


本文为美国密苏里理工大学(作者:YU LI)的硕士论文,共79页。



With the rapid development of robotics technology, robots are increasingly used to conduct various tasks by utility companies. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an efficient robot that can be used to inspect high-voltage transmission lines. UAVs need to stay within a data transmission range from the ground station and periodically land to replace the battery in order to ensure that the power system can support its operation. A routing algorithm must be used in order to guide the motion and deployment of the ground station while using UAV in transmission line inspection. Most existing routing algorithms are dedicated to pathfinding for a single object that needs to travel from a given start point to end point and cannot be directly used for guiding the ground station deployment and motion since multiple objects (i.e., the UAV and the ground team) whose motions and locations need to be coordinated are involved. In this thesis, we intend to explore the routing algorithm that can be used by utility companies to effectively utilize UAVs in transmission line inspection. Both heuristic and analytical algorithms are proposed to guide the deployment of the ground station and the landing point for UAV power system change. A case study was conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed routing algorithm and examine the performance and cost-effectiveness.

  1.   引言
  2. 文献回顾
  3. 启发式模型
  4. 解析式模型
  5. 结论



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