IE 07 2014</div>
<div class="customer-info">

<div class="customer-left">
<span class="name">Customer</span>
<table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="17%">Name</td>
    <td colspan="5" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="5" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="30%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="14%">State </td>
    <td width="13%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="10%">Zip</td>
    <td width="16%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="6" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>

<div class="customer-right">
<table width="95%" border="1">
    <td width="27%">Date</td>
    <td width="73%" class="bottom-border">07/31/14</td>
    <td width="73%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="73%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="73%" class="bottom-border">&nbsp;</td>


<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <th width="7%" class="border-left">Qty</th>
    <th width="74%" class="text-center">Description</th>
    <th width="9%" class="text-center">Unit Price</th>
    <th width="10%" class="text-center">TOTAL</th>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td>
    <td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Deposit To Account</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Caja Popular Mexicana</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Caja Popular Mexicana Payment order over $6,000 MXP, Caja Popular Mexicana Payment order over $6,000 MXP</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Deposit To Account</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Deposit To Account</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">4588</td>
    <td>Window Pick-up</td>
    <td class="text-right">$1.75</td><td class="text-right total">$48,56.00</td>
    <td class="border-left"><span class="border-none"></span></td>
    <td class="text-right">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="text-right total">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="2" rowspan="5" class="border-none">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="border-left">Sub Total</td>
    <td class="text-right total">$55.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="text-right total">$0.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="text-right total">$0.00</td>
    <td class="border-left">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="text-right total">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="border-left" style="text-align: right; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL</td>
    <td class="text-right total">$88,442.00</td>
</html> */

css 按原样打印,但未应用于 pdf 中。



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