

(2+1)D 模型框架结构笔记

    • SpatioTemporalConv模块结构
    • SpatioTemporalResBlock模块结构
    • SpatioTemporalResLayer模块结构
    • 2Plus1DNet


SpatioTemporalConv的输入参数:(in_channels,out_channels,kernel_size,stride=1,padding=0, bias=False,first_conv=False)

in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input tensor,输入张量中的通道数

out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution,卷积提供的通道数

kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel,卷积核大小

stride (int or tuple, optional): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1,卷积的步长。 默认值:1

padding (int or tuple, optional): Zero-padding added to the sides of the input during their respective convolutions. Default: 0,在它们各自的卷积期间将零填充添加到输入的边。 默认值:0

bias (bool, optional): If True, adds a learnable bias to the output. Default: True,

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0 inputs Spatial_conv:Conv3d(in_channels,intermed_channels, spatial_kernel_size,spatial_stride,sptial_padding,bias) BatchNorm3d Relu Temporal_conv:Conv3d(intermed_channels,out_channels, temporal_kernel_size,temporal_stride,temporal_padding,bias) BatchNorm3d Relu outputs

在代码中,当first_conv=True时intermed_channels=45,否则intermed_channels=(kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2] * in_channels * out_channels)/(kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2] * in_channels+kernel_size[0] * out_channels)。

也就是(3D卷积核x输入通道数x输出通道数)/(空间卷积核x输入通道数 + 时间卷积核x输出通道数)。





class SpatioTemporalConv(nn.Module):
        in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input tensor,输入张量中的通道数
        out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution,卷积提供的通道数
        kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel
        stride (int or tuple, optional): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1,卷积的步伐。 默认值:1
        padding (int or tuple, optional): Zero-padding added to the sides of the input during their respective convolutions. Default: 0,
        在它们各自的卷积期间将零填充添加到输入的边。 默认值:0
        bias (bool, optional): If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output. Default: ``True``,
        偏见(布尔型,可选):如果为``True'',则向输出添加可学习的偏见。 默认值:``True``

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, first_conv=False):
        super(SpatioTemporalConv, self).__init__()

        # if ints are entered, convert them to iterables, 1 -> [1, 1, 1]
        kernel_size = _triple(kernel_size)
        stride = _triple(stride)
        padding = _triple(padding)

        if first_conv: # 首层设置
            spatial_kernel_size = kernel_size #(1,7,7)
            spatial_stride = (1, stride[1], stride[2]) #(1,2,2)
            spatial_padding = padding #(0,3,3)

            temporal_kernel_size = (3, 1, 1)
            temporal_stride = (stride[0], 1, 1) #(1,1,1)
            temporal_padding = (1, 0, 0)

            # from the official code, first conv's intermed_channels = 45
            intermed_channels = 45

            # 空间卷积等价于2D卷积, followed by batch_norm and ReLU
            self.spatial_conv = nn.Conv3d(in_channels, intermed_channels, spatial_kernel_size,
                                          stride=spatial_stride, padding=spatial_padding, bias=bias)
            self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(intermed_channels)
			# 时间卷积等效于1D卷积,
            self.temporal_conv = nn.Conv3d(intermed_channels, out_channels, temporal_kernel_size,
                                           stride=temporal_stride, padding=temporal_padding, bias=bias)
            self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)
            self.relu = nn.ReLU()
            # decomposing the parameters into spatial and temporal components by
            # masking out the values with the defaults on the axis that
            # won't be convolved over. This is necessary to avoid unintentional
            # behavior such as padding being added twice
            spatial_kernel_size =  (1, kernel_size[1], kernel_size[2]) # 一般为(1,3,3)
            spatial_stride =  (1, stride[1], stride[2]) # stride = 2时下采样
            spatial_padding =  (0, padding[1], padding[2]) # 

            temporal_kernel_size = (kernel_size[0], 1, 1)
            temporal_stride = (stride[0], 1, 1)
            temporal_padding = (padding[0], 0, 0)

            # 公式计算中间通道数
            # from the paper section 3.5
            intermed_channels = int(math.floor((kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2] * in_channels * out_channels)/ \
                                (kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2] * in_channels + kernel_size[0] * out_channels)))

            # the spatial conv is effectively a 2D conv due to the
            # spatial_kernel_size, followed by batch_norm and ReLU
            self.spatial_conv = nn.Conv3d(in_channels, intermed_channels, spatial_kernel_size,
                                        stride=spatial_stride, padding=spatial_padding, bias=bias)
            self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(intermed_channels)

            # the temporal conv is effectively a 1D conv, but has batch norm
            # and ReLU added inside the model constructor, not here. This is an
            # intentional design choice, to allow this module to externally act
            # identical to a standard Conv3D, so it can be reused easily in any
            # other codebase
            self.temporal_conv = nn.Conv3d(intermed_channels, out_channels, temporal_kernel_size,
                                        stride=temporal_stride, padding=temporal_padding, bias=bias)
            self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)
            self.relu = nn.ReLU()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.spatial_conv(x)))
        x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.temporal_conv(x)))
        return x





class SpatioTemporalResBlock(nn.Module):
    r"""Single block for the ResNet network. Uses SpatioTemporalConv in
        the standard ResNet block layout (conv->batchnorm->ReLU->conv->batchnorm->sum->ReLU)
        ResNet网络的单个块。 在标准ResNet块布局中使用SpatioTemporalConv

            in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input tensor.
            out_channels (int): Number of channels in the output produced by the block.
            kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernels.
            downsample (bool, optional): If ``True``, the output size is to be smaller than the input. Default: ``False``

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, downsample=False):
        super(SpatioTemporalResBlock, self).__init__()

        # If downsample == True, the first conv of the layer has stride = 2
        # to halve the residual output size, and the input x is passed
        # through a seperate 1x1x1 conv with stride = 2 to also halve it.

        # no pooling layers are used inside ResNet
        self.downsample = downsample

        # to allow for SAME padding
        padding = kernel_size // 2

        if self.downsample:# 下采样为true,对输入层也得进行图片的长宽压缩
            # 下采样输入x,残差的右侧分支部分
            self.downsampleconv = SpatioTemporalConv(in_channels, out_channels, 1, stride=2) #卷积核1x1x1,直接对输入进行下采样
            self.downsamplebn = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels) #  接bn3d

            # 下采样的主线部分,一次conv包括 空间卷积加时间卷积
            self.conv1 = SpatioTemporalConv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding=padding, stride=2)
		else:# 不进行下采样的话 ,右侧分支直接相加就行了
            self.conv1 = SpatioTemporalConv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding=padding)

        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()

        # 再进行一次标准的卷积 + bn3d + relu
        self.conv2 = SpatioTemporalConv(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding=padding)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)

    def forward(self, x):
        res = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
        res = self.bn2(self.conv2(res))

        if self.downsample:
            x = self.downsamplebn(self.downsampleconv(x))

        return self.relu(x + res)



class SpatioTemporalResLayer(nn.Module):

            in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input tensor.
            out_channels (int): Number of channels in the output produced by the layer.
            kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernels.
            layer_size (int): Number of blocks to be stacked to form the layer
            block_type (Module, optional): Type of block that is to be used to form the layer. Default: SpatioTemporalResBlock.
            downsample (bool, optional): If ``True``, the first block in layer will implement downsampling. Default: ``False``

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, layer_size, block_type=SpatioTemporalResBlock,

        super(SpatioTemporalResLayer, self).__init__()

        # 首层,采用SpatioTemporalResBlock的 有下采样的结构。
        self.block1 = block_type(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, downsample)

        # 接下来重复进行layer_size - 1次不进行下采样的结构,依次堆叠;
		# layer_size为2时,即再进行1次不进行下采样的SpatioTemporalResBlock结构
        self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([])
        for i in range(layer_size - 1):
            # 所有这些块都是相同的,并且默认情况下downsample = False
            self.blocks += [block_type(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size)]

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.block1(x)
        for block in self.blocks:
            x = block(x)

        return x


class R2Plus1DNet(nn.Module):
    r"""Forms the overall ResNet feature extractor by initializng 5 layers, with the number of blocks in
    each layer set by layer_sizes, and by performing a global average pool at the end producing a
    512-dimensional vector for each element in the batch.

            layer_sizes (tuple): An iterable containing the number of blocks in each layer
            block_type (Module, optional): Type of block that is to be used to form the layers. Default: SpatioTemporalResBlock.

    def __init__(self, layer_sizes, block_type=SpatioTemporalResBlock):
        super(R2Plus1DNet, self).__init__()

		# 第一层,输入通道为3,卷积核大小(177), stride=(1,2,2)在三维方向上步长是1,在宽和高上步长是2进行下采样,
		# padding为(0, 3, 3),宽高padding为 7/2=3
        self.conv1 = SpatioTemporalConv(3, 64, (1, 7, 7), stride=(1, 2, 2), padding=(0, 3, 3), first_conv=True)
		# 第二层输出和第一层输出大小相同,不进行下采样通道数也不变,卷积核大小为3x3x3
        self.conv2 = SpatioTemporalResLayer(64, 64, 3, layer_sizes[0], block_type=block_type)
		# 最后三层的输出通道数二倍于输入通道数,而且进行下采样,在每一层的第一个block进行下采样
        self.conv3 = SpatioTemporalResLayer(64, 128, 3, layer_sizes[1], block_type=block_type, downsample=True)
        self.conv4 = SpatioTemporalResLayer(128, 256, 3, layer_sizes[2], block_type=block_type, downsample=True)
        self.conv5 = SpatioTemporalResLayer(256, 512, 3, layer_sizes[3], block_type=block_type, downsample=True)

        # global average pooling of the output
        self.pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d(1)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = self.conv3(x)
        x = self.conv4(x)
        x = self.conv5(x)

        x = self.pool(x)

        return x.view(-1, 512)

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