在 JSch 中使用 ChannelSftp 传输文件夹和子文件夹?


我想使用 JSch 传输文件夹和子文件夹ChannelSftp。我可以使用成功传输文件channelsftp.put(src, dest)命令但这不适用于文件夹(至少我无法使其工作)。那么有人可以解释一下如何使用传输文件夹和子文件夹吗ChannelSftp?

要在 jsch 中使用多级文件夹结构,您:

  1. 输入它们;
  2. 列出其内容;
  3. 对每一个找到的物品做某事;
  4. 如果找到子文件夹,请重复 1、2 和 3。

在 JSCH 类中下载 dirs 方法:

public void downloadDir(String sourcePath, String destPath) throws SftpException { // With subfolders and all files.
    // Create local folders if absent.
    try {
        new File(destPath).mkdirs();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Error at : " + destPath);

    // Copy remote folders one by one.
    lsFolderCopy(sourcePath, destPath); // Separated because loops itself inside for subfolders.

private void lsFolderCopy(String sourcePath, String destPath) throws SftpException { // List source (remote, sftp) directory and create a local copy of it - method for every single directory.
    Vector<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> list = sftpChannel.ls(sourcePath); // List source directory structure.
    for (ChannelSftp.LsEntry oListItem : list) { // Iterate objects in the list to get file/folder names.
        if (!oListItem.getAttrs().isDir()) { // If it is a file (not a directory).
            if (!(new File(destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename())).exists() || (oListItem.getAttrs().getMTime() > Long.valueOf(new File(destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()).lastModified() / (long) 1000).intValue())) { // Download only if changed later.
                new File(destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename());
                sftpChannel.get(sourcePath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename(), destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()); // Grab file from source ([source filename], [destination filename]).
        } else if (!(".".equals(oListItem.getFilename()) || "..".equals(oListItem.getFilename()))) {
            new File(destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()).mkdirs(); // Empty folder copy.
            lsFolderCopy(sourcePath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename(), destPath + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()); // Enter found folder on server to read its contents and create locally.

JSCH 类中的 REMOVE dirs 方法:

try {
    Vector<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> list = sftpChannel.ls(dir); // List source directory structure.
    for (ChannelSftp.LsEntry oListItem : list) { // Iterate objects in the list to get file/folder names.
        if (!oListItem.getAttrs().isDir()) { // If it is a file (not a directory).
            sftpChannel.rm(dir + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()); // Remove file.
        } else if (!(".".equals(oListItem.getFilename()) || "..".equals(oListItem.getFilename()))) { // If it is a subdir.
            try {
                sftpChannel.rmdir(dir + "/" + oListItem.getFilename());  // Try removing subdir.
            } catch (Exception e) { // If subdir is not empty and error occurs.
                lsFolderRemove(dir + "/" + oListItem.getFilename()); // Do lsFolderRemove on this subdir to enter it and clear its contents.
    sftpChannel.rmdir(dir); // Finally remove the required dir.
} catch (SftpException sftpException) {
    System.out.println("Removing " + dir + " failed. It may be already deleted.");


MyJSCHClass sftp = new MyJSCHClass();
sftp.disconnect(); // Disconnecting is obligatory - otherwise changes on server can be discarded (e.g. loaded folder disappears).

在 JSch 中使用 ChannelSftp 传输文件夹和子文件夹? 的相关文章