服务器选择在 10000 毫秒后超时 - 无法将 Compass 连接到本地主机上的 mongoDB


我正在研究 MongoDB 并尝试将 Compass 连接到本地电脑上的数据库,但每次在 Compass 上都会收到错误“服务器选择在 10000 毫秒后超时”,


    ~$ mongod
2019-09-30T08:51:56.372+0700 I  CONTROL  [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols 'none'
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=4661 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=dell
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] db version v4.2.0
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] git version: a4b751dcf51dd249c5865812b390cfd1c0129c30
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] modules: none
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] build environment:
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distmod: ubuntu1804
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distarch: x86_64
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten]     target_arch: x86_64
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: {}
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] Detected data files in /data/db created by the 'wiredTiger' storage engine, so setting the active storage engine to 'wiredTiger'.
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] **          See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/prodnotes-filesystem
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=3427M,cache_overflow=(file_max=0M),session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[recovery_progress,checkpoint_progress],
2019-09-30T08:51:57.030+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:30575][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Recovering log 4 through 5
2019-09-30T08:51:57.072+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:72698][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Recovering log 5 through 5
2019-09-30T08:51:57.130+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:130714][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Main recovery loop: starting at 4/6144 to 5/256
2019-09-30T08:51:57.209+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:209489][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Recovering log 4 through 5
2019-09-30T08:51:57.292+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:291996][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Recovering log 5 through 5
2019-09-30T08:51:57.340+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message [1569808317:340285][4661:0x7f5edea92b00], txn-recover: Set global recovery timestamp: (0,0)
2019-09-30T08:51:57.597+0700 I  RECOVERY [initandlisten] WiredTiger recoveryTimestamp. Ts: Timestamp(0, 0)
2019-09-30T08:51:57.601+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] Timestamp monitor starting
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: This server is bound to localhost.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server. 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Start the server with --bind_ip <address> to specify which IP 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          server with --bind_ip to disable this warning.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.681+0700 I  SHARDING [initandlisten] Marking collection local.system.replset as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.681+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] Flow Control is enabled on this deployment.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.681+0700 I  SHARDING [initandlisten] Marking collection admin.system.roles as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.681+0700 I  SHARDING [initandlisten] Marking collection admin.system.version as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.682+0700 I  SHARDING [initandlisten] Marking collection local.startup_log as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.682+0700 I  FTDC     [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/data/db/diagnostic.data'
2019-09-30T08:51:57.683+0700 I  SHARDING [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Marking collection config.system.sessions as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] Listening on /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] Listening on
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  SHARDING [LogicalSessionCacheReap] Marking collection config.transactions as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
2019-09-30T08:56:56.140+0700 I  NETWORK  [listener] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open)
2019-09-30T08:56:56.142+0700 I  NETWORK  [conn1] received client metadata from conn1: { driver: { name: "nodejs-core", version: "3.2.7" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "linux", architecture: "x64", version: "5.0.0-29-generic" }, platform: "Node.js v10.2.0, LE", application: { name: "MongoDB Compass" } }
2019-09-30T08:56:56.143+0700 I  NETWORK  [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open)



2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] Listening on /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] Listening on
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  SHARDING [LogicalSessionCacheReap] Marking collection config.transactions as collection version: <unsharded>
2019-09-30T08:51:57.684+0700 I  NETWORK  [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
2019-09-30T08:56:56.140+0700 I  NETWORK  [listener] connection accepted from #1 (1 connection now open)
2019-09-30T08:56:56.142+0700 I  NETWORK  [conn1] received client metadata from conn1: { driver: { name: "nodejs-core", version: "3.2.7" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "linux", architecture: "x64", version: "5.0.0-29-generic" }, platform: "Node.js v10.2.0, LE", application: { name: "MongoDB Compass" } }
2019-09-30T08:56:56.143+0700 I  NETWORK  [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open)

Compass 和 MongoDB 都在同一台机器上运行,该机器在 Ubuntu 18.04 上运行


~$ mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.2.0
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("c60d27ad-75d1-4a8c-83c8-6bb5482fd745") }
MongoDB server version: 4.2.0
Server has startup warnings: 
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine
2019-09-30T08:51:56.377+0700 I  STORAGE  [initandlisten] **          See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/prodnotes-filesystem
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: This server is bound to localhost.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server. 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Start the server with --bind_ip <address> to specify which IP 
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          server with --bind_ip to disable this warning.
2019-09-30T08:51:57.672+0700 I  CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
Enable MongoDB's free cloud-based monitoring service, which will then receive and display
metrics about your deployment (disk utilization, CPU, operation statistics, etc).

The monitoring data will be available on a MongoDB website with a unique URL accessible to you
and anyone you share the URL with. MongoDB may use this information to make product
improvements and to suggest MongoDB products and deployment options to you.

To enable free monitoring, run the following command: db.enableFreeMonitoring()
To permanently disable this reminder, run the following command: db.disableFreeMonitoring()



看起来我必须输入 而不是保留默认值,一切正常,


如果我们让主机名是 localhost,则需要很长时间才能连接(超过 10 秒),这就是为什么会导致连接超时

我们必须更改 localhost 是127.0.0.1它将像风一样快。

如果你让 Node.js 中的连接字符串为127.0.0.1代替localhost


The server is running in port 6969 !
DB connection succesful! 10046.88992600143 ms


The server is running in port 6969!
DB connection succesful! 43.67024099826813 ms

您可以在这里获取更多信息:https://github.com/Automattic/mongoose/issues/6211 https://github.com/Automattic/mongoose/issues/6211

Mongoose 文档也谈到了这一点:

如果您的计算机上连接失败,请尝试使用 而不是 localhost。https://mongoosejs.com/docs/connections.html https://mongoosejs.com/docs/connections.html


服务器选择在 10000 毫秒后超时 - 无法将 Compass 连接到本地主机上的 mongoDB 的相关文章
