如何在 Matplotlib 中使用带有形状内文本的自定义标记?



在 Matplotlib 中,我们可以使用 mathtext 作为标记来渲染字符串$ ..... $ (参考文献1 https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/api/markers_api.html)


有什么方法可以将此文本封装在圆形或矩形框或任何不同的形状中吗?类似于如图所示的注册符号here https://maxcdn.icons8.com/Share/icon/p1em/Business/registered_trademark1600.png

I want to use this marker on a plot as shown below: Text '$T$' is used in this plot, I want the text to be enclosed in a circle or rectangle



As suggested in the comments of the answer, I have plotted a square marker of a bit larger size before the text marker. This resolved the issue. The final figure is shown below:




import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.markers as m

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lim = -5.8, 5.7
ax.set(xlim = lim, ylim = lim)

marker_obj = m.MarkerStyle('$?$') #Here you place your letter
path = marker_obj.get_path().transformed(marker_obj.get_transform())

path._vertices = np.array(path._vertices)*8 #To make it larger
patch = mpl.patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor="cornflowerblue", lw=2)

def translate_verts(patch, i=0, j=0, z=None):
    patch._path._vertices = patch._path._vertices + [i, j]

def rescale_verts(patch, factor = 1):
    patch._path._vertices = patch._path._vertices * factor

#translate_verts(patch, i=-0.7, j=-0.1)

circ = mpl.patches.Arc([0,0], 11, 11,
                       angle=0.0, theta1=0.0, theta2=360.0,
                       lw=10, facecolor = "cornflowerblue",
                       edgecolor = "black")
ax.add_patch(circ)#One of the rings around the questionmark

circ = mpl.patches.Arc([0,0], 10.5, 10.5,
                       angle=0.0, theta1=0.0, theta2=360.0,
                       lw=10, edgecolor = "cornflowerblue")
ax.add_patch(circ)#Another one of the rings around the question mark

circ = mpl.patches.Arc([0,0], 10, 10,
                       angle=0.0, theta1=0.0, theta2=360.0,
                       lw=10, edgecolor = "black")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1])
    #plt.savefig("question.png", dpi=40)

编辑,第二个答案: 创建由其他补丁组成的自定义补丁:

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d

class PlanetPatch(mpl.patches.Circle):
        This class combines many patches to make a custom patch
        The best way to reproduce such a thing is to read the
        source code for all patches you plan on combining.
        Also make use of ratios as often as possible to maintain
        proportionality between patches of different sizes"""
    cz = 0
    def __init__(self, xy, radius,
                 color = None, linewidth = 20,
                 edgecolor = "black", ringcolor = "white",
                 *args, **kwargs):
        ratio = radius/6
        mpl.patches.Circle.__init__(self, xy, radius,
                                    linewidth = linewidth*ratio,
                                    color = color,
                                    zorder = PlanetPatch.cz,
                                    *args, **kwargs)
        xy_ringcontour = np.array(xy)+[0, radius*-0.2/6]
        self.xy_ringcontour = xy_ringcontour - np.array(xy)
        self.ring_contour = mpl.patches.Arc(xy_ringcontour,
                                15*radius/6, 4*radius/6,
                                angle =10, theta1 = 165,
                                theta2 = 14.5,
                                fill = False, 
                                linewidth = 65*linewidth*ratio/20,
                                zorder = 1+PlanetPatch.cz)

        self.ring_inner = mpl.patches.Arc(xy_ringcontour,
                                 15*radius/6, 4*radius/6,
                                 angle = 10, theta1 = 165 ,
                                 theta2 = 14.5,fill = False,
                                 linewidth = 36*linewidth*ratio/20,
                                 zorder = 2+PlanetPatch.cz)

        self.top = mpl.patches.Wedge([0,0], radius, theta1 = 8,
                                     theta2 = 192,
        self.xy_init = xy

        self.ring_contour._edgecolor = self._edgecolor
        self.top._facecolor = self._facecolor

    def add_to_ax(self, ax):

    def translate(self, dx, dy):
        self._center = self.center + [dx,dy]
        self.ring_inner._center = self.ring_inner._center +[dx, dy]
        self.ring_contour._center = self.ring_contour._center + [dx,dy]
        self.top._path._vertices = self.top._path._vertices + [dx,dy]

    def set_xy(self, new_xy):
        """As you can see all patches have different ways
            to have their positions updated"""
        new_xy = np.array(new_xy)
        self._center = new_xy
        self.ring_inner._center = self.xy_ringcontour + new_xy
        self.ring_contour._center = self.xy_ringcontour + new_xy
        self.top._path._vertices += new_xy - self.xy_init 

fig  = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
lim = -8.5, 8.6
ax.set(xlim = lim, ylim = lim,
       facecolor = "black")
planets = []
colors = mpl.colors.cnames
colors = [c for c in colors]
for x in range(100):
    xy = np.random.randint(-7, 7, 2)
    r = np.random.randint(1, 15)/30
    color = np.random.choice(colors)
    planet = PlanetPatch(xy, r, linewidth = 20,
                         color = color,
                         ringcolor = np.random.choice(colors),
                         edgecolor = np.random.choice(colors))

#plt.savefig("planet.png", dpi=10)


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