如何使用现代 perl 和 utf8 默认设置“use My::defaults”?



use My::perldefs;

包含以下内容(主要基于基督的 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6162484/why-does-modern-perl-avoid-utf-8-by-default/6163129#6163129 post.)

use 5.014;
use strict;
use features qw(switch say state);

no warnings;
use warnings qw(FATAL closed threads internal debugging pack substr malloc
                unopened portable prototype inplace io pipe unpack regexp
                deprecated exiting glob digit printf utf8 layer
                reserved parenthesis taint closure semicolon);
no warnings qw(exec newline);

use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use charnames qw(:full);
use feature qw(unicode_strings);
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFD NFC);
use Carp qw(carp croak confess cluck);
use autodie;

很简单,想要实现一个use My::perldefs为了实现

  • 完整且正确的 utf8 支持,并且
  • 所有现代 Perl 功能均已打开。

基于最近的问题 https://stackoverflow.com/q/6494138/734304好的起点是 uni::perl。它几乎可以做我想做的所有事情,只需要添加:

use feature qw(unicode_strings);
use charnames qw(:full);
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFD NFC);
use autodie;

我将奖励那些用上述 5 行扩展 uni::perl (插入下面)的人,使用有效且正确的方法。

请帮助为 utf8 和现代 Perl 使用制作一个好的样板。谢谢。

Bellow 是 uni::perl 的副本。

package My::perldefs;

use 5.014;
    ${^WARNING_BITS} ^= ${^WARNING_BITS} ^ "\xfc\x3f\xf3\x00\x0f\xf3\xcf\xc0\xf3\xfc\x33\x03";
    $^H |= 0x00000602;
use strict;
use warnings;
use mro ();

    for my $sub (qw(carp croak confess)) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$sub = sub {
            my $caller = caller;
            local *__ANON__ = $caller .'::'. $sub;
            require Carp;
            *{ $caller.'::'.$sub } = \&{ 'Carp::'.$sub };
            goto &{ 'Carp::'.$sub };

sub import {
    my $me = shift;
    my $caller = caller;
    ${^WARNING_BITS} ^= ${^WARNING_BITS} ^ "\xfc\x3f\xf3\x00\x0f\xf3\xcf\xc0\xf3\xfc\x33\x03";

    $^H |=
          0x00000602 # strict
        | 0x00800000 # utf8

    # use feature
    $^H{feature_switch} =
    $^H{feature_say}    =
    $^H{feature_state}  = 1;

    # use mro 'c3';
    mro::set_mro($caller, 'c3');

    #use open (:utf8 :std);
    ${^OPEN} = ":utf8\0:utf8";
    binmode(STDIN,   ":utf8");
    binmode(STDOUT,  ":utf8");
    binmode(STDERR,  ":utf8");

    for my $sub (qw(carp croak confess)) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *{ $caller .'::'. $sub } = \&$sub;
    while (@_) {
        my $feature = shift;
        if ($feature =~ s/^://) {
            my $package = $me. '::'. $feature;
            eval "require $package; 1" or croak( "$@" );
            $package->load( $caller );



All of the above is (C): Mons Anderson, C<< <mons at cpan.org> >>

use feature qw(unicode_strings)简单,$^H{feature_unicode}只需要设置即可。其他模块也不是太难,只需使用require并显式调用必要的模块函数(例如Encode and Unicode::Normalize定义一个export方法通过Exporter以调用包作为参数)。棘手的是autodie,它确实严格按照caller并且通常会将其功能注入到My::perldefs包裹。我认为这里唯一好的解决方案(除了重新实现模块之外)My::perldefs)正在使用goto- 这允许调用所需的方法而不改变caller,因此这些方法被注入到正确的命名空间中。这是我最终得到的:

package My::perldefs;

use 5.014;
    ${^WARNING_BITS} ^= ${^WARNING_BITS} ^ "\xfc\x3f\xf3\x00\x0f\xf3\xcf\xc0\xf3\xfc\x33\x03";
    $^H |= 0x00000602;
use strict;
use warnings;
use mro ();

    for my $sub (qw(carp croak confess)) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *$sub = sub {
            my $caller = caller;
            local *__ANON__ = $caller .'::'. $sub;
            require Carp;
            *{ $caller.'::'.$sub } = \&{ 'Carp::'.$sub };
            goto &{ 'Carp::'.$sub };

sub import {
    my $me = shift;
    my $caller = caller;
    ${^WARNING_BITS} ^= ${^WARNING_BITS} ^ "\xfc\x3f\xf3\x00\x0f\xf3\xcf\xc0\xf3\xfc\x33\x03";

    $^H |=
          0x00000602 # strict
        | 0x00800000 # utf8

    # use feature
    $^H{feature_switch} =
    $^H{feature_say}    =
    $^H{feature_state}  =
    $^H{feature_unicode}= 1;

    # use mro 'c3';
    mro::set_mro($caller, 'c3');

    #use open (:utf8 :std);
    ${^OPEN} = ":utf8\0:utf8";
    binmode(STDIN,   ":utf8");
    binmode(STDOUT,  ":utf8");
    binmode(STDERR,  ":utf8");

    #use charnames qw(:full)
    require charnames;

    #use Encode qw(encode decode)
    require Encode;
    Encode->export($caller, "encode", "decode");

    #use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFC NFD)
    require Unicode::Normalize;
    Unicode::Normalize->export($caller, "NFC", "NFD");

    for my $sub (qw(carp croak confess)) {
        no strict 'refs';
        *{ $caller .'::'. $sub } = \&$sub;
    while (@_) {
        my $feature = shift;
        if ($feature =~ s/^://) {
            my $package = $me. '::'. $feature;
            eval "require $package; 1" or croak( "$@" );
            $package->load( $caller );

    #use autodie qw(:default)
    #goto needs to be used here to make sure that caller doesn't change
    require autodie;
    @_ = ("autodie", ":default");
    goto &autodie::import;


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