


顾名思义,top-down是由上至下,而bottom-up由下至上的意思。其实,就我对本行业的理解,top = 目的(objective),bottom = 方法细节(action)。




1. Top-down思考:从要达到的目的开始思考。先看是否能够在相同成本下,增加营业额 (grow the top line),或是能在不影响营业额的情况下,降低成本支出。增加营业额,有可能是增加客户的数量,或是让每个客户花更多的钱。降低成本,有可能是利用采购的集中,外包给更低成本的公司生产,或寻找低成本的人力资源等。

2. Bottom-up思考:看手头上有几张牌,来看是否能达成目的。譬如最近刚好和一家公司在谈策略联盟,我们可以利用另一家公司的channel与客户关系,来开拓另一个市场,进而增加营业额。或是,最近大陆中关村刚好给个offer,如果在那里开软体公司能给予税负优惠,进而降低成本。



Top-Down Processing

Top-down processing is defined as the development of pattern recognition through the use of contextual information. For instance, you are presented with a paragraph written with difficult handwriting. It is easier to understand what the writer wants to convey if you read the whole paragraph rather than reading the words in separate terms. The brain may be able to perceive and understand the gist of the paragraph due to the context supplied by the surrounding words.


Bottom-Up Processing

In the bottom-up processing approach, perception starts at the sensory input, the stimulus. Thus, perception can be described as data-driven. For example, there is a flower at the center of a person's field. The sight of the flower and all the information about the stimulus are carried from the retina to the visual cortex in the brain. The signal travels in one direction.



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