


Here's an example: enter image description here


这个问题更有趣的变体:分配珠子难题的算法(2)? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35539630/algorithm-for-distributing-beads-puzzle-2


问题可以解决O(n)时间,在第 4 点我给出了一个 JavaScript 实现。如果您想跳过导致该算法的推理,只需滚动到该部分即可。



1. 禁止超车

应该观察到,在最佳解决方案中,珠子永远不会移动以致一个珠子“超过”另一个珠子。这两个珠子的替代解决方案 交换他们的目标槽位总是会得到较低的平方和。

为了形式化一点,假设一颗珠子从槽号移动a to b,另一个来自c to d。要求它们不能逆时针移动。现在让我们假设第一个超越另一个,那么我们就有了所有这些事实:

1. a < b
2. c < d
3. a < c
4. b > d


(b-a)² + (d-c)² > (d-a)² + (b-c)²


b²-2ab+a² + d²-2cd+c² > d²-2ad+a² + b²-2bc+c²
-2ab + -2cd > -2ad + -2bc
ab + cd < ad + bc
a(b-d) < c(b-d)
a < c



2. 仅查看珠子保持相同顺序的解决方案

因此,如果我们给在同一槽中开始的珠子一个(任意)顺序,我们可以说可以找到一个最佳解决方案,其中珠子的顺序与原始输入中的顺序相同(因为排除了超车) )。


3. 循环解至最优解




4. 算法

有了上述所有信息,我在这里展示了用 JavaScript 实现的算法,可以在这个实时片段中进行测试:

function optimalSpread(beadCounts) {
    // Initialisation
    var n = beadCounts.length;
    var solution = {
        // Keep track of sum of squares of moves
        // A move is a number of slots and only be positive (clockwise).
        sumSquares: 0,
        // Keep track of sum of moves.
        sumMoves: 0,
        // Per slot, keep an array with one element per bead, but
        // we start with empty arrays
        movesPerSlotPerBead: [],
    // Build a first a non-optimised solution. 
    // Assign beads in FIFO order to consecutive slots.
    // *move*, when added to the current slot number, identifies the first slot where
    // a bead needs to end up in this solution. Note that this initial solution
    // may do counter-clockwise moves. This will be corrected later.
    // =O(n)
    var move = 0,
        totalBeadCount = 0,
        minMove = 0;
    beadCounts.forEach(function(beadCount, slotId) {
        // check sum
        totalBeadCount += beadCount;
        // See where the next bead would be moved (relative to slot)
        move += beadCount - 1;
        // and keep the minimum value. Can be negative, meaning a 
        // counter clockwise move.
        if (move < minMove) minMove = move;
    // abort if number of beads is not equal to number of slots
    if (totalBeadCount !== n) return {error: "invalid input"}; 
    // Improve solution by making sure there are no counter-clockwise
    // moves, and at least one bead stays unmoved (0).
    // Apply correction we got from previous loop to ensure this.
    // =O(n)
    move = -minMove;
    beadCounts.forEach(function(beadCount, slotId) {
        solution.movesPerSlotPerBead[slotId] = [];
        // Move each bead into next available slot
        for (; beadCount > 0; beadCount--, move++) {
            // Store the move for this bead
            solution.sumMoves += move;
            solution.sumSquares += move*move;
        // Compensate the increment of slotId
    // The solution is now optimal:
    // Cycling counter-clockwise would make at least one bead go that way;
    // Cycling clockwise would increase the sum of squares (as all moves are
    //    non-negative values)
    return solution;

function randomInput(n) {
    // Start with slots having all zero beads:
    beadCounts = Array.from({length: n}, x => 0);
    // Randomly assign beads to slots, keeping a count per slot
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        beadCounts[Math.floor(Math.random() * n)]++;
    return beadCounts;

// Link with I/O
var input = document.getElementById('input');
var randomize = document.getElementById('randomize');
var calculate = document.getElementById('calculate');
var output = document.getElementById('output');

// Capture events
randomize.onclick = function() {
    var n = 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
    input.value = randomInput(n).join(',');

calculate.onclick = function() {
    var beadCounts = input.value.split(',').map(Number);
    var solution = optimalSpread(beadCounts);
    if (solution.error) {
        output.textContent = 'Error: ' + solution.error;
    output.textContent = 
        '\nInput: ' + JSON.stringify(beadCounts) +
        '\nSum of squares of moves: ' + solution.sumSquares +
        '\nSum of moves: ' + solution.sumMoves +
        '\nMoves[slot][bead]: ' + JSON.stringify(solution.movesPerSlotPerBead);
Comma-separated list of number of beads per slot:<br/>
<input id="input" size="40" value="3,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,1,1,0,1,0">
<button id="randomize">Randomize</button><br/>
<button id="calculate">Find optimal spread</button></br>
<pre id="output"></pre>



Input: [3,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,1,1,0,1,0]
Sum of squares of moves: 60
Sum of moves: 26
Moves[slot][bead]: [[1,2,3],[],[2],[],[1],[],[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3],[3],[],[2],[]]

所以示例配置的答案是:60 美元。

B. 附录:无顺时针要求





假设我们有三个珠子和三个插槽,并且每个珠子都通过移动它们移动到了目标插槽x, y and z分别为插槽。例如,如果它们都在槽 0 中,我们可以得到x, y, z值 0、1、2(如果我们想夸大的话,也可以是 -1、0、1,甚至 5、6、7)。






x²+y²+z²   +3    +2(x+y+z)

一般来说,循环具有 n 个珠子的配置会增加此项的平方和:

n + 2.sum(moves)





下面是用 JavaScript 实现的算法:

function optimalSpread(beadCounts) {
    // Initialisation
    var n = beadCounts.length;
    var solution = {
        // Keep track of sum of squares of moves
        // A move is a number of slots and can be negative or positive.
        sumSquares: 0,
        // Keep track of sum of moves.
        sumMoves: 0,
        // Per slot, keep an array with one element per bead, but
        // we start with empty arrays
        movesPerSlotPerBead: [],
    // Build a first a non-optimised solution. 
    // Assign beads in FIFO order to consecutive slots.
    // *move*, when added to the current slot number, identifies the first slot where
    // a bead needs to end up in this solution.
    // =O(n)
    var move = 0,
        totalBeadCount = 0;
    beadCounts.forEach(function(beadCount, slotId) {
        solution.movesPerSlotPerBead[slotId] = [];
        // check sum
        totalBeadCount += beadCount;
        // Move each bead into next available slot
        for (; beadCount > 0; beadCount--, move++) {
            // Store the move for this bead
            solution.sumMoves += move;
            solution.sumSquares += move*move;
        // Compensate the increment of slotId
    // abort if number of beads is not equal to number of slots
    if (totalBeadCount !== n) return {error: "invalid input"}; 
    // See if solution can be improved by shifting all beads in one direction.
    // =O(n)
    bestMoveCorrection = 0;
    while (true) {
        // Improvement is only possible in the direction dictated by sumMoves 
        moveCorrection = (solution.sumMoves < 0 ? 1 : -1);
        // Calculate the delta this brings to sumSquares:
        // (a+1)²+(b+1)²+ ... +(x+1)² = a²+b²+...+x² +n  +2(a+b+...+x) 
        sumSquaresChange = n + moveCorrection * 2 * solution.sumMoves;
        // Stop if this brings no improvement anymore
        if (sumSquaresChange >= 0) break;
        // It is an improvement; keep it
        solution.sumMoves += moveCorrection * n;
        solution.sumSquares += sumSquaresChange;
        bestMoveCorrection += moveCorrection;
    // Apply correction to solution, to make it optimal
    // =O(n)
    solution.movesPerSlotPerBead.forEach(function(moves) {
        moves.forEach(function(move, idx) {
            moves[idx] += bestMoveCorrection;
    return solution;

function randomInput(n) {
    // Start with slots having all zero beads:
    beadCounts = Array.from({length: n}, x => 0);
    // Randomly assign beads to slots, keeping a count per slot
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        beadCounts[Math.floor(Math.random() * n)]++;
    return beadCounts;

// Link with I/O
var input = document.getElementById('input');
var randomize = document.getElementById('randomize');
var calculate = document.getElementById('calculate');
var output = document.getElementById('output');

// Capture events
randomize.onclick = function() {
    var n = 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
    input.value = randomInput(n).join(',');

calculate.onclick = function() {
    var beadCounts = input.value.split(',').map(Number);
    var solution = optimalSpread(beadCounts);
    if (solution.error) {
        output.textContent = 'Error: ' + solution.error;
    output.textContent = 
        '\nInput: ' + JSON.stringify(beadCounts) +
        '\nSum of squares of moves: ' + solution.sumSquares +
        '\nSum of moves: ' + solution.sumMoves +
        '\nMoves[slot][bead]: ' + JSON.stringify(solution.movesPerSlotPerBead);
Comma-separated list of number of beads per slot:<br/>
<input id="input" size="40" value="3,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,1,1,0,1,0">
<button id="randomize">Randomize</button><br/>
<button id="calculate">Find optimal spread</button></br>
<pre id="output"></pre>



Input: [3,0,1,0,1,0,2,2,2,1,1,0,1,0]  
Sum of squares of moves: 12  
Sum of moves: -2  
Moves[slot][bead]: [[-1,0,1],[],[0],[],[-1],[],[-2,-1],[-1,0],[0,1],[1],[1],[],[0],[]]



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