如何有效地设计一个迭代数组并在一组子例程中分配相应条目的 Fortran 程序?


我有一个 Fortran 子例程,它接收某种类型的大型未排序数组,并且需要调用其他子例程,这些子例程负责根据其中声明的值之一来解析和存储每个项目。

In my 上一篇文章 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73857650/how-can-i-efficiently-parse-a-large-array-and-distribute-the-corresponding-entri,我分享了一个程序,它就是这样做的,但有一些设计缺陷,比如为需要解析的每种类型分配一个大数组,并且只填写所需的值,或者调用if (.not. allocated())每个数组元素多次。


module animal_farm

  integer :: &
    RABBIT_ID = 1, &
    DOG_ID= 2, &
    BIRD_ID= 3, &
    HORSE_ID= 4, &

  type :: Animal
    character(256) :: animal_type
    integer :: &
  end type Animal

  type(Animal), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: & ! temporary arrays storing all the entries from large_animal_list for each animal
    rabbit_entries, &
    horse_entries, &
    bird_entries, &

  type(Animal), dimension(:), pointer :: &

  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: animal_list_mapping

  ! this type and array is defined for every available animal, but only Rabbit is defined here to keep this example as simple as possible
  type :: Rabbit
    integer :: &
    age, &
    estimated_carrots_eaten ! parameters like this are defined differently for each animal, requiring a new *_params array for each type
  end type Rabbit
  type(Rabbit), dimension(:), allocatable :: & ! list of rabbit entries alongside parameters calculated specifically for rabbits

  integer, dimension(4) :: & ! number of available animals is 4
    animal_ids, &
    animal_counts, & ! temporary array to count the number of animals in large_animal_list
    individual_animal_indeces ! temporary array that stores the current index of one of the animal specific lists


subroutine parse_animals(large_animal_list)
  type(Animal), dimension(:), intent(in) :: large_animal_list
  integer :: i


  animal_counts = 0
  do i = 1, size(large_animal_list)
    select case(large_animal_list(i)%animal_type)
        current_animal_id = RABBIT_ID
        current_animal_id = HORSE_ID
        current_animal_id = BIRD_ID
        current_animal_id = DOG_ID
    end select
    animal_counts(current_animal_id) = animal_counts(current_animal_id)+1
  end do


  individual_animal_indeces = 1
  do i = 1, size(large_animal_list)
    select case(large_animal_list(i)%animal_type)
        current_animal_id = RABBIT_ID
        current_animal_list => rabbit_entries
        current_animal_id = HORSE_ID
        current_animal_list => horse_entries
        current_animal_id = BIRD_ID
        current_animal_list => bird_entries
        current_animal_id = DOG_ID
        current_animal_list => dog_entries
    end select
    current_animal_list(individual_animal_indeces(current_animal_id))%age = large_animal_list(i)%age
    animal_list_mapping(i) = individual_animal_indeces(current_animal_id)
    individual_animal_indeces(current_animal_id) = animal_counts(current_animal_id)+1
  end do

  if (animal_counts(RABBIT_ID)>0) call parse_rabbit_information(rabbit_entries)
  ! if (animal_counts(HORSE_ID)>0) call parse_horse_information(horse_entries)
  ! if (animal_counts(BIRD_ID)>0) call parse_bird_information(bird_entries)
  ! if (animal_counts(DOG_ID)>0) call parse_dog_information(dog_entries)

end subroutine parse_animals

subroutine parse_rabbit_information(rabbit_entries)
  type(Animal), dimension(:), intent(in) :: rabbit_entries
  integer :: i

  do i=1, size(rabbit_entries)

    rabbit_params(i)%age = rabbit_entries(i)%age
    rabbit_params(i)%estimated_carrots_eaten = rabbit_entries(i)%age*10*365
  end do
end subroutine parse_rabbit_information

subroutine feed_rabbit(animal_list_index)
  integer, intent(in) :: animal_list_index
  integer :: rabbit_params_index

  rabbit_params_index = animal_list_mapping(animal_list_index)
  rabbit_params(rabbit_params_index)%estimated_carrots_eaten = rabbit_params(rabbit_params_index)%estimated_carrots_eaten+1
end subroutine feed_rabbit

end module animal_farm

Program TEST

    use animal_farm

    type(Animal), dimension(10) :: my_animal_list

    my_animal_list(1)%animal_type = "rabbit"
    my_animal_list(1)%age = 5
    my_animal_list(2)%animal_type = "dog"
    my_animal_list(2)%age = 6
    my_animal_list(3)%animal_type = "horse"
    my_animal_list(3)%age = 1
    my_animal_list(4)%animal_type = "rabbit"
    my_animal_list(4)%age = 3
    my_animal_list(5)%animal_type = "bird"
    my_animal_list(5)%age = 4
    my_animal_list(6)%animal_type = "horse"
    my_animal_list(6)%age = 6
    my_animal_list(7)%animal_type = "rabbit"
    my_animal_list(7)%age = 2
    my_animal_list(8)%animal_type = "rabbit"
    my_animal_list(8)%age = 2
    my_animal_list(9)%animal_type = "dog"
    my_animal_list(9)%age = 4
    my_animal_list(10)%animal_type = "horse"
    my_animal_list(10)%age = 7
    call parse_animals(my_animal_list)
    call feed_rabbit(1)
    call feed_rabbit(4)
End Program TEST


  1. 当前的解决方案涉及使用两个循环,第一个循环计算每个项目类型的出现次数,另一个循环使用相应的值填充现在分配给子例程的数组。这需要使用辅助数组,例如animal_counts or individual_animal_indeces,反过来还需要知道需要考虑多少种不同类型的动物(在示例中硬编码为 4)。我还尝试使用某种链表结构来改进这一点,这使我只能使用一个循环,但与每种类型相对应的值仍然需要存储在正确大小的数组中。

  2. 为了解决第一点中的问题,我考虑将定义的*_ID数组中的变量,因此可以使用以下方式定义辅助数组integer, dimension(size(animal_id_array))。定义的*_ID变量也被用作数组索引,这要求它们从 1-x 手动定义。每次添加或删除 id 时,都必须从这样的列表中添加和删除 id,并重新定义存储它们的数组,这不是很干净。 id 的生成可以通过以下方式实现enum, bind(c); enumerator运算符,但要获取 ids 的数量,您仍然需要创建一个单独的数组或在某处硬编码该数量。





如果我们继承Rabbit from Animal,我们可以避免存储animal_type字段,而是使用类型绑定过程生成它,例如

module animal_mod
  implicit none
  ! Define the base Animal type.
  type, abstract :: Animal
    integer :: age
    procedure(animal_type_Animal), deferred, nopass :: animal_type
  end type

  ! Define the interface for the `animal_type` functions.
    function animal_type_Animal() result(output)
      character(256) :: output
    end function
  end interface
end animal_mod


module rabbit_mod
  use animal_mod
  implicit none
  ! Define the `Rabbit` type as an extension of the `Animal` type.
  ! Note that `Rabbit` has an `age` because it is an `Animal`.
  type, extends(Animal) :: Rabbit
    integer :: estimated_carrots_eaten
    procedure, nopass :: animal_type => animal_type_Rabbit
  end type


  ! Define the implementation of `animal_type` for the `Rabbit` type.
  function animal_type_Rabbit() result(output)
    character(256) :: output
    output = "rabbit"
  end function
end module

现在我们希望能够创建一系列动物。 Fortran 不允许多态数组,因此我们需要定义一个包含动物并且可以制成数组的类型。就像是

module animal_box_mod
  use animal_mod
  implicit none
  type :: AnimalBox
    class(Animal), allocatable :: a
  end type
end module


type(AnimalBox) :: animals(3)

animals(1)%a = Rabbit(age=3, estimated_carrots_eaten=0)
animals(2)%a = Frog(age=3, estimated_bugs_eaten=4, length=1.7786)
animals(3)%a = Mouse(age=4, estimated_cheese_eaten=7, coat="Yellow")


module rabbit_module
  type, extends(Animal) :: Rabbit
    ... ! as above
    ... ! as above
    procedure :: feed
  end type
  ... ! as above
  subroutine feed(this)
    class(Rabbit), intent(inout) :: this
    this%estimated_carrots_eaten = this%estimated_carrots_eaten + 1
  end subroutine
end module


select type(a => animals(1)%a); type is(Rabbit)
end select

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