


我正在尝试弄清楚如何穿越有向循环图使用某种 DFS 迭代算法。这是我目前实现的一个小 mcve 版本(它不处理循环):

class Node(object):

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def start(self):
        print '{}_start'.format(self)

    def middle(self):
        print '{}_middle'.format(self)

    def end(self):
        print '{}_end'.format(self)

    def __str__(self):
        return "{0}".format(self.name)

class NodeRepeat(Node):

    def __init__(self, name, num_repeats=1):
        super(NodeRepeat, self).__init__(name)
        self.num_repeats = num_repeats

def dfs(graph, start):
    """Traverse graph from start node using DFS with reversed childs"""

    visited = {}
    stack = [(start, "")]
    while stack:
        # To convert dfs -> bfs
        # a) rename stack to queue
        # b) pop becomes pop(0)
        node, parent = stack.pop()
        if parent is None:
            if visited[node] < 3:
            visited[node] = 3
        elif node not in visited:
            if visited.get(parent) == 2:
            elif visited.get(parent) == 1:
                visited[parent] = 2

            visited[node] = 1

            stack.append((node, None))

            # Maybe you want a different order, if it's so, don't use reversed
            childs = reversed(graph.get(node, []))
            for child in childs:
                if child not in visited:
                    stack.append((child, node))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Sequence1 = Node('Sequence1')
    MtxPushPop1 = Node('MtxPushPop1')
    Rotate1 = Node('Rotate1')
    Repeat1 = NodeRepeat('Repeat1', num_repeats=2)

    Sequence2 = Node('Sequence2')
    MtxPushPop2 = Node('MtxPushPop2')
    Translate = Node('Translate')
    Rotate2 = Node('Rotate2')
    Rotate3 = Node('Rotate3')
    Scale = Node('Scale')
    Repeat2 = NodeRepeat('Repeat2', num_repeats=3)
    Mesh = Node('Mesh')

    cyclic_graph = {
        Sequence1: [MtxPushPop1, Rotate1],
        MtxPushPop1: [Sequence2],
        Rotate1: [Repeat1],
        Sequence2: [MtxPushPop2, Translate],
        Repeat1: [Sequence1],
        MtxPushPop2: [Rotate2],
        Translate: [Rotate3],
        Rotate2: [Scale],
        Rotate3: [Repeat2],
        Scale: [Mesh],
        Repeat2: [Sequence2]

    dfs(cyclic_graph, Sequence1)

    print '-'*80

    a = Node('a')
    b = Node('b')
        a : [b],
        b : [a]
    }, a)


第二个是最简单的情况,一张图包含一个“无限”循环{a->b, b->a}


  • 不会存在“无限循环”这样的东西,比方说,当找到一个“无限循环”时,就会有一个最大阈值(全局变量)来指示何时停止围绕这些“伪无限循环”进行循环
  • 所有图节点都能够创建循环,但会存在一个特殊的节点,称为Repeat您可以在其中指示要循环多少次迭代
  • 我发布的上面的 mcve 是遍历算法的迭代版本,不知道如何处理循环图。理想情况下,解决方案也是迭代的,但如果存在更好的递归解决方案,那就太好了
  • 我们在这里讨论的数据结构不应该被称为“有向无环图”,因为在这种情况下,每个节点都有其子节点,并且在图中节点连接没有顺序。
  • 一切都可以连接到编辑器中的任何东西。您将能够执行任何块组合,唯一的限制是执行计数器,如果您进行永无止境的循环或太多迭代,则执行计数器将会溢出。
  • 该算法将保留节点方法执行的开始/中间/之后,与上面的代码片段类似




如果此时问题还不清楚,您可以在此处阅读有关此问题的更多信息article http://www.bitfellas.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.674,整个想法将使用遍历算法来实现类似的工具,如该文章中所示。


在我开始之前,在 CodeSkulptor 上运行代码! http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user42_MYuqELNPFl_7.py我也希望评论能详细说明我所做的足够多的事情。如果您需要更多解释,请查看我的解释递归的方法在代码下面。

# If you don't want global variables, remove the indentation procedures
indent = -1

INF = 1 << 63

def whitespace():
    global indent
    return '|  ' * (indent)

class Node:
    def __init__(self, name, num_repeats=INF):
        self.name = name
        self.num_repeats = num_repeats

    def start(self):
        global indent
        if self.name.find('Sequence') != -1:
            print whitespace()
            indent += 1
        print whitespace() + '%s_start' % self.name

    def middle(self):
        print whitespace() + '%s_middle' % self.name

    def end(self):
        global indent
        print whitespace() + '%s_end' % self.name
        if self.name.find('Sequence') != -1:
            indent -= 1
            print whitespace()

def dfs(graph, start):
    visits = {}
    frontier = [] # The stack that keeps track of nodes to visit

    # Whenever we "visit" a node, increase its visit count
    frontier.append((start, start.num_repeats))
    visits[start] = visits.get(start, 0) + 1

    while frontier:
        # parent_repeat_count usually contains vertex.repeat_count
        # But, it may contain a higher value if a repeat node is its ancestor
        vertex, parent_repeat_count = frontier.pop()

        # Special case which signifies the end
        if parent_repeat_count == -1:
            # We're done with this vertex, clear visits so that 
            # if any other node calls us, we're still able to be called
            visits[vertex] = 0

        # Special case which signifies the middle
        if parent_repeat_count == -2:

        # Send the start message

        # Add the node's end state to the stack first
        # So that it is executed last
        frontier.append((vertex, -1))

        # No more children, continue
        # Because of the above line, the end method will
        # still be executed
        if vertex not in graph:

        ## Uncomment the following line if you want to go left to right neighbor
        #### graph[vertex].reverse()

        for i, neighbor in enumerate(graph[vertex]):
            # The repeat count should propagate amongst neighbors
            # That is if the parent had a higher repeat count, use that instead
            repeat_count = max(1, parent_repeat_count)
            if neighbor.num_repeats != INF:
                repeat_count = neighbor.num_repeats

            # We've gone through at least one neighbor node
            # Append this vertex's middle state to the stack
            if i >= 1:
                frontier.append((vertex, -2))

            # If we've not visited the neighbor more times than we have to, visit it
            if visits.get(neighbor, 0) < MAX_THRESHOLD and visits.get(neighbor, 0) < repeat_count:
                frontier.append((neighbor, repeat_count))
                visits[neighbor] = visits.get(neighbor, 0) + 1

def dfs_rec(graph, node, parent_repeat_count=INF, visits={}):
    visits[node] = visits.get(node, 0) + 1


    if node not in graph:

    for i, neighbor in enumerate(graph[node][::-1]):
        repeat_count = max(1, parent_repeat_count)
        if neighbor.num_repeats != INF:
            repeat_count = neighbor.num_repeats

        if i >= 1:

        if visits.get(neighbor, 0) < MAX_THRESHOLD and visits.get(neighbor, 0) < repeat_count:
            dfs_rec(graph, neighbor, repeat_count, visits)

    visits[node] = 0

Sequence1 = Node('Sequence1')
MtxPushPop1 = Node('MtxPushPop1')
Rotate1 = Node('Rotate1')
Repeat1 = Node('Repeat1', 2)

Sequence2 = Node('Sequence2')
MtxPushPop2 = Node('MtxPushPop2')
Translate = Node('Translate')
Rotate2 = Node('Rotate2')
Rotate3 = Node('Rotate3')
Scale = Node('Scale')
Repeat2 = Node('Repeat2', 3)
Mesh = Node('Mesh')

cyclic_graph = {
        Sequence1: [MtxPushPop1, Rotate1],
        MtxPushPop1: [Sequence2],
        Rotate1: [Repeat1],
        Sequence2: [MtxPushPop2, Translate],
        Repeat1: [Sequence1],
        MtxPushPop2: [Rotate2],
        Translate: [Rotate3],
        Rotate2: [Scale],
        Rotate3: [Repeat2],
        Scale: [Mesh],
        Repeat2: [Sequence2]

dfs(cyclic_graph, Sequence1)

print '-'*40

dfs_rec(cyclic_graph, Sequence1)

print '-'*40

dfs({Sequence1: [Translate], Translate: [Sequence1]}, Sequence1)

print '-'*40

dfs_rec({Sequence1: [Translate], Translate: [Sequence1]}, Sequence1)

可以找到输入和(格式良好且缩进的)输出here http://www.hastebin.com/etedihayay.py。如果你想看how我格式化了输出,请参考代码,也可以在 CodeSkulptor 上找到 http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user42_MYuqELNPFl_7.py.


def dfs_rec(graph, node, parent_repeat_count=INF, visits={}):
    visits[node] = visits.get(node, 0) + 1


    if node not in graph:

    for i, neighbor in enumerate(graph[node][::-1]):
        repeat_count = max(1, parent_repeat_count)
        if neighbor.num_repeats != INF:
            repeat_count = neighbor.num_repeats

        if i >= 1:

        if visits.get(neighbor, 0) < MAX_THRESHOLD and visits.get(neighbor, 0) < repeat_count:
            dfs_rec(graph, neighbor, repeat_count, visits)

    visits[node] = 0
  1. 我们要做的第一件事是访问节点。我们通过增加字典中节点的访问次数来做到这一点。
  2. 然后我们提出start节点的事件。
  3. 我们做一个简单的检查,看看该节点是否是无子节点(叶节点)。如果是的话,我们提高end事件并返回。
  4. Now that we've established that the node has neighbors, we iterate through each neighbor. Side Note: I reverse the neighbor list (by using graph[node][::-1]) in the recursive version to maintain the same order (right to left) of traversal of neighbors as in the iterative version.
    1. 对于每个邻居,我们首先计算重复计数。重复计数从祖先节点传播(继承),因此使用继承的重复计数unless the neighbor包含重复计数值。
    2. 我们提出middle当前节点的事件(not邻居)如果正在处理第二个(或更大的)邻居。
    3. 如果邻居可以被访问,则邻居被访问。可访问性检查是通过检查邻居的访问次数是否小于 a) 来完成的MAX_THRESHOLD次(对于伪无限循环)和 b) 上述计算的重复计数次数。
  5. 现在我们已经完成了这个节点;提高end事件并清除哈希表中的访问。这样做是为了如果其他节点再次调用它,它不会导致可访问性检查失败和/或执行次数少于所需的次数。

如何使用改进的DFS算法遍历循环有向图 的相关文章
