BackboneJS 重新排列集合中模型的最佳方法,同时维护每个模型的 0 索引序数属性


我在这里遇到一个问题,我有一个 BackboneJS 模型的集合,每个模型都有一个“序数”属性来跟踪其在集合中的顺序。


var ex_group_test_data = [{

            title: 'PRE EXERCISE',
            id:         0,
            ordinal:    1,

            group_items: [{
                id:         0,
                ordinal:    0,
                title: 'item 1'
                id:         1,
                ordinal:    1,
                title: 'item 2'


            title: 'MAIN PART',
            id:         1,
            ordinal:    0,

            group_items: [{
                id:             2,
                ordinal:        0,
                title:          'item 3',
                description:    'testing descrip'
                id:         3,
                ordinal:    1,
                title: 'item 4'


            title: 'POST EXERCISE BS',
            id:         2,
            ordinal:    2,

            group_items: [{
                id:             2,
                ordinal:        0,
                title:          'item 5',
                description:    'testing descrip'
                id:         3,
                ordinal:    1,
                title: 'item 6'



        Collections.Exercise_Groups = Backbone.Collection.extend({
            model: Models.Exercise_Group,
            comparator: function(model){
                return model.get('ordinal');
            initialize: function(){

                return this;

从简单开始,我希望能够获取一个模型并将其移动 +1 或 -1 序数,并维护集合中所有模型的 0 索引。

最终,我希望将其提升到一个水平,即我可以放入模型或将它们从任何位置移除,但仍保持 0 索引,或者采用模型并将其移动 +/- X 位置。



我已经找到了一个解决方案,明天我真正睡一觉后我可能想优化它。无论我相对于原始位置向前还是向后移动模型,它都会保持集合中模型“序数”的 0 索引。

EDIT 2呃,实际上它在边缘案例上有错误。

             * Move model to a specified location. 
             * @param   int [model id]
             * @param   int [mew item position]
             * @return  this
            move_to: function(m_id, new_pos){

                //keep within range
                if(new_pos < 0)
                    new_pos = 0;
                else if(new_pos > (this.length - 1))
                    new_pos = this.length - 1;

                var model = this.get(m_id),
                    old_pos = model.get('ordinal');

                    ordinal: new_pos
                if(new_pos == old_pos){
                    //trigger associated events
                    return this;

                //update indexes of affected models

                    //ordinal of current model in loop
                    var m_ordinal = m.get('ordinal');

                    //skip if this is the model we just updated
                    if(m.get('id') == m_id)

                    if(old_pos < new_pos){
                        //moving down, ordinal is increasing

                        if(m_ordinal <= new_pos && m_ordinal != 0){
                            //this is in the range we care about
                                ordinal: m.get('ordinal') - 1


                    }else if(old_pos > new_pos){
                        //moving up, ordinal is decreasing                  

                        if(m_ordinal >= new_pos && (m_ordinal != (this.length - 1))){
                            //this is in the range we care about
                                ordinal: m.get('ordinal') + 1




                return this;


EDIT 3好吧,我想我已经解决了所有问题,一些简单的范围问题。这是我已经彻底测试过的一些代码,我相信它是有效的。

                 * Move model to a specified location. 
                 * @param   int [model id]
                 * @param   int [mew item position]
                 * @return  this
                move_to: function(m_id, new_pos){

                    //keep within range
                    if(new_pos < 0)
                        new_pos = 0;
                    else if(new_pos > (this.length - 1))
                        new_pos = this.length - 1;

                    var model = this.get(m_id),
                        old_pos = model.get('ordinal');

                    log('old_pos ' + old_pos);
                    log('new_pos ' + new_pos);

                        ordinal: new_pos
                    if(old_pos == new_pos){
                        //trigger associated events
                        return this;

                    var _this = this;
                    //update indexes of affected models

                        //ordinal of current model in loop
                        var m_ordinal = m.get('ordinal');

                        //skip if this is the model we just updated
                        if(m.get('id') == m_id)

                        if(old_pos < new_pos){
                            //moving down, ordinal is increasing

                            if(m_ordinal <= new_pos && !(m_ordinal <= 0)){
                                //this is in the range we care about
                                    ordinal: m.get('ordinal') - 1


                        }else if(old_pos > new_pos){
                            //moving up, ordinal is decreasing                  

                            if(m_ordinal >= new_pos && !(m_ordinal >= (_this.length - 1))){
                                //this is in the range we care about
                                    ordinal: m.get('ordinal') + 1




                    return this;




Backbone.Collection.prototype.move_to = function(m_id, new_pos) {

    //keep within range
    if(new_pos < 0)
        new_pos = 0;
    else if(new_pos > (this.length - 1))
        new_pos = this.length - 1;

    var model = this.get(m_id),
        old_pos = model.get('ordinal');

    log('old_pos ' + old_pos);
    log('new_pos ' + new_pos);

        ordinal: new_pos
    if(old_pos == new_pos){
        //trigger associated events
        return this;

    var _this = this;
    //update indexes of affected models


        //ordinal of current model in loop
        var m_ordinal = m.get('ordinal');

        //skip if this is the model we just updated
        if(m.get('id') == m_id)

        if(old_pos < new_pos){
            //moving down, ordinal is increasing

            if(m_ordinal <= new_pos && m_ordinal >= old_pos && !(m_ordinal <= 0)){
                //this is in the range we care about
                    ordinal: m.get('ordinal') - 1
                }, {
                    silent: true


        }else if(old_pos > new_pos){
            //moving up, ordinal is decreasing                  

            if(m_ordinal >= new_pos && m_ordinal <= old_pos && !(m_ordinal >= (_this.length - 1))){
                //this is in the range we care about
                    ordinal: m.get('ordinal') + 1
                }, {
                    silent: true




    return this;


collectionName.add(model, {at: index});


// Your Collection

removeAt: function(options) {
  if ( {

对于+1 / -1,您可以创建自定义函数并使用内置下划线indexOf函数

// Your Collection

moveUp: function(model) { // I see move up as the -1
  var index = this.indexOf(model);
  if (index > 0) {
    this.remove(model, {silent: true}); // silence this to stop excess event triggers
    this.add(model, {at: index-1});

moveDown: function(model) { // I see move up as the -1
  var index = this.indexOf(model);
  if (index < this.models.length) {
    this.remove(model, {silent: true}); // silence this to stop excess event triggers
    this.add(model, {at: index+1});

通过这种方式,您还可以将 moveUp 和 moveDown 实现到模型本身,以获得更易于阅读的代码!

// Your Model

moveUp: function() {

// And the same for moveDown

但现在索引属性不保存在模型本身中。要读取索引只需使用collection.indexOf(model),但是如果您想始终将该信息存储在模型中,您可以绑定到add and remove当对集合进行更改时更新所有索引的事件:

// Your collection

initialize: function(options?) {
  this.on('add remove', this.updateModelOrdinals);


updateModelOrdinals: function() {
  this.each(function(model, index) {
    this.model.set('ordinal', index);

瞧!现在您应该拥有所需的功能,而无需重新发明轮子,并且仍然使用 Backbone 自己的功能保持 0 索引!抱歉,有点得意忘形,请问我是否超出了你的理解范围。并阅读backbone.js 源代码,你可以在那里找到非常有用的东西!



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