IIS 8.5应用程序初始化和Windows身份验证


我正在尝试使用 IIS 8.5 上的应用程序初始化模块来预热 Intranet 应用程序。设置正确并且预热有效,但是一旦我禁用匿名身份验证,应用程序就不再预加载(内存使用量仅为 20mb,而初始化访问站点时内存使用量约为 200mb)。

由于这些是需要身份验证的 Intranet 应用程序,因此我们传统上始终仅启用 Windows 身份验证并禁用匿名身份验证。

我正在寻找一种方法来保留此设置并进行应用程序初始化工作。 我发现这一页 http://weblog.west-wind.com/posts/2013/Oct/02/Use-IIS-Application-Initialization-for-keeping-ASPNET-Apps-alive/IIS 正在使用NT 当局\IUSR对于请求。


  1. 启用匿名身份验证。
  2. 更改用于发出请求的帐户。


简而言之,我建议允许非 SSL 匿名访问,例如单个 Init.aspx 页面在您的每个应用程序中。为此,我在我的应用程序中添加了这样一个页面,其中包含文档,以帮助后续管理员/开发人员在必须将代码移动到新服务器时弄清楚如何使其工作。

一个特别帮助我弄清楚如何让它工作的参考资料是web.config 的参考<applicationInitialization> tag http://www.iis.net/configreference/system.webserver/applicationinitialization.

这是我添加到我的应用程序中的 Init.aspx 页面,以防您想使用它的衍生版本:

<%@Page ContentType="text/plain" Language="C#" EnableSessionState="False" EnableViewState="false" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableTheming="false" StylesheetTheme="" Theme="" %>

The built-in application initialization/preload feature can help in situations where the application takes a while to 
start and/or in situations where some components of the site run as services (e.g. performing scheduled tasks).  This 
feature will make sure that the site is quick when the first user visits the site after a restart and/or will ensure that 
scheduled processes are up and running regardless of when people use the site.

Requirements/procedure for application initialization/preload:
(The procedure is slightly different in versions of IIS before 8.5 because there are no UI options.  Must instead alter
applicationHost.config.  See additional reading for more info.)

1.  Set the app pool for the application to "AlwaysRunning" :
    (IIS Manager > Application Pools > YourAppPoolHere > Advanced Settings... > Start Mode)

2.  Enable Preload: (IIS Manager > Sites> YourSiteOrAppHere > Advanced Settings... > Preload Enabled)

3.  Set initialization properties in the web.config.  e.g.:
      <applicationInitialization doAppInitAfterRestart="true">
        <add initializationPage="/PathToYourApp/Init.aspx" hostName="YourWebsiteNameHere.com" />
    See this reference for more info (which can be very important):

4.  Make the Init.aspx page accessible via HTTP with Anonymous access (which may entail one or more of the following).
      - Set NTFS Permissions on the file to include the IUSR (or Everyone) security principal.
      - Adjust the Authentication, Authorization Rules, IP Address Restrictions, SSL Settings, and any other restrictions 
        for *only* the Init.aspx page:
          4.1  IIS Manager > Sites > YourSiteOrAppHere 
          4.2  Switch from 'Features View' to 'Content View' 
          4.3  Find this Init.aspx page in the right pane and highlight it 
          4.4  Switch back from 'Content View' to 'Features View' once the Init.aspx page is selected.
          4.5  You should now see Init.aspx in the tree view in the left pane.  You can now adjust the access restrictions 
               on just this page (e.g. disable SSL, enable anonymous, etc.)
               Some stuff like this might be in your config:
                 <location path="Init.aspx"><system.webServer><security><authorization>
                   <add accessType="Allow" users="?" />

Additional Reading:

  Some decent guides on installing and enabling Application Initialization:

  The reference for the init parameters:


Note that by the time the code gets to this page, the code in your Global.asax Application_Start and/or any 
Application_Start HTTP Modules will already have fired, so you may not have any extra work to do here.  This page could 
simply be a dummy page.

TO DO: Add any extra initialization tasks outside of the comment section here if you really want to. e.g.:

//.. and last, just write some dummy text if you ever want to see this page in a browser:
Application Initialized.

IIS 8.5应用程序初始化和Windows身份验证 的相关文章
