如何向 Skype 聊天室发出 Jenkins 构建状态警报?


我们公司使用 Skype 进行通信,我希望能够在 Jenkins 构建失败(以及恢复时)时向 Skype 聊天室发送警报。


我已经使用了Skype 公共 API http://developer.skype.com/accessories

我所做的是编写一个 Perl 脚本,它使用SkypeAPI http://search.cpan.org/~laomoi/SkypeAPI-0.08/lib/SkypeAPI.pmCPAN模块处理与Skype的通信。它有点笨重,因为该脚本需要在运行 Skype 的桌面上运行。我在自己的桌面上运行它,该桌面始终处于开启状态,但这确实意味着该机器人对于我们团队的其他成员来说似乎就是“我”。

最终结果非常棒 - 每当 jenkins 构建更改状态时,机器人都会向任何通过输入 *alert 注册了兴趣的 Skype 聊天发送消息。此外,任何开发人员都可以通过输入 *jenkins 查看并共享最新的构建状态

第 1 步 - 扩展 SkypeAPI 模块

现在,SkypeAPI 模块非常基本。它的listen()方法中有一个消息循环,用于检查来自Skype客户端的新事件,如果没有,则休眠一会儿。

我希望我的脚本能够挂接到这个循环中,以便我的机器人能够定期检查 Jenkins RSS 提要,因此在使用 ActiveState 包管理器安装 SkypeAPI.pm 后,我对它进行了以下修改:


  qw/api handler_list stop_listen idler/


sub register_idler {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ref_sub = shift;


sub listen {
    my $self = shift;

    my $idler=$self->idler();

    while (!$self->stop_listen) {
        my $message;
            lock @message_list;
            $message = shift @message_list;
        if (not defined $message) {
            if ($idler)
                sleep 0.1;             
        for my $id (sort keys %{$self->handler_list}) {
            $self->handler_list->{$id}->($self, $message);

第 2 步 - 编写机器人脚本

现在该模块的功能更强大了,只需编写一个脚本来充当机器人即可。这是我的 - 我对原始版本进行了一些编辑,因为它包含其他不相关的功能,但它应该为您提供一个起点。

所有依赖模块都可以使用 ActiveState 包管理器安装。

use strict;
use SkypeAPI;
use LWP::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use dirtyRSS;
use Time::Local 'timegm';
use Math::Round;
use Storable;

#CHANGE THIS - where to get jenkins status from
my $jenkinsRss='http://username:[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection/rssLatest';

my %commands=(
    'jenkins'   =>\&cmdJenkins,
    'alert'     =>\&cmdAlert,
    'noalert'   =>\&cmdNoAlert,
    'help'      =>\&cmdHelp,

my $helpMessage=<<HELP;
Who asked for help? Here's all the other special commands I know...

  *jenkins - show status of our platform tests
  *alert - add this room to get automatic notification of build status
  *noalert - cancel notifcations
  *help - displays this message

#status for jenkins tracking
my %builds;
my $lastJenkinsCheck=0;
my $alertRoomsFile='alert.rooms';
my $alertRooms={};

#store jenkins state

#because that was our first fetch, we'll have flagged everything as changed
#but it hasn't really, so we reset those flags

#remember rooms we're supposed to alert

#attach to skype and enter message loop
my $skype = SkypeAPI->new();
my $attached=$skype->attach();


#here are the command handlers
sub cmdJenkins
    my ($chatId, $args)=@_;

    my $message="";
    foreach my $build (keys(%builds))

        #reset changed flag - we've just show the status

    chatmessage($chatId, $message);

sub cmdAlert
    my ($chatId, $args)=@_;

sub cmdNoAlert
    my ($chatId, $args)=@_;

sub cmdHelp
    my ($chatId, $args)=@_;
    chatmessage($chatId, $helpMessage);

#simple helper to transmit a message to a specific chatroom
sub chatmessage
    my ($chatId, $message)=@_;
    my $commandstr="CHATMESSAGE $chatId $message";
    my $command = $skype->create_command( { string => $commandstr}  );

#refreshes our copy of jenkins state, and will flag any builds
#which have changed state since the last check
sub checkJenkins{

    my $xml = get($jenkinsRss);
    my $tree = parse($xml);
    my $items=$tree->{'channel'}->[0]->{'item'};

    foreach my $item (@{$items})
        my $title=$item->{'title'};
        my $link=$item->{'link'};
        my $built=$item->{'lastbuilddate'};

        #print Dumper($item);

        if ($title=~m/^(.*?) #(\d+)\s*(.*)$/)
            my $build=$1;
            my $buildnumber=$2;
            my $status=$3;
            #print "$build\n$buildnumber\n$status\n$link\n$built\n\n";    

            #build in progress, ignore

            if (!exists($builds{$build}))


            if ($status eq '(?)')
                next; #don't update until complete

            #is this status different to last status?
            if ($builds{$build}->{'status'} ne $status)


    #print Dumper(\%builds);


#generates a string suitable for displaying build status in skype
sub formatBuildMessage
    my ($build)=@_;
    my $status=$builds{$build}->{'status'};

    my $smiley=":)";
    if ($status=~m/broken/)

    elsif ($status=~m/\?/)
         #this means the build is being retested, we should skip it

    my $message='';

    if ($builds{$build}->{'in_progress'})
       $message=":| $build - rebuild in progress..."

        my ($y,$mon,$d,$h,$m,$s) = $builds{$build}->{'built'} =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z/;
        my $time = timegm($s,$m,$h,$d,$mon-1,$y);
        my $age=time()-$time;

        my $mins=round($age/60);
        my $hrs=round($age/3600);
        my $days=round($age/86400);

        my $niceage;
        if ($mins<=2)
            $niceage="a few moments ago";
        elsif ($mins<120)
             $niceage="$mins minutes ago";
        elsif ($hrs<48)
             $niceage="$hrs hours ago";
            $niceage="$days days ago";

        $message="$smiley $build last built $niceage $status";
    return $message;

#forget any changes we've flagged
sub resetJenkinsChangeFlags
   foreach my $build (keys(%builds))

#checks for builds which have changed state. Can be called
#often, it will only kick in if 60 seconds have elapsed since
#last check
sub checkForJenkinsChanges
    my $now=time();
    if (($now-$lastJenkinsCheck) < 60)
        #no need, we fetched it recently


    my $message='';

    foreach my $build (keys(%builds))
        if ($builds{$build}->{'changed'})


    if (length($message))
        foreach my $chatId (keys(%$alertRooms))
            chatmessage($chatId, $message);


#adds or removes a room from the alerts
sub addChatroomToAlerts
    my($chatId, $add)=@_;
    if ($add)
        if (exists($alertRooms->{$chatId}))
            chatmessage($chatId, "/me says this room is already getting alerts");
            chatmessage($chatId, "/me added this chatroom to jenkins alerts");
        chatmessage($chatId, "/me removed this chatroom from jenkins alerts");

    store $alertRooms, $alertRoomsFile;

sub loadAlertRooms
    if (-e  $alertRoomsFile)
        $alertRooms = retrieve( $alertRoomsFile);

# Skype event handler
sub onEvent {
    my $skype = shift;
    my $msg = shift;
    #my $command = $skype->create_command( { string => "GET USERSTATUS"}  );
    #print $skype->send_command($command) , "\n";

    #print "handler: $msg\n";

    #an inbound chat message is either
    #MESSAGE 13021257 STATUS RECEIVED (from others)
    #MESSAGE 13021257 STATUS SENT (from us)

    if ($msg =~ m/MESSAGE (\d+) STATUS (SEND|RECEIVED)/)
        my $msgId=$1;

        #get message body
        my $commandstr="GET CHATMESSAGE $msgId BODY";
        my $command = $skype->create_command( { string => $commandstr}  );
        my $output=$skype->send_command($command);

        #if its a message for us...
        if ($output =~ m/MESSAGE $msgId BODY \*([^\s]*)\s*(.*)/i)
            my $botcmd=$1;
            my $botargs=$2;

            $commandstr="GET CHATMESSAGE $msgId CHATNAME";
            $command = $skype->create_command( { string => $commandstr}  );

            if ($output =~ m/MESSAGE $msgId CHATNAME (.*)/)
                my $chatId=$1;
                if (exists($commands{$botcmd}))
                    $commands{$botcmd}->($chatId, $botargs);
                    chatmessage($chatId, "/me suggests trying *help as the robot didn't understand *$botcmd");

#skype idle handler
#Note - SkypeAPI.pm was modified to support this
sub onIdle {
    my $skype = shift;
    sleep 0.1;             

第 3 步 - 运行机器人

如果您已将其另存为 robots.pl,只需打开一个控制台窗口并perl robot.pl应该让它运行。 Skype 会询问您是否允许 perl.exe 与其通信,一旦您确认,就可以开始了!


完美的 :)


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