C# 中简单线程池的代码 [关闭]



我在 codeproject 上找到了一个,但代码库太大了,我不需要所有这些功能。


这是我能想到的用于教育目的的最简单、最简单的线程池实现(C# / .NET 3.5)。它没有以任何方式使用.NET 的线程池实现。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace SimpleThreadPool
    public sealed class Pool : IDisposable
        public Pool(int size)
            this._workers = new LinkedList<Thread>();
            for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                var worker = new Thread(this.Worker) { Name = string.Concat("Worker ", i) };

        public void Dispose()
            var waitForThreads = false;
            lock (this._tasks)
                if (!this._disposed)

                    this._disallowAdd = true; // wait for all tasks to finish processing while not allowing any more new tasks
                    while (this._tasks.Count > 0)

                    this._disposed = true;
                    Monitor.PulseAll(this._tasks); // wake all workers (none of them will be active at this point; disposed flag will cause then to finish so that we can join them)
                    waitForThreads = true;
            if (waitForThreads)
                foreach (var worker in this._workers)

        public void QueueTask(Action task)
            lock (this._tasks)
                if (this._disallowAdd) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This Pool instance is in the process of being disposed, can't add anymore"); }
                if (this._disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("This Pool instance has already been disposed"); }
                Monitor.PulseAll(this._tasks); // pulse because tasks count changed

        private void Worker()
            Action task = null;
            while (true) // loop until threadpool is disposed
                lock (this._tasks) // finding a task needs to be atomic
                    while (true) // wait for our turn in _workers queue and an available task
                        if (this._disposed)
                        if (null != this._workers.First && object.ReferenceEquals(Thread.CurrentThread, this._workers.First.Value) && this._tasks.Count > 0) // we can only claim a task if its our turn (this worker thread is the first entry in _worker queue) and there is a task available
                            task = this._tasks.First.Value;
                            Monitor.PulseAll(this._tasks); // pulse because current (First) worker changed (so that next available sleeping worker will pick up its task)
                            break; // we found a task to process, break out from the above 'while (true)' loop
                        Monitor.Wait(this._tasks); // go to sleep, either not our turn or no task to process

                task(); // process the found task
                task = null;

        private readonly LinkedList<Thread> _workers; // queue of worker threads ready to process actions
        private readonly LinkedList<Action> _tasks = new LinkedList<Action>(); // actions to be processed by worker threads
        private bool _disallowAdd; // set to true when disposing queue but there are still tasks pending
        private bool _disposed; // set to true when disposing queue and no more tasks are pending

    public static class Program
        static void Main()
            using (var pool = new Pool(5))
                var random = new Random();
                Action<int> randomizer = (index =>
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: Working on index {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, index);
                    Thread.Sleep(random.Next(20, 400));
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: Ending {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, index);

                for (var i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                    var i1 = i;
                    pool.QueueTask(() => randomizer(i1));

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