Hybrid A*示例代码KTH的path_planner分析


Hybrid A star Algorithm Analysis


1. Data Flow

in main.cpp

    // init ros node
    ros::init(argc, argv, "a_star");

    // main function
    HybridAStar::Planner hy;
    hy.plan();  // main process

    return 0;

there are two main parts,

  • HybridAStar::Planner, use constructor function to initialize an instance of planner
  • HybridAStar::Planner::plan(), include each sub-part of the main process

1.1 Constructor function

firstly, publish a topic named /move_base_simple/start, from ROS WIKI.

message type is geometry_msgs::PoseStamped, including 3-D coordinates, Points
and pose orientation, Quaternion.
And will use a function to define value of this message.

then define several subscribers, including

  • /map, call function Planner::setMap
  • /move_base_simple/goal, call function Planner::setGoal
  • /initialpose, call function Planner::setStart

publish a topic for start point, subscribe topics for start point, goal and map.

1.1.1 set map

    grid = map;  // grid: nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::Ptr
    //update the configuration space with the current map

grid is an instance of nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::Ptr, a pointer in navigation message package.

configurationSpace is an instance of class CollisionDetection; updating grid is rather simple.

     \brief updates the grid with the world map
  void updateGrid(nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::Ptr map) {grid = map;}

but it seems no difference with line above, why?

    int height = map->info.height;
    int width = map->info.width;
    bool** binMap;
    binMap = new bool*[width];

binMap, a pointer to a bool pointer, binMap = new bool*[width],
using new to alloc memory for this, type is bool*, a bool type pointer,
with number of width.


    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
        binMap[x] = new bool[height];

now binMap is a 2 dimension pointer array with range of width * height.

    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            binMap[x][y] = map->data[y * width + x] ? true : false;

using a ?: operator, can be simplified as xxx != 0;

  • if map->data[y * width + x] = true, binMap[x][y] = true
  • if map->data[y * width + x] = false, binMap[x][y] = false
    voronoiDiagram.initializeMap(width, height, binMap);

some voronoi diagram stuff, ignore here. binMap is used in voronoi diagram.

1.1.2 set goal

    // retrieving goal position
    float x = end->pose.position.x / Constants::cellSize;
    float y = end->pose.position.y / Constants::cellSize;
    float t = tf::getYaw(end->pose.orientation);

    std::cout << "I am seeing a new goal x:" << x << " y:" << y << " t:" << Helper::toDeg(t) << std::endl;

    if (grid->info.height >= y && y >= 0 && grid->info.width >= x && x >= 0) {
        validGoal = true;
        goal = *end;

        if (Constants::manual){

why call plan() here?

1.1.3 set start

void Planner::setStart(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& initial) {
    float x = initial->pose.pose.position.x / Constants::cellSize;
    float y = initial->pose.pose.position.y / Constants::cellSize;
    float t = tf::getYaw(initial->pose.pose.orientation);

set coordinates of start.

    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped startN;
    startN.pose.position = initial->pose.pose.position;
    startN.pose.orientation = initial->pose.pose.orientation;
    startN.header.frame_id = "map";
    startN.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    if (grid->info.height >= y && y >= 0 && grid->info.width >= x && x >= 0) {
        validStart = true;
        start = *initial;
        if (Constants::manual) { plan();}
        // publish start for RViz

if start is valid, call plan() here, and publish start information to topic "/move_base_simple/start".

but I’m confused why plan() need to be called here, even it will be called in the next step in main?

before the program running into ros::spin(), message of start and goal is sent by publisher,

then the program goes into plan()

1.2 Planner::plan()

firstly, define list pointers and initialize lists

        int width = grid->info.width;
        int height = grid->info.height;
        int depth = Constants::headings;
        int length = width * height * depth;
        // define list pointers and initialize lists
        Node3D* nodes3D = new Node3D[length]();
        Node2D* nodes2D = new Node2D[width * height]();

then define the goal point

        x = start.pose.pose.position.x / Constants::cellSize;
        y = start.pose.pose.position.y / Constants::cellSize;
        t = tf::getYaw(start.pose.pose.orientation);

the planning will start

        // CLEAR THE PATH
        // FIND THE PATH
        Node3D* nSolution = Algorithm::hybridAStar(
                nStart, nGoal, nodes3D, nodes2D, width, height,
                configurationSpace, dubinsLookup, visualization);
        // TRACE THE PATH
        // SMOOTH THE PATH
  • main part, get an initial path by Algorithm::hybridAStar
  • send path to smoother, smoother.tracePath(nSolution)
  • send path to path
  • smooth path, smoother.smoothPath(voronoiDiagram);
  • update smoothed path

and the rest will be ROS topic and service stuff.

        visualization.publishNode3DCosts(nodes3D, width, height, depth);
        visualization.publishNode2DCosts(nodes2D, width, height);

        // delete lists
        delete [] nodes3D;
        delete [] nodes2D;

but I’m still confused about the data transferring between ROS-rviz and this program.

Providing a ROS graph here,

Summarise some questions:

  • what is the different between initialpose and move_base_simple/start?
  • in which way the map image is delivered?
  • what’s the function of tf in this ROS program?

Map is sent to ROS master when running the manual.launch script, through the map_server node.
In detail, by loading a yaml file to choose map file, namely a jpg file.

According to the simulation process, user can add start and goal in rviz.
Meanwhile, data will be transferred to this program, through ROS master and node, but which node?

1.3 Overall Analysis

上面的1.1, 1.2两个小节也提出了一些问题,在此做一个整汇总。

So in main.cpp, firstly create an instance of Planner class.
As we know about c++ feature, this will lead to the call of constructor function by this class.

According to analysis above, we know that in the constructor function, several publisher and subscriber are defined.

  • publisher: “/move_base_simple/start”
  • subscriber: “/map”, callback function is setMap
  • subscriber: “/move_base_simple/goal”, callback function is setGoal
  • subscriber: “/initialpose”, callback function is setStart

As stated by ROS WIKI, only when the program reaches ros::spin() can the
subscribers start to receive message and callback their functions.
So process above only name some variables.

Then the program goes to plan().
However, without valid start and goal point, this will not be proceeded.

Now it’s time for ros::spin(), if user provide start and goal information to RVIZ,
the message will be received by those subscribers, and callback functions will be called.

In callback functions setStart and setGoal, plan() shall be called again and again
once when the start or goal is set or changed.

Until now, data flow is basically clear.

2. Main Functions

2.1 ROS and OMPL interface

2.2 Map data structure and usage

2.3 Dynamic voronoi diagram construction

this part will not be analyzed temporarily.

2.4 Hybrid A star algorithm

This part is in class algorithm.cpp and algorithm.h.

Got 4 functions(one class member) and a struct.

  • float aStar
  • void updateH
  • Node3D* dubinsShot
  • Node3D* Algorithm::hybridAStar
  • struct CompareNodes.

2.4.1 Node for 3D and 2D

The Node class by author is defined to describe each node of hybrid A star node,
just like A star node with information of x,y,g,f.

The difference between 2D and 3D is whether to take θ \theta θ into consideration.

In Node2D.h and cpp, there are several functions:

  • isOnGrid, if this node is inside the map
  • createSuccessor(const int i), set the next node according to i, which has 8 options.
  • bool Node2D::operator == (const Node2D& rhs) const, return if the same position
  • setIdx, set id in a one dimension array

In Node3D.h and Node3D.cpp, there are more functions:

  • isOnGrid, x and y is inside the map, and heading angle is less than 72 degree(defined by the author)
  • isInRange, if is in the range of test Dubins shot
  • createSuccessor
// R = 6, 6.75 DEG
const float Node3D::dy[] = { 0,        -0.0415893,  0.0415893};
const float Node3D::dx[] = { 0.7068582,   0.705224,   0.705224};
const float Node3D::dt[] = { 0,         0.1178097,   -0.1178097};


bool Node3D::isInRange(const Node3D& goal) const {
    int random = rand() % 10 + 1;
    // rand(), Return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive
    // #define	RAND_MAX	2147483647
    float dx = std::abs(x - goal.x) / random;
    float dy = std::abs(y - goal.y) / random;
    return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) < Constants::dubinsShotDistance;


Node3D* Node3D::createSuccessor(const int i) {
    float xSucc;
    float ySucc;
    float tSucc;

    // calculate successor positions forward
    if (i < 3) {
        xSucc = x + dx[i] * cos(t) - dy[i] * sin(t);
        ySucc = y + dx[i] * sin(t) + dy[i] * cos(t);
        tSucc = Helper::normalizeHeadingRad(t + dt[i]);
    // backwards
    else {
        xSucc = x - dx[i - 3] * cos(t) - dy[i - 3] * sin(t);
        ySucc = y - dx[i - 3] * sin(t) + dy[i - 3] * cos(t);
        tSucc = Helper::normalizeHeadingRad(t - dt[i - 3]);

    return new Node3D(xSucc, ySucc, tSucc, g, 0, this, i);


static inline float normalizeHeadingRad(float t) {
  if (t < 0) {
    t = t - 2.f * M_PI * (int)(t / (2.f * M_PI));
    return 2.f * M_PI + t;

  return t - 2.f * M_PI * (int)(t / (2.f * M_PI));

just a normalize function if t < 0 t<0 t<0;

void Node3D::updateG() {
    // forward driving
    if (prim < 3) {
        // if i < 3
        // penalize turning
        // if the direction changed from last motion
        if (pred->prim != prim) {
            // penalize change of direction, from backward to forward
            if (pred->prim > 2) {
                // penaltyTurning = 10.5, penaltyCOD = 2.0
                g += dx[0] * Constants::penaltyTurning * Constants::penaltyCOD;
            } else {
                // if still forward, just a minor direction changing
                // penaltyTurning = 10.5
                g += dx[0] * Constants::penaltyTurning;
        } else {
            g += dx[0];
    // reverse driving
    else {
        // penalize turning and reversing
        if (pred->prim != prim) {
            // penalize change of direction
            if (pred->prim < 3) {
                g += dx[0] * Constants::penaltyTurning * Constants::penaltyReversing * Constants::penaltyCOD;
            } else {
                g += dx[0] * Constants::penaltyTurning * Constants::penaltyReversing;
        } else {
            g += dx[0] * Constants::penaltyReversing;


for updateG function, take forward motion as an example,

  • if the motion of last step is the same as this one, g = g + d x [ 0 ] g=g+dx[0] g=g+dx[0]
  • else, will add other penalty
    • if the two motion is both forward, add a slight penalty
    • else, add a heavier penalty

I doubt about whether this method can satisfy dynamic constraint.

2.4.2 Dubins

dubinsShot seems to be the one out of some complex data structure, so let’s analyse it secondly.

Node3D* dubinsShot(Node3D& start, const Node3D& goal, CollisionDetection& configurationSpace) {
    // start
    double q0[] = { start.getX(), start.getY(), start.getT() };
    // goal
    double q1[] = { goal.getX(), goal.getY(), goal.getT() };
    // initialize the path
    DubinsPath path;
    // calculate the path
    dubins_init(q0, q1, Constants::r, &path);

    int i = 0;
    float x = 0.f;
    float length = dubins_path_length(&path);

    Node3D* dubinsNodes = new Node3D [(int)(length / Constants::dubinsStepSize) + 1];

    // avoid duplicate waypoint
    x += Constants::dubinsStepSize;
    while (x <  length) {
        double q[3];
        dubins_path_sample(&path, x, q);

        // collision check
        if (configurationSpace.isTraversable(&dubinsNodes[i])) {
            // set the predecessor to the previous step
            if (i > 0) {
                dubinsNodes[i].setPred(&dubinsNodes[i - 1]);
            } else {

            if (&dubinsNodes[i] == dubinsNodes[i].getPred()) {
                std::cout << "looping shot";

            x += Constants::dubinsStepSize;
        } else {
            //      std::cout << "Dubins shot collided, discarding the path" << "\n";
            // delete all nodes
            delete [] dubinsNodes;
            return nullptr;

    //  std::cout << "Dubins shot connected, returning the path" << "\n";
    return &dubinsNodes[i - 1];

in the dubins.cpp, there is a detailed method.

2.4.3 Conventional A star

Let’s look back at conventional a star,


and they are basically the same. though the name of variables of this code is a little uncomfortable to an OCD patient like me.

2.4.4 Update H

we know that f = g + h f=g+h f=g+h, and g g g is related to the node’s predecessor.

h h h is associated with the position from node to goal, for conventional A star this can be x 2 + y 2 \sqrt{x^2+y^2} x2+y2 . However, if θ \theta θ is being considered, this f f f could be more complicated, so the author has a function in algorithm.cpp to illustrate it.

one is to use Reed and Sheep curves to get cost,

    if (Constants::reverse && !Constants::dubins) {
        ompl::base::ReedsSheppStateSpace reedsSheppPath(Constants::r);
        State* rsStart = (State*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();  // ompl::base::SE2StateSpace::StateType State
        State* rsEnd = (State*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();
        rsStart->setXY(start.getX(), start.getY());
        rsEnd->setXY(goal.getX(), goal.getY());
        reedsSheppCost = reedsSheppPath.distance(rsStart, rsEnd);

remind that the start and goal denote two points in space, not the exactly start and goal position.

the second is 2-D heuristic,

    // if twoD heuristic is activated determine the shortest path
    // unconstrained with obstacles
    if (Constants::twoD && !nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].isDiscovered()) {
        //    ros::Time t0 = ros::Time::now();
        // create a 2d start node
        Node2D start2d(start.getX(), start.getY(), 0, 0, nullptr);
        // create a 2d goal node
        Node2D goal2d(goal.getX(), goal.getY(), 0, 0, nullptr);
        // run 2d astar and return the cost of the cheapest path for that node
        nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].setG(aStar(goal2d,
                                                                          start2d, nodes2D,
                                                                          width, height,

    if (Constants::twoD) {
        // offset for same node in cell
        twoDoffset = sqrt(((start.getX() - (long)start.getX()) - (goal.getX() - (long)goal.getX())) * ((start.getX() -
                          (long)start.getX()) - (goal.getX() - (long)goal.getX())) +
                          ((start.getY() - (long)start.getY()) - (goal.getY() -
                          (long)goal.getY())) * ((start.getY() - (long)start.getY()) - (goal.getY() - (long)goal.getY())));
        twoDCost = nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].getG() - twoDoffset;
        // FIXME: why getG() here, isn't the function update H?

    start.setH(std::max(reedsSheppCost, std::max(dubinsCost, twoDCost)));

since dubins is default false, the last lambda is:

start.setG(std::max(reedsSheppCost, twoDCost));


why the biggest?

writer said in the comment, for admissible.

assume that A star with a smaller cost, while Reed and Sheep is the shortest path in theory when the obstacles are not taken into consideration.

So there only left with one solution, conventional A star is heavily not dynamic allowable. In this situation, a greater cost is admissible for forward planning.

Remind that updateH in Node2D gets the Euclid distance.

2.4.5 Hybrid A star process

if goal, stop and return this successor node
if within dubins search and collision free, use the dubins path
else, proceed normal search
	if successor is valid and isn't obstacle,
		if successor is not in close list and has the same index as the predecessor,
			update G and set new G
			if successor not on open list or found a shorter way to the cell
				get H, update H using updateH in algorithm.cpp
				if the successor is in the same cell but the f value is larger
					delete and continue
				else if successor is in the same cell and the C value is lower
					set predecessor to predecessor of predecessor

2.5 Non-linear optimization and Non-parametric interpolation

In this part, we’ll focus on smoother.cpp and its header.

after the hybrid a star process, now come to optimization.

in main.cpp

        // TRACE THE PATH
        // SMOOTH THE PATH

and in the planner.h

    /// The path produced by the hybrid A* algorithm
    Path path;
    /// The smoother used for optimizing the path
    Smoother smoother;
    /// The path smoothed and ready for the controller
    Path smoothedPath = Path(true);
    /// The visualization used for search visualization

there are several class variables.

2.5.1 trace path

definition of this function:

        \brief Given a node pointer the path to the root node will be traced recursively
        \param node a 3D node, usually the goal node
        \param i a parameter for counting the number of nodes
    void tracePath(const Node3D* node, int i = 0, std::vector<Node3D> path = std::vector<Node3D>());

3 parameters, including one default parameter path.

void Smoother::tracePath(const Node3D* node, int i, std::vector<Node3D> path) {
    if (node == nullptr) {
        this->path = path;

    tracePath(node->getPred(), i, path);

In planner,


nSolution is a variable of Node3D* type.


2.5.2 update path

analyze the function updatePath.

3. Tricks


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    在ubuntu系统下安装缺少的字体 cite Ubuntu LaTeX 环境配置 https www cnblogs com xqmeng p 13931222 html 第一步 xff1a 下载缺少的字体 xff08 这里保证下载字体的名
  • 【数学知识】质数与质因子

    一 质数 1 概念 质数又称素数 一个大于1的自然数 xff0c 除了1和它自身外 xff0c 不能被其他自然数整除的数叫做质数 xff0c 否则称为合数 规定1既不是质数也不是合数质数的个数是无穷的 2 例题 xff1a AcWing 3
