

请耐心等待,在 OP 有意义之前,有一些背景。我正在使用 Slick 3.1.x 和 slick 代码生成器。顺便说一句,整个源代码可以在play-authenticate-usage-scala github 项目。对于这个项目,我希望有一个灵活的通用 Dao 以避免为每个模型重复相同的样板代码。

我有一个 postgres sql 脚本,它使用演化创建数据库:1.sql


为了能够为模型类提供通用的 dao 光滑实现,我需要它们遵守一些基本抽象,例如

  • Entity特征:每个实体都有一个id例如dao 需要的findById
  • 汽车公司实体特征声明方法def copyWithNewId(id : PK) : Entity[PK]。这是 dao 实现所需要的createAndFetch保留一个新实体并检索自动生成的id一步PK。

This copyWithNewId是OP的重点。请注意,它被称为copyWithNewId并不是copy以避免无限递归。为了能够实施GenericDaoAutoIncImpl允许插入并立即获取自动生成的id,实体行需要一个copy(id = id)方法来自于<Model>Row案例类在定义时GenericDaoAutoIncImpl目前尚不清楚。相关实现如下:

override def createAndFetch(entity: E): Future[Option[E]] = {
  val insertQuery = tableQuery returning 
                        into ((row, id) => row.copyWithNewId(id)) += entity).flatMap(row => findById(

这需要我实施copyWithNewId方法在每个AutoInc id生成的模型并不好,例如

// generated code and modified later to adapt it for the generic dao 
case class UserRow(id: Long, ...) extends AutoIncEntity[Long] with Subject {
  override def copyWithNewId(id : Long) : Entity[Long] = this.copy(id = id)

但是,如果我可以 - 使用一些 Scala 技巧 - 定义我的<Model>Row案例类 基类的子类,可复制并复制自身,除了传递的idi.e. IdCopyable with copy(id = id)那么我就不需要一遍又一遍地实施这个copyWithNewId对于每一个<Model>Row生成的案例类。

有没有办法抽象或“拉起”重构copy(id = id)对于任何包含id属性?还有其他推荐的解决方案吗?

UPDATE 1以下几乎总结了我遇到的问题:

scala> abstract class BaseA[A <: BaseA[_]] { def copy(id : Int) : A }
defined class BaseA

scala> case class A(id: Int) extends BaseA[A]
<console>:12: error: class A needs to be abstract, since method copy in class BaseA of type (id: Int)A is not defined
   case class A(id: Int) extends BaseA[A]

scala> case class A(id: Int); val a = A(5); a.copy(6)
defined class A
a: A = A(5)
res0: A = A(6)

UPDATE 2使用下面建议的解决方案,我收到以下编译错误:

[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/dao/GenericDaoAutoIncImpl.scala:26: could not find implicit value for parameter gen: shapeless.Generic.Aux[E,Repr]
[error]     val insertQuery = tableQuery returning into ((row, id) => row.copyWithNewId(id))
[error]                                                                                                     ^
[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/dao/GenericDaoAutoIncImpl.scala:27: value id is not a member of insertQuery.SingleInsertResult
[error] += entity).flatMap(row => findById(
[error]                                                                ^
[error] two errors found

UPDATE 3使用并调整下面建议的镜头解决方案,我收到以下编译器错误:

import shapeless._, tag.@@
import shapeless._
import tag.$at$at

  * Identifyable base for all Strong Entity Model types
  * @tparam PK Primary key type
  * @tparam E Actual case class EntityRow type
trait AutoIncEntity[PK, E <: AutoIncEntity[PK, E]] extends Entity[PK] { self: E =>
  // public
    * Returns the entity with updated id as generated by the database
    * @param id The entity id
    * @return the entity with updated id as generated by the database
  def copyWithNewId(id : PK)(implicit mkLens: MkFieldLens.Aux[E, Symbol @@ Witness.`"id"`.T, PK]) : E = {
    (lens[E] >> 'id).set(self)(id)


[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/dao/GenericDaoAutoIncImpl.scala:26: could not find implicit value for parameter mkLens: shapeless.MkFieldLens.Aux[E,shapeless.tag.@@[Symbol,String("id")],PK]
[error]     val insertQuery = tableQuery returning into ((row, id) => row.copyWithNewId(id))
[error]                                                                                                     ^
[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/dao/GenericDaoAutoIncImpl.scala:27: value id is not a member of insertQuery.SingleInsertResult
[error] += entity).flatMap(row => findById(
[error]                                                                ^

With 无形的您可以对案例类进行抽象。

1. 手动抽象案例类

如果你假设每个id is a Long并且是案例类的第一个参数,它可能如下所示:

scala> import shapeless._, ops.hlist.{IsHCons, Prepend}
import shapeless._
import ops.hlist.{IsHCons, Prepend}

scala> trait Copy[A <: Copy[A]] { self: A =>
     |   def copyWithId[Repr <: HList, Tail <: HList](l: Long)(
     |     implicit 
     |     gen: Generic.Aux[A,Repr], 
     |     cons: IsHCons.Aux[Repr,Long,Tail], 
     |     prep: Prepend.Aux[Long :: HNil,Tail,Repr]
     |   ) = gen.from(prep(l :: HNil, cons.tail(
     | }
defined trait Copy

scala> case class Foo(id: Long, s: String) extends Copy[Foo]
defined class Foo

scala> Foo(4L, "foo").copyWithId(5L)
res1: Foo = Foo(5,foo)

It might also be possible in a cleaner way; I'm not very proficient at shapeless programming yet. And I'm pretty sure it's also possible to do it for case classes with any type of id in any position in the parameter list. See paragraph 2 below.


scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

import shapeless._, ops.hlist.{IsHCons, Prepend}

sealed trait IdCopy[A] {
  def copyWithId(self: A, id: Long): A

object IdCopy {
  def apply[A: IdCopy] = implicitly[IdCopy[A]]
  implicit def mkIdCopy[A, Repr <: HList, Tail <: HList](
    gen: Generic.Aux[A,Repr], 
    cons: IsHCons.Aux[Repr,Long,Tail], 
    prep: Prepend.Aux[Long :: HNil,Tail,Repr]
  ): IdCopy[A] = 
    new IdCopy[A] {
      def copyWithId(self: A, id: Long): A = 
        gen.from(prep(id :: HNil, cons.tail(

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

import shapeless._
import ops.hlist.{IsHCons, Prepend}
defined trait IdCopy
defined object IdCopy

scala> def copy[A: IdCopy](a: A, id: Long) = IdCopy[A].copyWithId(a, id)
copy: [A](a: A, id: Long)(implicit evidence$1: IdCopy[A])A

scala> case class Foo(id: Long, str: String)
defined class Foo

scala> copy(Foo(4L, "foo"), 5L)
res0: Foo = Foo(5,foo)

如果这对您很重要,您仍然可以将 copyWithId 方法放入案例类可以扩展的特征中:

scala> trait Copy[A <: Copy[A]] { self: A =>
     |   def copyWithId(id: Long)(implicit copy: IdCopy[A]) = copy.copyWithId(self, id)
     | }
defined trait Copy

scala> case class Foo(id: Long, str: String) extends Copy[Foo]
defined class Foo

scala> Foo(4L, "foo").copyWithId(5L)
res1: Foo = Foo(5,foo)


override def createAndFetch(entity: E)(implicit copy: IdCopy[E]): Future[Option[E]] = {
  val insertQuery = tableQuery returning 
                        into ((row, id) => row.copyWithId(id)) += entity).flatMap(row => findById(

2. 使用镜头

无形还提供lenses您可以将其用于此目的。这样您就可以更新id任何具有某些特征的案例类的字段id field.

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

sealed trait IdCopy[A,ID] {
  def copyWithId(self: A, id: ID): A

object IdCopy {
  import shapeless._, tag.@@
  implicit def mkIdCopy[A, ID](
    mkLens: MkFieldLens.Aux[A, Symbol @@ Witness.`"id"`.T, ID]
  ): IdCopy[A,ID] = 
    new IdCopy[A,ID] {
      def copyWithId(self: A, id: ID): A = 
        (lens[A] >> 'id).set(self)(id)

def copyWithId[ID, A](a: A, elem: ID)(implicit copy: IdCopy[A,ID]) = copy.copyWithId(a, elem)

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

defined trait IdCopy
defined object IdCopy
copyWithId: [ID, A](a: A, elem: ID)(implicit copy: IdCopy[A,ID])A

scala> trait Entity[ID] { def id: ID }
defined trait Entity

scala> case class Foo(id: String) extends Entity[String]
defined class Foo

scala> def assignNewIds[ID, A <: Entity[ID]](entities: List[A], ids: List[ID])(implicit copy: IdCopy[A,ID]): List[A] =
     |{ case (entity, id) =>  copyWithId(entity, id) }
assignNewIds: [ID, A <: Entity[ID]](entities: List[A], ids: List[ID])(implicit copy: IdCopy[A,ID])List[A]

scala> assignNewIds( List(Foo("foo"),Foo("bar")), List("new1", "new2"))
res0: List[Foo] = List(Foo(new1), Foo(new2))

请注意方法中如何assignNewIds where copyWithId使用类型类的实例IdCopy[A,ID]作为隐式参数请求。这是因为copyWithId需要一个隐式实例IdCopy[A,ID]使用时要在范围内。您需要从使用站点传播隐式实例,您可以在其中使用具体类型,例如Foo,沿着调用链一直到哪里copyWithId叫做。



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