Linux Kernel Development有关内存管理


1 Pages

Page的概念来源为处理器Processor的部件MMU(Memory Management Unit),MMU通过设置好的页表(通过设置CR3寄存器,指向页目录所在的物理内存)对内存进行管理,管理操作包括:


a) 建立线性内存地址与物理内存地址的对应关系,即pa()和va()函数;

b) 管理哪些内存页驻存(Resident)于物理内存中,而哪些内存被交换到Swap文件中;

c) 哪些内存页被映射到哪个进程的虚拟地址空间;

d) 管理哪些内存页存储磁盘上(或者文件系统中)文件的缓存;


数据结构, struct page

   1: /*  

   2:  * Each physical page in the system has a struct page associated with  

   3:  * it to keep track of whatever it is we are using the page for at the  

   4:  * moment. Note that we have no way to track which tasks are using  

   5:  * a page, though if it is a pagecache page, rmap structures can tell us  

   6:  * who is mapping it.  

   7:  */  

   8: struct page {  

   9:     unsigned long flags;        /* Atomic flags, some possibly  

  10:                      * updated asynchronously */  

  11:     atomic_t _count;        /* Usage count, see below. */  

  12:     union {  

  13:         /*  

  14:          * Count of ptes mapped in  

  15:          * mms, to show when page is  

  16:          * mapped & limit reverse map  

  17:          * searches.  

  18:          *  

  19:          * Used also for tail pages  

  20:          * refcounting instead of  

  21:          * _count. Tail pages cannot  

  22:          * be mapped and keeping the  

  23:          * tail page _count zero at  

  24:          * all times guarantees  

  25:          * get_page_unless_zero() will  

  26:          * never succeed on tail  

  27:          * pages.  

  28:          */  

  29:         atomic_t _mapcount;  


  31:         struct {        /* SLUB */  

  32:             u16 inuse;  

  33:             u16 objects;  

  34:         };  

  35:     };  

  36:     union {  

  37:         struct {  

  38:         unsigned long private;        /* Mapping-private opaque data:  

  39:                           * usually used for buffer_heads  

  40:                          * if PagePrivate set; used for  

  41:                          * swp_entry_t if PageSwapCache;  

  42:                          * indicates order in the buddy  

  43:                          * system if PG_buddy is set.  

  44:                          */  

  45:         struct address_space *mapping;    /* If low bit clear, points to  

  46:                          * inode address_space, or NULL.  

  47:                          * If page mapped as anonymous  

  48:                          * memory, low bit is set, and  

  49:                          * it points to anon_vma object:  

  50:                          * see PAGE_MAPPING_ANON below.  

  51:                          */  

  52:         };  


  54:         spinlock_t ptl;  

  55: #endif  

  56:         struct kmem_cache *slab;    /* SLUB: Pointer to slab */  

  57:         struct page *first_page;    /* Compound tail pages */  

  58:     };  

  59:     union {  

  60:         pgoff_t index;        /* Our offset within mapping. */  

  61:         void *freelist;        /* SLUB: freelist req. slab lock */  

  62:     };  

  63:     struct list_head lru;        /* Pageout list, eg. active_list  

  64:                      * protected by zone->lru_lock !  

  65:                      */  

  66:     /*  

  67:      * On machines where all RAM is mapped into kernel address space,  

  68:      * we can simply calculate the virtual address. On machines with  

  69:      * highmem some memory is mapped into kernel virtual memory  

  70:      * dynamically, so we need a place to store that address.  

  71:      * Note that this field could be 16 bits on x86 ... ;)  

  72:      *  

  73:      * Architectures with slow multiplication can define  

  74:      * WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL in asm/page.h  

  75:      */  

  76: #if defined(WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL)  

  77:     void *virtual;            /* Kernel virtual address (NULL if  

  78:                        not kmapped, ie. highmem) */  

  79: #endif /* WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL */  


  81:     unsigned long debug_flags;    /* Use atomic bitops on this */  

  82: #endif  


  84: #ifdef CONFIG_KMEMCHECK  

  85:     /*  

  86:      * kmemcheck wants to track the status of each byte in a page; this  

  87:      * is a pointer to such a status block. NULL if not tracked.  

  88:      */  

  89:     void *shadow;  

  90: #endif  

  91: };  



x) flags

   1: enum pageflags {  

   2:     PG_locked,        /* Page is locked. Don't touch. */  

   3:     PG_error,  

   4:     PG_referenced,  

   5:     PG_uptodate,  

   6:     PG_dirty,  

   7:     PG_lru,  

   8:     PG_active,  

   9:     PG_slab,  

  10:     PG_owner_priv_1,    /* Owner use. If pagecache, fs may use*/  

  11:     PG_arch_1,  

  12:     PG_reserved,  

  13:     PG_private,        /* If pagecache, has fs-private data */  

  14:     PG_private_2,        /* If pagecache, has fs aux data */  

  15:     PG_writeback,        /* Page is under writeback */  


  17:     PG_head,        /* A head page */  

  18:     PG_tail,        /* A tail page */  

  19: #else  

  20:     PG_compound,        /* A compound page */  

  21: #endif  

  22:     PG_swapcache,        /* Swap page: swp_entry_t in private */  

  23:     PG_mappedtodisk,    /* Has blocks allocated on-disk */  

  24:     PG_reclaim,        /* To be reclaimed asap */  

  25:     PG_swapbacked,        /* Page is backed by RAM/swap */  

  26:     PG_unevictable,        /* Page is "unevictable"  */  

  27: #ifdef CONFIG_MMU  

  28:     PG_mlocked,        /* Page is vma mlocked */  

  29: #endif  


  31:     PG_uncached,        /* Page has been mapped as uncached */  

  32: #endif  


  34:     PG_hwpoison,        /* hardware poisoned page. Don't touch */  

  35: #endif  


  37:     PG_compound_lock,  

  38: #endif  

  39:     __NR_PAGEFLAGS,  


  41:     /* Filesystems */  

  42:     PG_checked = PG_owner_priv_1,  


  44:     /* Two page bits are conscripted by FS-Cache to maintain local caching  

  45:      * state.  These bits are set on pages belonging to the netfs's inodes  

  46:      * when those inodes are being locally cached.  

  47:      */  

  48:     PG_fscache = PG_private_2,    /* page backed by cache */  


  50:     /* XEN */  

  51:     PG_pinned = PG_owner_priv_1,  

  52:     PG_savepinned = PG_dirty,  


  54:     /* SLOB */  

  55:     PG_slob_free = PG_private,  


  57:     /* SLUB */  

  58:     PG_slub_frozen = PG_active,  

  59: };  


x) _count


访问_count时,不要直接访问,调用 page_count()对象进行访问。


x) private, mapping

   1: struct address_space {  

   2:     struct inode        *host;        /* owner: inode, block_device */  

   3:     struct radix_tree_root    page_tree;    /* radix tree of all pages */  

   4:     spinlock_t        tree_lock;    /* and lock protecting it */  

   5:     unsigned int        i_mmap_writable;/* count VM_SHARED mappings */  

   6:     struct prio_tree_root    i_mmap;        /* tree of private and shared mappings */  

   7:     struct list_head    i_mmap_nonlinear;/*list VM_NONLINEAR mappings */  

   8:     struct mutex        i_mmap_mutex;    /* protect tree, count, list */  

   9:     /* Protected by tree_lock together with the radix tree */  

  10:     unsigned long        nrpages;    /* number of total pages */  

  11:     pgoff_t            writeback_index;/* writeback starts here */  

  12:     const struct address_space_operations *a_ops;    /* methods */  

  13:     unsigned long        flags;        /* error bits/gfp mask */  

  14:     struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info; /* device readahead, etc */  

  15:     spinlock_t        private_lock;    /* for use by the address_space */  

  16:     struct list_head    private_list;    /* ditto */  

  17:     struct address_space    *assoc_mapping;    /* ditto */  

  18: } __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long))));  


x) virtual




struct page



  • user-space processes, 用户态的进程
  • dynamically allocated kernel data, 内核态中动态分配的数据
  • static kernel code, 内核静态代码
  • the page cache,页缓存


可能程序员对为每个物理内存页都分配一个struct page而感到吃惊,“那得分配多少内存啊,多浪费啊!”。

实际上以4GB内存为例,大概需要40MB的内存来存储所有struct page的对象,相对于它能够管理的4GB物理内存,还是十分微不足道的。


2. Zones









ISA插槽是基于ISA总线(Industrial Standard Architecture,工业标准结构总线)的扩展插槽,其颜色一般为黑色,比PCI接口插槽要长些,位于主板的最下端。其工作频率为8MHz左右,为16位插槽,最大传输率16MB/sec,可插接显卡,声卡,网卡以及所谓的多功能接口卡等扩展插卡。其缺点是CPU资源占用太高,数据传输带宽太小,是已经被淘汰的插槽接口。(



对于x86体系结构,以896MB物理内存为界,大于该范围的为高端内存(High Memory),而小于该范围的为低端内存(Low Memory)。





Linux Kernel Development有关内存管理 的相关文章
