C++ 将数据输入私有向量时出现问题(无效使用)


我有一个“Account”类的向量。它是 BankingSystem 类私有的。这是我如何定义它们的。


struct newAccount
string firstName;
string lastName;
string accountPass;
int accountID;
float accountBalance;

}; //end of structure newAccount

class Account
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string accountPass;
    int accountID;
    float accountBalance;

    int depositAmount;
    int withdrawAmount;

    static newAccount createAccount( int, float, string, string, string );  //creates new account
    void deposit( int );    //deposits money into account
    void withdraw(int);     //withdrawals money from account
    int retdeposit() const; //function to return balance amount
    friend class BankingSystem;

}; //end of class Account


class BankingSystem
    int accountID;
    char fileName;

    std::vector<Account> accounts_;

    static void addAccount();
    static void storeAccount( newAccount );
    void deleteAccount();
    void accountInquiry();
    void saveAccounts();
    void loadAccountsFromFile();
    friend class Account;

}; // end of class BankingSystem



void BankingSystem::addAccount()
int ID;
float balance;
std::string pass, first, last;

cout << "\n\t Enter the Account ID: ";
cin >> ID;
cout << "\n\t Enter the passcode: ";
cin >> pass;
cout << "\n\t Enter Client's first name: ";
cin >> first;
cout << "\n\t Enter Client's last name: ";
cin >> last;
cout << "\n\t Enter starting balance: ";
cin >> setw(6) >> balance;

storeAccount( Account::createAccount( ID, balance, pass, first, last ) );




newAccount Account::createAccount( int ID, float balance, string first, string last, string pass )
newAccount a;
a.accountID = ID;
a.accountBalance = balance;
a.firstName = first;
a.lastName = last;
a.accountPass = pass;

return a;


3)将帐户存储在Banking System.h中

void BankingSystem::storeAccount( newAccount a )


除了将数据存储在向量中之外,一切都工作正常。线路accounts_.push_back(a);有这个错误; “在静态成员函数中无效使用成员‘accounts_’。”

静态方法无权访问类实例(没有this)所以里面storeAccount and addAccount会员accounts_不存在。

仅供参考: return 语句之后不会执行任何内容,因此该行cout << "\n\t Account ID: " << a.accountID << " added successfully.";在您当前的代码中相当无用。


using namespace std;

class Account
private: // data members
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string accountPass;
    int accountID;
    float accountBalance;

    // constructor that initializes members
    Account(int id, float bal, const string& fname, const string& lname, const string& pass)
        : accountID(id), accountBalance(bal), firstName(fname), lastName(lname), accountPass(pass) {}

}; //end of class Account

class BankingSystem
private: // data members
    int accountID;
    char fileName;
    vector<Account> accounts_;

    void addAccount()
        int ID;
        float balance;
        string pass, first, last;

        // prompt input, initialize values, etc

            // construct a new Account from values and add it to vector
        accounts_.push_back(Account(ID, balance, first, last, pass));
    void storeAccount( const Account& newAccount )
            // add an already initialized account

}; // end of class BankingSystem

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