


function getRandomLowNumber(min=1,max=100,factor=1){
  let num = getRandomDecimal(min,max);
  let rollDiff = num - min;
  let percent = (rollDiff) / (max - min);
  percent = 1 - (1 - percent) / factor;
  return Math.round(rollDiff * percent + min);

我希望它在因子决定曲线的地方起作用,因此因子 1 意味着最小和最大范围内的所有数字都有相同的可能性,但 0.5 意味着下降,其中 2 的可能性是 1 的一半,3 的可能性是 1 的一半可能为 2,依此类推。不过,我在动态地弄清楚它时遇到了很多麻烦。


如果我们以 0.5 为例,对于每个后继者,其概率应减半,我们会得到如下事件集:

#1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

对于 min=0、max=2 以及 max=3 的情况:

#1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3

注意到什么了吗?如果 max=2,则该集合由 7 (2^3 - 1) 元素,如果 max=3 则为 15 (2^4 - 1)。因此,对于任意最大值,我们需要获取事件集2^(max+1) - 1元素。


  • 创建一个范围内的随机数1 .. 2^(max+1)-1(均等分配)
  • 将此数字映射到集合中所示的相应结果

第一个任务很简单,只需调用getRandomNumber(1,2^(max+1)-1)。 第二个是通过计算该随机数以 2 为底的对数并从差值到最大值构建下限来完成的:

// for max==3 you get:
// rndnum :  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'0'1'2'3'4'5
// expflr :  0 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
// rndres :  3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
int rndnum = getRandomNumber(1, Math.pow(2, max+1) - 1);
int expflr = Math.floor(log2(rndnum));
int rndres = max - expflr;

What if min != 0?
这很容易处理:我们只需从 max 中减去它并将其添加到最终结果中即可。

0.5 以外的分布又如何呢?
我们在公式中看到的臭名昭著的2只不过是1/0.5。对于任意值,我们将 2 替换为1/factor(来自您的主题的系数,范围从 0 到 1)。
集合中事件的数量由下式给出(1/factor)^0 + (1/factor)^1 + (1/factor)^2 + ...这等于((1/factor)^(max+1) - 1) / (1/factor - 1).


double base = 1.0 / factor;
int evtcnt = Math.floor(Math.pow(base, max-min+1) - 1) / (base-1));
int rndnum = getRandomNumber(1, evtcnt);
int expflr = Math.floor(logb((rndnum-1) * (base-1) + 1, base));
int rndres = max - expflr;

注意log2 and logbJava 中不存在,但您可以使用以下命令定义它们log10(val) / log10(2.0) resp log10(val) / log10(base).

function logb(val, base) {
    return Math.log10(val) / Math.log10(base);
function getRandomNumber(min,max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
function getRandomLowNumber(min, max, factor) {
    var base = 1.0 / factor;
    var evtcnt = Math.floor(Math.pow(base, max-min+1) - 1) / (base-1);
    var rndnum = getRandomNumber(1, evtcnt);
    var expflr = Math.floor(logb((rndnum-1) * (base-1) + 1, base));
    var rndres = max - expflr;
    return rndres;
function runit() {
    var min = document.getElementById('input-min').value;
    var max = document.getElementById('input-max').value;
    var factor = document.getElementById('input-factor').value;
    var times = document.getElementById('input-times').value;
    var list = {};

    for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        var number = getRandomLowNumber(min, max, factor);
        if (typeof list[number] == 'number') {
        } else {
            list[number] = 1;
    console.log('Min: ', min);
    console.log('Max: ', max);
    console.log('Factor: ', factor);
    console.log('Iterations: ', times);
    console.log('List: ', list);
function runClippy() {
    var name = 'Clippy';
    if (clippy.load._data[name]) {
    clippy.load(name, function(agent) {
      var animations = agent.animations();
      $('.js-states').text(animations.join(' '));
      agent.moveTo(400, 30);
      agent.speak("Hello, I see you're trying to run this sample. My name is " + name + " and yacc sent me here to help.");
      agent.moveTo(200, 100);
      agent.speak("There are four input fields to put parameters.");
      agent.moveTo(300, 50);
      agent.speak("The first two specify the minimum and maximum random value.");
      agent.speak("I'll put starting values for you here.");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
      agent.speak("The next field specifies the factor that will decrease the probability for each successor. It should range between 0 (exclusively) and 1. Let's try a value here.");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
      agent.moveTo(550, 70);
      agent.speak("The final input field is used to specify the amount of random numbers to generate. I'll fill it in for you.");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
      agent.speak("Now, did you notice the big button at the bottom of the form? You can push it to start the calculation.");
      agent.moveTo(50, 120);
      agent.speak("Be careful with the amount of calculations. If the task takes too long, it might be aborted.");
      agent.moveTo(630, 200);
      agent.speak("So, now you can start on your own calculation of randoms. Be sure to fill in the fields properly, so that min <= max, or 0 < factor <= 1. Our lab is so busy at the moment that we spared a few safety belts.");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?");
      agent.moveTo(400, 30);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please describe in short what you are trying to achieve");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?\n\n# What is the problem you're facing?");
      agent.moveTo(400, 70);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please describe the error you're getting, and/or post the error message you're getting");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?\n\n# What is the problem you're facing?\n\n#Show the code causing the problem");
      agent.moveTo(400, 90);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please post the code that causes your problem. Try to post it without clutter or unrelated code.");
      agent.speak("People who answer should be able to use your code to reproduce the error. Please lookup MVCE in the stack overflow help .");
      agent.moveTo(630, 200);
  // $('.wmd-input').one('focus', function() {runClippy();});
  $('.input-min').one('focus', runClippy);
  $('.input-max').one('focus', runClippy);
  $('.input-factor').one('focus', runClippy);
  $('.input-times').one('focus', runClippy);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://cdn.rawgit.com/smore-inc/clippy.js/master/build/clippy.css'>
<!--link rel="stylesheet prefetch" href="https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/all.css?v=b0fb54f66683"-->
<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/smore-inc/clippy.js/master/build/clippy.min.js'></script>
Min: <input value="0" id="input-min" class="input-min processed">
Max: <input value="100" id="input-max" class="input-max processed"><br>
Factor: <input value="0.5" id="input-factor" class="input-factor processed"><br>
#-Runs: <input value="1000000" id="input-times" class="input-times processed"><br>
<button style="float: center;" onclick="runit()">---  Run that algorithm  ---</button>

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