

@DataPoints public static final Integer[] input1={1,2};
public void test1(int input1){


@DataPoints public static final Integer[] input2={3,4};
public void test2(int input2 ){


我希望 test1 使用数据集 input1 - {1,2} 运行,test2 使用 input2 - {3,4} 运行。但目前每个测试都使用两个数据集 {1,2,3,4} 运行。如何将特定的@DataPoints绑定到特定的@Theorys

使用 JUnit 4.12(不知道什么时候引入的)可以命名数据点并将它们分配给参数(我从http://farenda.com/junit/junit-theories-with-datapoints/ http://farenda.com/junit/junit-theories-with-datapoints/):

    public class TheoriesAndDataPointsTest {
        @DataPoints("a values")
        public static int[] aValues() {
            return new int[]{1, 2};

        @DataPoints("b values")
        public static int[] bValues() {
            return new int[]{3, 4};

        public void theoryForA(@FromDataPoints("a values") int a) {
            System.out.printf("TheoryForA called with a = %d\n", a);

        public void theoryForB(@FromDataPoints("b values") int a) {
            System.out.printf("TheoryForB called with b = %d\n", a);


TheoryForA called with a = 1
TheoryForA called with a = 2
TheoryForB called with b = 3
TheoryForB called with b = 4

如何将数据点与理论联系起来? 的相关文章
