Android Studio 3.1.4:ANDROID_SDK_HOME 设置为 SDK 的根目录


Error: SDK Validation ANDROID_SDK_HOME is set to the root of your SDK: C:\Users\Ali Asadullah\AppData\Local\Android\sdk This is the path of the preference folder expected by the Android tools.It should NOT be set to the same as the root of your SDK. Please set it to a different folder or do not set it at all.If this is not set we default to: C:\Users\ I have updated to all the new updates. But still the issue is there. Error: Android Studio 3.1.4

在 android studio 中ANDROID_SDK_HOME环境变量已弃用,删除即可。

please open "project structure" (press ctrl+shift+alt+s in windows) and set as below fig shown: enter image description here


Android Studio 3.1.4:ANDROID_SDK_HOME 设置为 SDK 的根目录 的相关文章
