




我的对象变得更加复杂,我决定通过实现 ISerialized 来自定义序列化过程。我继续支持以以前的格式存储的数据


我的问题是,一个特定值似乎序列化成功,但当我尝试反序列化时,其值始终为 null。 (没有错误,只是一个非常令人不快、无用的 null)

当我在序列化点中断时,我可以通过检查 SerializationInfo 看到该对象已添加到 SerializationInfo 中,并且它具有值(这没什么花哨的,但将在下面发布它的代码)

正在调用序列化构造函数(我也在那里放置了一个断点),但是当我检查构造函数的 SerializationInfo 对象时,它没有数据(它确实有一个条目,只是没有数据)

UPDATE- 下载控制台应用程序here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_ITQGuqH0C4bDJoZXJGRzd0aUU/edit?usp=sharing。感谢您的关注


The Code

导致问题的类:(PointProfiles 属性是有问题的对象)

    public class TrainingSet : ITrainingSet, ISerializable
        public Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet> PointProfiles { get; set; }

        public PrincipalComponentAnalysis PointPCA { get; set; }

        public double[] AlignedMean { get; set; }

        public List<Tuple<string, ITransform>> Transforms { get; set; }

        public string[] FileNames { get; set; }

        private static Lazy<BinaryFormatter> formatter = new Lazy<BinaryFormatter>();

        public static ITrainingSet Load(Guid modelId)
            ModelSample s = DataProxy<ModelSample>.AsQueryable().Where(m => m.ModelId == modelId).SingleOrDefault();
            if (s == null)
                return null;

            byte[] raw = s.Samples.ToArray();
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(raw))
                return (ITrainingSet)formatter.Value.Deserialize(ms);


        void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            info.AddValue("pca", PointPCA);

            info.AddValue("tp1", PointProfiles.Select(pp => pp.Key.Item1).ToArray());
            info.AddValue("tp2", PointProfiles.Select(pp => pp.Key.Item2).ToArray());

            var x = PointProfiles.Select(pp => (ProfileModel)pp.Value).ToArray();
            info.AddValue("ipts", x, typeof(ProfileModel[]));

            info.AddValue("am", AlignedMean);

            info.AddValue("tname", Transforms.Select(t => t.Item1).ToArray());
            info.AddValue("tval", Transforms.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray());
            info.AddValue("fnames", FileNames);
            info.AddValue("version", 1);  // nb

        public TrainingSet(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            int version = 0;
            foreach(SerializationEntry s in info)
                if(s.Name == "version")
                    version = (int)s.Value;

                case 0:
                    // old (default binary formatter)
                    PointPCA = info.GetValue("<PointPCA>k__BackingField", typeof(PrincipalComponentAnalysis)) as PrincipalComponentAnalysis;
                    PointProfiles = info.GetValue("<PointProfiles>k__BackingField", typeof(Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>)) as Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>;
                    AlignedMean = info.GetValue("<AlignedMean>k__BackingField", typeof(double[])) as double[];
                    Transforms = info.GetValue("<Transforms>k__BackingField", typeof(List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>)) as List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>;
                    FileNames = info.GetValue("<FileNames>k__BackingField", typeof(string[])) as string[];

            //stats.PointPCA = pointPCA;
            //stats.PointProfiles = pointProfiles;
            //stats.AlignedMean = alignedMean;
            //stats.Transforms = transforms;
            //stats.FileNames = fileNames;


                case 1:
                    FileNames = info.GetValue("fnames", typeof(string[])) as string[];

                    var t = info.GetValue("tval", typeof(ITransform[])) as ITransform[];
                    var tn = info.GetValue("tname", typeof(string[])) as string[];

                    Transforms = new List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>();
                    for(int i = 0;i < tn.Length;i++)
                        Transforms.Add(new Tuple<string,ITransform>(tn[i], t[i]));

                    AlignedMean = info.GetValue("am", typeof(double[])) as double[];

                    PointPCA = info.GetValue("pca", typeof(PrincipalComponentAnalysis)) as PrincipalComponentAnalysis;

                    var ipts = info.GetValue("ipts", typeof(ProfileModel[]));

                    foreach (var x in info) 
                        int a = 0;
                        a++;   // break point here, info has an entry for key "ipts", but it's null  (or rather an array of the correct length, and each element of the array is null)

                    var xxx = ipts as IPointTrainingSet[];

                    var i2 = info.GetValue("tp2", typeof(int[])) as int[];

                    var i1 = info.GetValue("tp1", typeof(int[])) as int[];

                    PointProfiles = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; i++)
                        PointProfiles.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i1[i], i2[i]), xxx[i]);


                    throw new NotImplementedException("TrainingSet version " + version + " is not supported");


        public TrainingSet()


Profile 类(也可序列化,这是接下来列出的 ProfileModel 的基类)

    public class Profile : ISerializable, IProfile
        public double Angle { get; private set; }
        public int PointIndex { get; private set; }
        public int Level { get; set; }

        public double[,] G { get; private set; }
        public virtual double[,] GBar { get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }

        public virtual int Width { get { return G.Length; } }

        public Profile(int level, int pointIndex, double angle, double[,] G)
            this.G = G;
            PointIndex = pointIndex;
            Level = level;
            Angle = angle;

        // deserialization
        public Profile(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            PointIndex = info.GetInt32("p");
            Angle = info.GetDouble("a");
            G = (double[,])info.GetValue("g", typeof(double[,]));

            Level = info.GetInt32("l");

            //_pca = new Lazy<PrincipalComponentAnalysis>(Pca);

        // serialization
        public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            info.AddValue("p", PointIndex);
            info.AddValue("a", Angle);
            info.AddValue("g", G);
            info.AddValue("l", Level);


和(最后)ProfileModel 类:

public class ProfileModel : Profile, ISerializable, IPointTrainingSet

    public IProfile MeanProfile { get; private set; }

    private ProfileModel(int level, int PointIndex, IProfile[] profiles)
        : base(level, PointIndex, 0, null)
        double[,] m = Matrix.Create<double>(profiles.Length, profiles[0].G.Columns(), 0);

        int idx = 0;
        foreach (var pg in profiles.Select(p => p.G.GetRow(0)))
            m.SetRow(idx++, pg);

        Profile meanProfile = new Profile(level, PointIndex, 0, m.Mean().ToMatrix());
        MeanProfile = meanProfile;

    // deserialization
    public ProfileModel(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) {
        var ps = info.GetValue("mp", typeof(Profile));

        MeanProfile = (IProfile)ps;

    // serialization
    public new void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        info.AddValue("mp", MeanProfile, typeof(Profile));
        base.GetObjectData(info, context);

    public override double[,] GBar
            return MeanProfile.G;

    public override int Width { get {
        return GBar.Columns();
    } }


首先对数组进行反序列化,然后再执行内部反序列化。当循环遍历 ProfileModel 数组时,其内容尚未被反序列化。

您可以通过实现 IDeserializationCallback (或通过将 OnDeserilized 属性分配给应在反序列化完成时调用的方法)来解决此问题。 OnDeserialzation 方法在整个对象图反序列化后被调用。


private int []i1;
private int []i2;
private ProfileModel []  ipts;


ipts = info.GetValue("ipts", typeof(ProfileModel[]));
i2 = info.GetValue("tp2", typeof(int[])) as int[];
i1 = info.GetValue("tp1", typeof(int[])) as int[];

并实现 IDeserializationCallback:

public void OnDerserilization(object sender)
  PointProfiles = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>();

  for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; i++)
     PointProfiles.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i1[i], i2[i]), ipts[i]);

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