

在使用 Webpack、TypeScript 或其他转换 ES 模块导入的工具的模块化环境中,使用路径别名,一个常见的约定是@ for src https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42711175/what-does-the-symbol-do-in-javascript-imports.



import baz from '@/baz';



import baz from '../../baz';


这无法通过简单的搜索和替换来解决,并且手动修复导入路径非常繁琐且容易出错。我希望原始 JavaScript/TypeScript 代码库在其他方面保持完整,因此使用转译器对其进行转换可能不是一个选择。

我想使用我选择的 IDE (Jetbrains IDEA/Webstorm/Phpstorm) 来实现这种重构,但也接受使用任何其他 IDE (VS Code) 或普通 Node.js 的解决方案。



1. babel-插件-模块-解析器

Use babel-plugin-module-resolver https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver,同时省略其他 babel 插件/预设。

"plugins": [
      "alias": {
        "^@/(.+)": "./src/\\1"

构建步骤:babel src --out-dir dist(输出在dist,不会就地修改)

Processed example file:
// input                                // output
import { helloWorld } from "@/sub/b"    // import { helloWorld } from "./sub/b";
import "@/sub/b"                        // import "./sub/b";
export { helloWorld } from "@/sub/b"    // export { helloWorld } from "./sub/b";
export * from "@/sub/b"                 // export * from "./sub/b";

对于 TS,您还需要@babel/preset-typescript https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-typescript并激活.ts扩展通过babel src --out-dir dist --extensions ".ts".

2. Codemod jscodeshift 与正则表达式

所有相关的导入/导出变体来自MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import docs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export应该支持。该算法的实现如下:

1. 输入:表单中的路径别名映射alias -> resolved path类似于 TypeScripttsconfig.json paths或者 Webpack 的resolve.alias:

const pathMapping = {
  "@": "./custom/app/path",

2. 迭代所有源文件,例如遍历src:

jscodeshift -t scripts/jscodeshift.js src # use -d -p options for dry-run + stdout
# or for TS
jscodeshift --extensions=ts --parser=ts -t scripts/jscodeshift.js src

3. 对于每个源文件,查找所有进出口声明

function transform(file, api) {
  const j = api.jscodeshift;
  const root = j(file.source);

    .find(j.ExportNamedDeclaration, node => node.source !== null)
  return root.toSource();


 * Corresponds to tsconfig.json paths or webpack aliases
 * E.g. "@/app/store/AppStore" -> "./src/app/store/AppStore"
const pathMapping = {
  "@": "./src",
  foo: "bar",

const replacePathAlias = require("./replace-path-alias");

module.exports = function transform(file, api) {
  const j = api.jscodeshift;
  const root = j(file.source);


   * Filter out normal module exports, like export function foo(){ ...}
   * Include export {a} from "mymodule" etc.
.find(j.ExportNamedDeclaration, (node) => node.source !== null)

  return root.toSource();

  function replaceNodepathAliases(impExpDeclNodePath) {
impExpDeclNodePath.value.source.value = replacePathAlias(


import { AppStore } from "@/app/store/appStore-types"

创建以下AST https://astexplorer.net/#/gist/5d148d18ce5ccd86cd6aae8b65167111/76588f532a6c1d8e3c698879790ebffd476e0e6a, whose source.value of ImportDeclaration可以修改节点:

4. 对于每个路径声明,测试包含路径别名之一的正则表达式模式。

5. 获取别名的解析路径并转换为相对于当前文件位置的路径(归功于@Reijo)

replace-path-alias.js(4. + 5.):

const path = require("path");

function replacePathAlias(currentFilePath, importPath, pathMap) {
  // if windows env, convert backslashes to "/" first
  currentFilePath = path.posix.join(...currentFilePath.split(path.sep));

  const regex = createRegex(pathMap);
  return importPath.replace(regex, replacer);

  function replacer(_, alias, rest) {
const mappedImportPath = pathMap[alias] + rest;

// use path.posix to also create foward slashes on windows environment
let mappedImportPathRelative = path.posix.relative(
// append "./" to make it a relative import path
if (!mappedImportPathRelative.startsWith("../")) {
  mappedImportPathRelative = `./${mappedImportPathRelative}`;

logReplace(currentFilePath, mappedImportPathRelative);

return mappedImportPathRelative;

function createRegex(pathMap) {
  const mapKeysStr = Object.keys(pathMap).reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc}|${cur}`);
  const regexStr = `^(${mapKeysStr})(.*)$`;
  return new RegExp(regexStr, "g");

const log = true;
function logReplace(currentFilePath, mappedImportPathRelative) {
  if (log)
  "current processed file:",
  "; Mapped import path relative to current file:",

module.exports = replacePathAlias;

3. 仅正则表达式搜索和替换



, where ${aliasesKeys}包含路径别名"@"。新的导入路径可以通过修改第二个和第三个捕获组(路径映射+解析为相对路径)来处理。

该变体无法处理 AST,因此可能被认为不如 jscodeshift 稳定。

目前,正则表达式仅支持导入。副作用导入形式import "module-name"被排除在外,这样做的好处是搜索/替换更安全。


const path = require("path");

// here sample file content of one file as hardcoded string for simplicity.
// For your project, read all files (e.g. "fs.readFile" in node.js)
// and foreach file replace content by the return string of replaceImportPathAliases function.
const fileContentSample = `
import { AppStore } from "@/app/store/appStore-types"
import { WidgetService } from "@/app/WidgetService"
import { AppStoreImpl } from "@/app/store/AppStoreImpl"
import { rootReducer } from "@/app/store/root-reducer"
export { appStoreFactory }

// corresponds to tsconfig.json paths or webpack aliases
// e.g. "@/app/store/AppStoreImpl" -> "./custom/app/path/app/store/AppStoreImpl"
const pathMappingSample = {
  "@": "./src",
  foo: "bar"

const currentFilePathSample = "./src/sub/a.js";

function replaceImportPathAliases(currentFilePath, fileContent, pathMap) {
  const regex = createRegex(pathMap);
  return fileContent.replace(regex, replacer);

  function replacer(_, g1, aliasGrp, restPathGrp, g4) {
    const mappedImportPath = pathMap[aliasGrp] + restPathGrp;

    let mappedImportPathRelative = path.posix.relative(
    // append "./" to make it a relative import path
    if (!mappedImportPathRelative.startsWith("../")) {
      mappedImportPathRelative = `./${mappedImportPathRelative}`;
    return g1 + mappedImportPathRelative + g4;

function createRegex(pathMap) {
  const mapKeysStr = Object.keys(pathMap).reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc}|${cur}`);
  const regexStr = `^(import.*from\\s+["|'])(${mapKeysStr})(.*)(["|'])$`;
  return new RegExp(regexStr, "gm");


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