R Shiny:隔离动态选项卡中的动态输出



在此示例中,您在侧栏中选择 4 个字母,如果单击该按钮,它会动态创建一个带有文本输出的单独选项卡。但是,当您更改字母并再次单击该按钮时,所有以前的选项卡都将更新为新结果。我想隔离每个选项卡中的结果,但我不知道该怎么做。我尝试通过使用不同的输出名称来做到这一点(请参阅变量summaryname在服务器中)但它不起作用。




ui <- fluidPage(
    sidebarPanel(width = 4,
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
                 actionButton(inputId = "goButton", label = "Go!")

    mainPanel(width = 8,
              tabPanel("Result", fluid = TRUE,
                       uiOutput(outputId = "tabs"),
                       conditionalPanel(condition="input.level == 1",
                                        HTML("<font size = 3><strong>Select your inputs and click 'Go!'.</strong></font>")
                       conditionalPanel(condition="input.level != 1",
                                        uiOutput(outputId = "summary")


server <- function(input, output, session){

  output$tabs <- renderUI({

    Tabs <- as.list(rep(0, input$goButton+1))

    for (i in 0:length(Tabs)){
      Tabs[i] = lapply(paste("Results", i, sep = " "), tabPanel, value = i)

    do.call(tabsetPanel, c(Tabs, id = "level"))

  output$summary <- renderUI({
    summary <- eventReactive(input$goButton, {paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
                                                    "You chose the following letters:", input$choice_1, input$choice_2, input$choice_3, input$choice_4, "." ,"<br>",
                                                    "Thank you for helping me!")

    summaryname <- paste("Summary", input$goButton+1, sep = "")

    output[[summaryname]] <- renderText({summary()})


EDIT:当我尝试在代码周围获取 navbarPage 布局时,我现在遇到了问题。不知何故,动态选项卡的结果显示错误(并且再次未正确隔离)。我只更改了用户界面,但为了以防万一,我添加了服务器。


ui <- navbarPage("Shiny",

  # Important! : JavaScript functionality to add the Tabs
                             /* In coherence with the original Shiny way, tab names are created with random numbers. 
                             To avoid duplicate IDs, we collect all generated IDs.  */
                             var hrefCollection = [];

                             Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('addTabToTabset', function(message){
                             var hrefCodes = [];
                             /* Getting the right tabsetPanel */
                             var tabsetTarget = document.getElementById(message.tabsetName);

                             /* Iterating through all Panel elements */
                             for(var i = 0; i < message.titles.length; i++){
                             /* Creating 6-digit tab ID and check, whether it was already assigned. */
                             do {
                             hrefCodes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);
                             while(hrefCollection.indexOf(hrefCodes[i]) != -1);
                             hrefCollection = hrefCollection.concat(hrefCodes[i]);

                             /* Creating node in the navigation bar */
                             var navNode = document.createElement('li');
                             var linkNode = document.createElement('a');

                             linkNode.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tab');
                             linkNode.setAttribute('data-value', message.titles[i]);
                             linkNode.setAttribute('href', '#tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);


                             /* Move the tabs content to where they are normally stored. Using timeout, because
                             it can take some 20-50 millis until the elements are created. */ 
                             var creationPool = document.getElementById('creationPool').childNodes;
                             var tabContainerTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('tab-content')[0];

                             /* Again iterate through all Panels. */
                             for(var i = 0; i < creationPool.length; i++){
                             var tabContent = creationPool[i];
                             tabContent.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);

                             }, 100);
  # End Important


      sidebarPanel(width = 4,
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
                 actionButton("goCreate", "Go create a new Tab!")
      tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabset",
                  tabPanel("InitialPanel1", "Some text here to show this is InitialPanel1",
                           # Important! : 'Freshly baked' tabs first enter here.
                           uiOutput("creationPool", style = "display: none;")
                           # End Important


server <- function(input, output, session){

  # Important! : creationPool should be hidden to avoid elements flashing before they are moved.
  #              But hidden elements are ignored by shiny, unless this option below is set.
  output$creationPool <- renderUI({})
  outputOptions(output, "creationPool", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  # End Important

  # Important! : This is the make-easy wrapper for adding new tabPanels.
  addTabToTabset <- function(Panels, tabsetName){
    titles <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){return(Panel$attribs$title)})
    Panels <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){Panel$attribs$title <- NULL; return(Panel)})

    output$creationPool <- renderUI({Panels})
    session$sendCustomMessage(type = "addTabToTabset", message = list(titles = titles, tabsetName = tabsetName))
  # End Important 

  # From here: Just for demonstration
  output$creationInfo <- renderText({
    paste0("The next tab will be named: Results ", input$goCreate + 1)

  observeEvent(input$goCreate, {
    nr <- input$goCreate

    newTabPanels <- list(
      tabPanel(paste0("NewTab ", nr),

               htmlOutput(paste0("Html_text", nr)),
               actionButton(paste0("Button", nr), "Some new button!"), 
               textOutput(paste0("Text", nr))

    output[[paste0("Html_text", nr)]] <- renderText({
        paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
              "You chose the following letters:", isolate(input$choice_1), isolate(input$choice_2), isolate(input$choice_3), isolate(input$choice_4), "." ,"<br>",
              "Thank you for helping me!")

    addTabToTabset(newTabPanels, "mainTabset")

修改中给出的代码link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35020810/dynamically-creating-tabs-with-plots-in-shiny-without-re-creating-existing-tabs/使用您提供的代码,我能够产生所需的结果。


ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

  # Important! : JavaScript functionality to add the Tabs
                             /* In coherence with the original Shiny way, tab names are created with random numbers. 
                             To avoid duplicate IDs, we collect all generated IDs.  */
                             var hrefCollection = [];

                             Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('addTabToTabset', function(message){
                             var hrefCodes = [];
                             /* Getting the right tabsetPanel */
                             var tabsetTarget = document.getElementById(message.tabsetName);

                             /* Iterating through all Panel elements */
                             for(var i = 0; i < message.titles.length; i++){
                             /* Creating 6-digit tab ID and check, whether it was already assigned. */
                             do {
                             hrefCodes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);
                             while(hrefCollection.indexOf(hrefCodes[i]) != -1);
                             hrefCollection = hrefCollection.concat(hrefCodes[i]);

                             /* Creating node in the navigation bar */
                             var navNode = document.createElement('li');
                             var linkNode = document.createElement('a');

                             linkNode.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tab');
                             linkNode.setAttribute('data-value', message.titles[i]);
                             linkNode.setAttribute('href', '#tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);


                             /* Move the tabs content to where they are normally stored. Using timeout, because
                             it can take some 20-50 millis until the elements are created. */ 
                             var creationPool = document.getElementById('creationPool').childNodes;
                             var tabContainerTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('tab-content')[0];

                             /* Again iterate through all Panels. */
                             for(var i = 0; i < creationPool.length; i++){
                             var tabContent = creationPool[i];
                             tabContent.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);

                             }, 100);
  # End Important
    sidebarPanel(width = 4,
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
                             choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
                 actionButton(inputId = "goCreate", label = "Go!")

    mainPanel(width = 8,
  tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabset", 
               tabPanel("InitialPanel1", "Some Text here to show this is InitialPanel1")

  # Important! : 'Freshly baked' tabs first enter here.
  uiOutput("creationPool", style = "display: none;")
  # End Important

server <- function(input, output, session){

  # Important! : creationPool should be hidden to avoid elements flashing before they are moved.
  #              But hidden elements are ignored by shiny, unless this option below is set.
  output$creationPool <- renderUI({})
  outputOptions(output, "creationPool", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  # End Important

  # Important! : This is the make-easy wrapper for adding new tabPanels.
  addTabToTabset <- function(Panels, tabsetName){
    titles <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){return(Panel$attribs$title)})
    Panels <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){Panel$attribs$title <- NULL; return(Panel)})

    output$creationPool <- renderUI({Panels})
    session$sendCustomMessage(type = "addTabToTabset", message = list(titles = titles, tabsetName = tabsetName))
  # End Important 

  # From here: Just for demonstration
  output$creationInfo <- renderText({
    paste0("The next tab will be named NewTab", input$goCreate + 1)

  observeEvent(input$goCreate, {
    nr <- input$goCreate
    newTabPanels <- list(
      tabPanel(paste0("Result", nr), 
               # actionButton(paste0("Button", nr), "Some new button!"), 
               htmlOutput(paste0("Text", nr))

    output[[paste0("Text", nr)]] <- renderText({
      paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
            "You chose the following letters:", isolate(input$choice_1), isolate(input$choice_2), isolate(input$choice_3), isolate(input$choice_4), "." ,"<br>",
            "Thank you for helping me!")

    addTabToTabset(newTabPanels, "mainTabset")

shinyApp(ui, server) 



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