具有解析功能的 Angularjs ng-controller


我遇到了 ng-controller 和“解决”功能的问题:

我有一个控制器,需要在运行之前解决一些依赖关系,当我通过 ng-route 定义它时它工作正常:


  .controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'data', function ($scope, data) {
      $scope.data = data;


.when('/someUrl', {
        templateUrl : 'some.html',
        controller : 'MyController',
        resolve : {
          data: ['Service', function (Service) {
            return Service.getData();

当我转到 /someUrl 时,一切正常。


<div ng-controller="MyController">*some html here*</div>


在下面,对于路由解析,我们将解析 Promise 并将返回数据包装在带有属性的对象中。然后,我们在用于 ng-controller 表单的包装服务(“dataService”)中复制此结构。



或者,我演示了使用一个“包装”另一个控制器的控制器;一旦服务的承诺得到解决,它就会将自己的 $scope 以及来自服务的现已解析的数据传递给包装的控制器。

请注意,我使用 $timeout 在承诺返回上提供 1000 毫秒的延迟,以尝试使其更清楚发生了什么以及何时发生。

angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])
  .config(function($routeProvider) {
      .when('/', {
        template: '<h1>{{title}}</h1><p>{{blurb}}</p><div ng-controller="ResolveController">Using ng-controller: <strong>{{data.data}}</strong></div>',
        controller: 'HomeController'
      .when('/byResolve', {
        template: '<h1>{{title}}</h1><p>{{blurb}}</p><p>Resolved: <strong>{{data.data}}</strong></p>',
        controller: "ResolveController",
        resolve: {
          dataService: ['Service',
            function(Service) {
              // Here getData() returns a promise, so we can use .then.
              // I'm wrapping the result in an object with property 'data', so we're returning an object
              // which can be referenced, rather than a string which would only be by value.
              // This mirrors what we return from dataService (which wraps Service), making it interchangeable.
              return Service.getData().then(function(result) {
                return {
                  data: result
      .when('/byWrapperController', {
        template: '<h1>Wrapped: {{title}}</h1><p>{{blurb}}</p><div ng-controller="WrapperController">Resolving and passing to a wrapper controller: <strong>{{data.data ? data.data : "Loading..."}}</strong></div>',
        controller: 'WrapperController'
  .controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
    $scope.title = "ng-controller";
    $scope.blurb = "Click 'By Resolve' above to trigger the next route and resolve.";
  .controller('ResolveController', ['$scope', 'dataService',
    function($scope, dataService) {
      $scope.title = "Router and resolve";
      $scope.blurb = "Click 'By ng-controller' above to trigger the original route and test ng-controller and the wrapper service, 'dataService'.";
      $scope.data = dataService;
  .controller('WrapperController', ['$scope', '$controller', 'Service',
    function($scope, $controller, Service) {
      $scope.title = "Resolving..."; //this controller could of course not show anything until after the resolve, but demo purposes...
      Service.getData().then(function(result) {
        $controller('ResolveController', {
          $scope: $scope, //passing the same scope on through
          dataService: {
            data: result
  .service('Service', ['$timeout',
    function($timeout) {
      return {
        getData: function() {
          //return a test promise
          return $timeout(function() {
            return "Data from Service!";
          }, 1000);
  // our wrapper service, that will resolve the promise internally and update a property on an object we can return (by reference)
  .service('dataService', function(Service) {
    // creating a return object with a data property, matching the structure we return from the router resolve
    var _result = {
      data: null
    Service.getData().then(function(result) {
      _result.data = result;
      return result;
    return _result;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.27/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.27/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
  <a href="#/">By ng-controller</a> |
  <a href="#/byResolve">By Resolve</a> |
  <a href="#/byWrapperController">By Wrapper Controller</a>
  <div ng-view />

具有解析功能的 Angularjs ng-controller 的相关文章
