@Qualifier 的问题


我正在 Java Spring 环境中工作,并且在让 @Qualifier 工作时遇到问题。我们项目的其他部分正在使用 @Inject 来获取一个 bean,但我需要有同一个 bean 的两个版本,看起来使用 @Autowired 和 @Qualifier 应该可以解决问题,但我无法让它们工作。我可能错过了一件小事,但没有运气找到答案。


public class MongoDbConfig {
    public MongoTemplate getSourceTemplate() {
        MongoTemplate mt = new MongoTemplate(getMongoDbFactory(sourceServers, sourceDatabaseName));
        return mt;

    public MongoTemplate getDestinationTemplate() {
        MongoTemplate mt = new MongoTemplate(getMongoDbFactory(destinationServers, destinationDatabaseName));
        return mt;

public class SourceDaoImpl implements SourceDao {
    private MongoOperations mongoOps;

public class DestinationDaoImpl implements DestinationDao {
    private MongoOperations mongoOps;


Parameter 1 of method gridFsTemplate in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.mongo.MongoDataAutoConfiguration required a single bean, but 2 were found:
    - sourceTemplate: defined by method 'getSourceTemplate' in MongoDbConfig
    - destinationTemplate: defined by method 'getDestinationTemplate' in MongoDbConfig


Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed



public class MongoDbConfig {
    @Bean(name = {"sourceTemplate", "mongoTemplate"})
    public MongoTemplate getSourceTemplate() {
        MongoTemplate mt = new MongoTemplate(getMongoDbFactory(sourceServers, sourceDatabaseName));
        return mt;

    public MongoTemplate getDestinationTemplate() {
        MongoTemplate mt = new MongoTemplate(getMongoDbFactory(destinationServers, destinationDatabaseName));
        return mt;

public class SourceDaoImpl implements SourceDao {
    private MongoOperations mongoOps;

public class DestinationDaoImpl implements DestinationDao {
    private MongoOperations mongoOps;



    public GridFsTemplate gridFsTemplate(MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory,
            MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
        return new GridFsTemplate(
                new GridFsMongoDbFactory(mongoDbFactory, this.properties),

in MongoDataAutoConfiguration需要名称为“mongoTemplate”的 MongoTemplate bean,但无法找到该 bean,而是您定义了自己的另外 2 个 bean“sourceTemplate”和“destinationTemplate”。



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