Play 框架:如何实现正确的错误处理


我有一个包含多个模块的 Play 应用程序,每个模块都有自己的异常集。以下是三个例子:

Module common:

package services.common

trait CommonErrors {

  final case class NotFound(id: String) extends Exception(s"object $id not found")
  final case class InvalidId(id: String) extends Exception(s"$id is an invalid id")

  // `toJson` is just an extension method that converts an exception to JSON
  def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case NotFound => Results.NotFound(e.toJson)
    case InvalidId => Results.BadRequest(e.toJson)
    case _ => Results.InternalError(e.toJson)

Module auth:

package services.auth

trait AuthErrors {

  final case class UserNotFound(e: NotFound) extends Exception(s"user ${} not found")
  final case class UserAlreadyExists(email: String) extends Exception(s"user identified by $email already exists")

  // `toJson` is just an extension method that converts an exception to JSON
  def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case UserNotFound => Results.NotFound(e.toJson)
    case UserAlreadyExists => Results.BadRequest(e.toJson)
    case _ => Results.InternalError(e.toJson)

Module other:

trait OtherErrors {

  final case class AnotherError(s: String) extends Exception(s"another error: $s")

  // `toJson` is just an extension method that converts an exception to JSON
  def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case AnotherError => Results.BadRequest(e.toJson)
    case _ => Results.InternalError(e.toJson)

正如您所看到的,每个特征都定义了一组异常,并提供了一种将该异常转换为 JSON 响应的方法,如下所示:

  "status": 404,
  "code": "not_found",
  "message": "user 123456789123456789123456 not found",
  "request": ""


object Users extends Controller {

  val errors = new CommonErrors with AuthErrors with OtherErrors {
    // here I have to override `toResult` to make the compiler happy
    override def toResult(e: Exception) = super.toResult

  def find(id: String) = Action { request =>
    userService.find(id).map { user =>
    }.recover { case e =>
      errors.toResult(e) // this returns the appropriate result



你可以使用可堆叠特质图案。我会取代你的.toJson with .getMessage出于简化原因:


trait ErrorsStack {
  def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case _ => Results.InternalServerError(e.getMessage)


trait CommonErrors extends ErrorsStack {
  case class NotFound(id: String) extends Exception(s"object $id not found")
  case class InvalidId(id: String) extends Exception(s"$id is an invalid id")

  override def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case e: NotFound => Results.NotFound(e.getMessage)
    case e: InvalidId => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)
    case _ => super.toResult(e)

trait AuthErrors extends ErrorsStack {
  case class UserNotFound(id: String) extends Exception(s"user $id not found")
  case class UserAlreadyExists(email: String) extends Exception(s"user identified by $email already exists")

  override def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case e: UserNotFound => Results.NotFound(e.getMessage)
    case e: UserAlreadyExists => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)
    case _ => super.toResult(e)

trait OtherErrors extends ErrorsStack {    
  case class AnotherError(s: String) extends Exception(s"another error: $s")

  override def toResult(e: Exception): Result = e match {
    case e: AnotherError => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)

    case _ => super.toResult(e)


val errors = new CommonErrors with AuthErrors with OtherErrors


import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee
import concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await

def getResult(ex: Exception) = {
  val res = errors.toResult(ex)
  val body = new String(Await.result(, 5 seconds), UTF_8)
  (res.header.status, body)



getResult(errors.NotFound("Gryffindor sword"))
getResult(errors.AnotherError("Snape's death"))
getResult(new GeneralSecurityException("Marauders's map"))


res0: (Int, String) = (404,user Riddle not found)
res1: (Int, String) = (400,user identified by Weasley already exists)
res2: (Int, String) = (404,object Gryffindor sword not found)
res3: (Int, String) = (400,another error: Snape's death)
res4: (Int, String) = (500,Marauders's map)


type Resolver = PartialFunction[Exception, Result]

object ErrorsStack {
  val resolver: Resolver = {
    case e => Results.InternalServerError(e.getMessage)

trait ErrorsStack {
  def toResult: Resolver = ErrorsStack.resolver

object CommonErrors {
  case class NotFound(id: String) extends Exception(s"object $id not found")
  case class InvalidId(id: String) extends Exception(s"$id is an invalid id")
  val resolver: Resolver = {
    case e: NotFound => Results.NotFound(e.getMessage)
    case e: InvalidId => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)

trait CommonErrors extends ErrorsStack {
  override def toResult = CommonErrors.resolver orElse super.toResult

object AuthErrors {
  case class UserNotFound(id: String) extends Exception(s"user $id not found")
  case class UserAlreadyExists(email: String) extends Exception(s"user identified by $email already exists")
  val resolver: Resolver = {
    case e: UserNotFound => Results.NotFound(e.getMessage)
    case e: UserAlreadyExists => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)

trait AuthErrors extends ErrorsStack {
  override def toResult = AuthErrors.resolver orElse super.toResult

object OtherErrors {
  case class AnotherError(s: String) extends Exception(s"another error: $s")

  val resolver: Resolver = {
    case e: AnotherError => Results.BadRequest(e.getMessage)

trait OtherErrors extends ErrorsStack {
  override def toResult = OtherErrors.resolver orElse super.toResult

Play 框架:如何实现正确的错误处理 的相关文章
